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Survey: Whats Your Main Detecting Environment

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1 hour ago, Chase Goldman said:

Equinox should unlock some great history for you, Randy.  Your permission sounds like the detectorist's version of heaven.


What I would give, to be able to hunt a site like that.  Holy COW!

Congrats to you, Randy.  You DO have the detectorist's version of "heaven!"


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Thanks guys for your kind replies they are much appreciated.

Sorry I can't divulge his Lordships name or the estate location because here in the UK we suffer from scoundrels "Night Hawking" and it is rife they scour about the forums for snippets of detecting site information and then before you know it your permission is like a battle field with holes and scrap all over the place, these "Night Hawkers" are what we call SCUM the lowest of the low.

Good Hunting

Randy Dee


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Funny you should mention, Randy.  I just talked to a guy tonight on another forum who had received permission to a great site, where he was doing really, really well  A couple of guys caught wind of it, and "nighthawked" the site to death...unfilled holes everywhere, whatever trash pieces were dug were left there on the ground...

Of COURSE the end result was, the guy lost his permission, due to the owner being angry about the damage done by the nighthawkers.

That is just low, low, low...

Sad that there are such "bad apples" out there, in it for nothing but themselves...


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95% of my personal hunting is on the east coast Florida beaches.  The other 5% is done in support of a local museum focused on the Seminole Indian wars.  The CTX 3030 is my "go to" machine in both cases with my Excalibur II and XP Deus getting very limited use.  With the fielding of the Equinox, it may become my "go to" multi freq travel machine depending on how it performs and meets my particular needs....that is still TBD.

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16 hours ago, Randy Dee said:

I am eagerly awaiting the collection or delivery of my pre-ordered Equinox and I will be putting to use here in the UK on one of my permissions which is an estate owned by a sitting member of the "House Of Lords" it is a massive estate covering 17,500 acres and myself and two deceased detecting mates gained sole detecting permission some twenty years ago from His Lordship and on this land there crosses two Roman roads, two Roman Villas, a Roman Settlement, a Bronze Age Enclosures & Tumuli , an Anglo Saxon burial site, a site of Saxon habitation and the site of a DMV (Deserted Medieval Village).

Over the years I have used many different makes of metal detectors on this permission and have come about thousands of both relic and coin finds from the Celtic, Roman, Saxon & Medieval periods and many of these finds have been treasure trove and displayed in the British Museum in London and it is this permission where I am looking forward to putting the Equinox to good use.

Good Hunting

Randy Dee     UK

Will you adopt me? I can bring my own detectors.

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3 minutes ago, Champ Ferguson said:

Will you adopt me? I can bring my own detectors.

As long as you don't lumber me with a tribe of kids, I will give it a bit thought. Ha Ha

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Thanks everyone for the great replies. I have two takeaways 

I. I am feeling a bit of site-envy after reading Randy's excellent post and 

2. Based on many of the comments I'm thinking we may give Equinox a case of performance anxiety!

Hopefully, the long arduous wait will soon be over, and we can move on from speculation to reality based postings 

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My house was built 100 years ago.  I have an acre to explore and 3 more next door.  I also have 40 acres of historic land that also has a watershed stream from the Ozark mountain range.  I have located flour gold in that stream and am really looking forward to run the Equinox 800 in search of the source of the flour gold.  Finally, I started this hobby with my grandson and granddaughter so that we can explore outdoors and get away from the "indoor gaming".  They have enjoyed exploring the yard and my granddaughter is a coin magnet.  We have found over 60 coins in the yard including 5 silvers.  There is a bunch more to hunt and the Equinox 800 with help with this iron infested joyful playground of hidden treasure.  Thanks to Steve for all his instructions and insight.  Thanks to all the other contributors to this great forum for keeping the excitement of a new era alive in this hobby.  Happy Hunting Everyone!!!!  Mark 

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