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Hoard Hunters


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It’s been some time with no word from xp after the announcement of a deep seeking cache hunting coil, so I asked nicely what’s up and I’m pleasantly surprised they were kind enough to quickly reply. Apparently there is still hope that someday...



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1 minute ago, phrunt said:

I'd be happy with that answer, they're busy working on something else, as long as detector companies are busy with development I'm happy ?

You might want to scrub your email address off that screenshot though, last thing you want is spam!

Opps, thought I did... thanks, more spam, lord knows don’t need no more spam, “ain’t nobody got time for that.”?

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Just so people know what we are talking about. The two box coil option for the XP Deus was first mentioned as part of the V4 firmware rollout. Just in case people think otherwise, a setup like this will not detect anything much smaller than a grapefruit. More on two box detectors here.

"The Ultimate Search Coil XP has once again “raised the bar” in terms of expanding the capabilities of the DEUS with the introduction of Two-Box coil option. Providing exceptional coverage and extreme detection depth, it is the ideal accessory for detection of deep buried target such as hidden weapons. Because of greater coverage it also makes detection process quicker, allowing scanning of larger fields in less time."

XP Deus "two box" deep seeking coil option

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  • 4 years later...

I wonder where this project is now, particularly in light of the Deus 2. Would such a product be able to work on a Deus 1 and 2 remote (ORX too for that matter)? Can’t see why not since the “brains” are in the coil. I’ve been interested in this potential product for years now, but much like the Go-Terrain app, it’s yet to see the light of day. Out of curiosity I just sent an email to find out the answer to my questions. I’ll update if I receive a response. 

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I would say that this hoard hunter wont ever appear either,the cost involved in producing them would be pretty high i would have thought,no major advantage over a normal twin box setup from say Fisher etc.

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So that’s exciting. At least it’s still in development. What could be the holdup though. Seems a straightforward project for a company like XP. No word on which platforms it would be designed around or if it will just work with all of them like the mi-6. Have to wonder about cost also. XP can be pricey, but then sometimes they can surprise you and be reasonable. 

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On 12/7/2018 at 11:34 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

Just so people know what we are talking about. The two box coil option for the XP Deus was first mentioned as part of the V4 firmware rollout. Just in case people think otherwise, a setup like this will not detect anything much smaller than a grapefruit. More on two box detectors here.

"The Ultimate Search Coil XP has once again “raised the bar” in terms of expanding the capabilities of the DEUS with the introduction of Two-Box coil option. Providing exceptional coverage and extreme detection depth, it is the ideal accessory for detection of deep buried target such as hidden weapons. Because of greater coverage it also makes detection process quicker, allowing scanning of larger fields in less time."

XP Deus "two box" deep seeking coil option

Hey Steve...in your humble opinion, is this going to offer significant improvement on the TM808?


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