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Park 1 Or Park 2 For Beginners

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In everyones opinion what would be better...Park 1 or Park 2 for a newbie to the Nox 800.

I hunt freshwater beach (on the Colorado river in AZ ) also tot lots in town plus a few old home sites ( not that old ) , mostly foundations.

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I started out in park 1 and still use it often. I liked 5 tones as well. I think the best way to start with the machine is to use it as the quick start manual describes...if the ground becomes noisey then do the GB as described... I will say that this machine is very sensitive to EMI in some of the parks I have hunted...you have to turn the sensitivity way down to hunt. Otherwise a great machine. 


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I use exactly the same settings and have had the same experiences as you. I find Park 2 too sensitive and have had to back down to Park 1 every time I have tried it. I run my Iron setting between 2 and 5 depending on soil conditions and the amount of trash in the area. 

I have no problem finding very small targets in Park 1. Great machine and my new favorite. I am amazed at this machine’s flexibility for artifacts, coins and gold. All of the  standard settings are remarkably good. I would like a larger coil for more ground coverage.

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I had great luck with Park 2 and Field 2.  Next time I'm at the same spot I had good luck with Park 2 at, I'll switch over to Park 1 and see how it does.  Might use the 50 tone audio though, I'm getting dialed in to the whispers and warbles of deep coins in the 50 tone audio, so likely stick with it, but I'll try the 5 tone for a bit to see how it does ?

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I'm guilty of mode hopping. Owning the Nox is like having multiple lollipops in front of you and you want to lick them all. I watch a lot of youtube videos and each time I do I'm anxious to try another setting when I get to the field...ie; one youtuber says Field 1 hits coins deeper than Park 1 & 2. Then another youtuber is pulling deep coins out in Park 1. And then others swear by Park 2. Aye, yai yai !!!!  This is too much toy for me. LOL

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Depends what I am doing. I so far mostly use Park 1 when detecting turf settings for silver. For Field/Relic/Jewelry type detecting I lean more to Field 2 as hotter on low conductors, but if not using the Horseshoe (All Metal) beware that target id 1 and 2 are notched out by default in Field 2. Field 2 is hotter on small low conductors but then turns right around and blocks the smallest low conductors. That's because small aluminum foil gets really pesky in that range for parks, and coke tends to hit in there also. However, if you don't want that region to signal in the first place, then maybe you should be using Park 1 or Field 1 since they are inherently less sensitive to items that read target id 1 or 2.

Some people think only tiny non-ferrous items read that low but even larger items can end up reading that low if buried deep in bad ground, which can pull numbers lower, as can adjacent trash.

Beach Modes for beaches unless fresh water, then the above applies.

Gold Modes for prospecting or anywhere you want the most power - if you can handle it! :smile:

As a rough rule of thumb to anyone just starting out it is very hard to go wrong staying with Park 1 default settings until you get used to the machine (unless in saltwater), then expand from there.

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Park 1 for me with my 800.  I tried both Park 1 and Park 2 in a state park a week ago and Park 1 worked better than Park 2.  Park 2 was much noisier and I found no advantage for me over Park 1.  Your mileage may vary.  G L & HH

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Steve pretty much covered everything...it really depends on where you are hunting. When I'm out in the country (away from EMI ) looking for relics I usually use Park 2 and sometimes  field 2.  I have yet to really even try the gold modes. I finally printed out the manual so now I can start reading it lol..very simple machine to use...One of these days I might pick up the Deus and CTX again but right now I'm having fun putting time on the Nox. 


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