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When Will I Get My Nox? Long Answer And Short One Too


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I am happy for you. There are lots of good dealers that sell detectors and most are guys that just love the sport. I have never dealt with a smaller dealer that did me wrong. I even bought a detector from Steve's old company about 7 yrs ago. The guy that waited in me knew detectors and actually talked me out of a detector he had in stock and ordered one for me and sent it to my home. 

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12 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

The email people are now getting from Cabelas:

Thank you for your order for EQUINOX 800 METAL DETECTOR. The vendor has advised us that the item is currently out of stock and has been backordered. They are expecting to ship approximately the end of March. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused & thank you for your patience.l

Credit where credit is due - Gerry called it right. I still however advise against dealer cross-talk but Gerry was trying to let people know not to get out of whatever dealer line they were in and it is proving to have been good advice for many.

Steve,  Sorry..  All I was trying to do is put out another negative firestorm, (but I should not of added tidbits either).  I just wish folks would spend more time posting Positive things.  Do I feel there were mistakes made, most certainly and I will probably step on my tail again, but hopefully not today.

They are starting to flow and all is looking up. 

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Don’t worry about it Gerry,... people are just trying to get their hands on it any way they can,... Understandable.

Minelab is trying to pump out as many as they can,... Understandable

Dealers are trying to please their customers with the few units they are receiving,... Understandable.

No major hickups as with software or build quality are coming to light,... a breath of fresh air considering other product launches. And it has the ability to update if need be.

It’s business as usual if it were a new Iphone or @pple gadget. But we’ve haven’t seen this kind of feeding frenzy in metal detector land before. The reasonably priced Top performer.


It just has obsoleted a whole lot of stuff. Even tried and trusted relationships :-) Just wish mine would drop out of the sky like the first one did,... Now that would be pretty awesome!!

In stead it will be delivered with the UPS truck as per usual on a daily basis to our shop the same as all the rest of the shipments. Which I haven’t had the time to check out this week due to being stuck behind the chainsaw grinding machine all week!!!

Business as per usual :-)


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No worries Gerry you know me and I know you so I know I can maybe offer what truthfully from my perspective is some helpful advice. I am also reasonably sane most of the time and so if I actually am off base myself well just say so! :smile:

I do make mistakes but bottom line is I am just trying my best to be a decent moderator so thanks again to everyone. To me stuff boils down to intent and I know we are all just trying hard to help each other.

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After reading the post on the Equinox 800 being in stock and available at Cabela's, I popped over to the Cabela's site that morning. found the 800, added it to my shopping cart and went most of the way through the buying process.  I selected FREESHIP to 'save' some money, winced at the sale tax added to the order and stared at the screen. Hmmm.  That doesn't seem right.

I have to say that my 'hackles' rose a bit that I've waited on my dealers 'pre-order' list since September 21st, (5 months) and to have Minelab go and do this really irked me.  I was on Findmall at that moment and even wrote a bit of a scathing response, under a "Cabela's Has Equinox's in Stock' POST, to Minelab, posted it, and then got to thinking (after I already posted of course). Are we really suppose to think before we post?

Most every dealer out there was taking 'pre-orders' for the Equinox's. My dealer had at least 6. because I was #6. I know that Kellyco took hundreds of orders (pay up front) as they were classifying their customer in the 1st 100 or 2nd 100.  I had not heard about Cabelas taking pre-orders. All over people jostled for 'pre-order' position. Be first to get your Equinox.

Anyway, where I am going with this is that Cabelas has 82 stores in the US and Canada. As a Minelab dealer, are they entitled like the rest of the dealers to get 1 or 2 detectors for each of their stores? I think that or a least a large portion of that. That got me to thinking that perhaps Cabela's was notified by their Minelab Distributor that their initial 'allotment' of detectors for their 82 stores was there and ready to drop ship directly to their customers and off they go. 

I closed the Cabela's Order Page on my computer. 

I quickly edited my comments on Findmall and am now sitting back waiting. I'm looking outside. There is fresh snow on the ground, 25* temps with more snow in the forecast for the next week. .And my dealer, whom I've purchased a few detectors from, will have my detector here in the next three or four weeks and I got a MUCH better deal than I would have otherwise.  :biggrin:


Rich (Utah)

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Just this morning I was thinking that I was over waiting and pineing away for me to get that email that my Equinox was in. After 5 months I was giving it way too much thought.

Then, there it was, an invoice from my dealer and a note that they had my order and it was ready to ship. This really has made my day!

So hang in there guys and gals. You’ll soon get that email you’ve been waiting for.

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