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Wireless Headphones

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Was reading an old thread about using wireless headphones with metal detectors.  People were buying a kit from kellyco which enabled you to use wireless headphones.  Kellyco has discontinued the kit which tells me either it did not work very well or there were more inexpensive versions available as the technology became more readily accessible.


Anybody got any thoughts on this?  Good, bad, indifferent?

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I was thinking about this the other day. Frankly leads and cables are a pain, and very 20th century. There must be a bluetooth adaptor out there that could transmit the detector signal to a set of bluetooth headphones.

I was also reading Scientific Amercan over christmas. One of the most exciting technologies under investigation right now is wireless charging via sound waves. There is a US company called uBeam which has created a technology that harnesses the energy of ultrasound waves. In principle this would enable the charging of small drain devices through the air. Perhaps in the future, the sounds generated by a detector could also be used to charge the wireless headphones recieving the signal.

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It is really all about the latency issue. There are low latency Bluetooth options available these days. For people like me that need to study up on it, here is a good reference http://theheadphonelist.com/wireless-fidelity-making-sense-bluetooth-headphone-technology/ From that link:

"Lag/latency – Because of the encoding-decoding steps done by Bluetooth audio devices, there can be some latency between source and headset, ranging from imperceptible to quite bothersome. It’s not a big deal for music, but causes lip-synching issues with video and oftentimes makes Bluetooth headsets unusable for gaming. As with all things Bluetooth, the severity of lag varies widely depending on hardware and software. In my experience it also seems to vary with distance, with video and audio going out of sync as the headset is moved away from the audio source. One of the versions of the aptX codec mentioned previously is designed to reduce Bluetooth latency and should be suited best for use with a TV."

If you are watching TV you want the headphone to sync with movement on screen. I would think any Bluetooth headphones good enough for watching TV would do the trick. No problem at all just detecting. You may have to slow down the pinpointing a bit is all.

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Steve have you ever had a chance to check out the Kleer technology that was out a few years ago???

--- it all sounded good but then i couldnt find any Kleer units online---all discontinued---they must have lost the war with BT.....

 --- i would like to know if it is definitely canned or maybe out there under another name if any one has any info--lay it on me...THX..

Here is what  Nenad said when we were discussing it a while back:

"The Kleer wireless protocal is much better suited to detectors in my opinion. There is a TDK wireless headphone that uses Kleer and I've heard some good things about them.


Nenad "

It sure sounded good and did not have the lag problems.... as i recall...




UPDATE: I just found 7 of these discontinued TDK's on Amazon----(there are only 6 left now)  ;)

For anyone who is interested here is the link----


Here are 2 that are even more expensive but have a neat looking transmitter-


I suppose I will find out how bad the wireless chatter will affect the detector.... review coming.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

20150213_021508.jpgHere is a picture of the TDK headphones I purchased last week ...

They dont use Bluetooth ---instead they use KLEER tech....(not very popular)

But i think they will work better than BT

The headphones and transmitter each use 2-AAA batteries----which will be a negative to Steve aka-- "ALL AA"----lol

Happy hunting!



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I am very interested in the GPZ 7000 wireless option, the WM 12 wireless module, from what I have seen on the FCC website, I think its a 2.4ghz unit, not 100% sure, but this module looks like an awesome feature added to the detector. Not trying to get information, just reading what is on the Minelab brochure. I have a pair of 2.4ghz wireless headphones at home I use for the PC, and TV, and they work just awesome.


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