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Minelab Vanquish, New Detector Soon To Be Released

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There are certain places with certain types of gold where a person would be wasting their time without using the latest and greatest, which is currently a GPZ. It's not like in the past where the difference between a 4500 and a 5000 meant less than the operator experience and skill. In some places this isn't the case, but there are plenty here in the US.

Now to be clear, there isn't a single thing in this entire thread relating to a new prospecting machine which isn't entirely unfounded rumor with zero sourcing. But these threads are for fun. There is always a lot of speculation come 3 or 4 years after the release of a prior machine, and always will be. It's fun to speculate and discuss things.

If a person is of the opinion that they can keep using what they have and it will do just as well as anything else then there isn't much use reading or posting in a thread about potential new equipment now, is there? I can't help but notice the various sub forums related to the 5000 and prior are pretty dead these days though. :biggrin: Forums are for discussion, and the unknown is always an interesting topic.

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Cheaper to cut and splice then to buy a whole new gold detector with insufficient coil selection...just sayin


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 Thinking about it overnight I think a zed replacement is on the way. I've always gone with my gut feelings on things. Its how i buy shares and I've done ok in that department.

Hers my thoughts:

Both Steve and JP haven't responded. Only 6 - 12 months ago JP jumped in and said there's no zed replacement imminent, this time silence. 

Leaked rumors from dealers conference, where there's smoke there's fire. ok, could be as Busho says people trying to big note themselves.

Minelab definitely releasing one machine for the recreational user at the end/start of the year

Minelab stating that the African market is one of there biggest sellers and that many have updated from gpx"s to the zeds so I would assume they would do the same if a new zed was released. (geez I thought Africa was a poor nation, obviously note) 

The cycle at which new top end gold machines are released (every 4 years or so)

Have a feeling that it wouldn't be too smart to release a ctx replacement having just released the nox which is similar in capability, which leaves agold machine as the likely replacement (my thoughts only)

On a local front my thoughts on why to sell:

Closure of 5 - 6 prospecting areas likely in the next 6 months, hence an influx of cheap detectors for sale towards the end of the year

If it is revealed the new machine is a zed replacement, another influx of cheap zeds for sale.

Gut feeling says offload the zed as Steve has done (thanks Phunt for pointing that one out) and spend the next 6 months trying a new method of prospecting I've wanted to do but haven't due to swinging a detector. Then if the machine isnt a zed replacement buy another zed later this year.

Yes, caught up in all the hype and loving it. Keeps my mind off the loss of my best mate (dog) 3 weeks ago which is a struggle every day atm.




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A few others have sold who were secret testers here in the States..was wondering why would they sell unless they have inside info or are testing a new product. Sell  the zed while the price is stable...in my opinion its smart to do. All speculation , but its fun to do and no one gets hurt. And you know many of the zed users will upgrade once the new one comes out there will be many zeds available with a much lower price, combine it with an x-coil and its time to upgrade for some of us gpx'ers!!!

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I would be interested in purchasing the dual sensor detector (countermine) with Pulse Induction, and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) if it did this....


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That would be awesome Dave, but with a handheld unit would it be possible to get anywhere close to that kind of useful resolution? Seems like it'd be hard to keep the coil perfectly parallel to the ground or not jiggle it during a normal swing, but maybe none of that matters with GPR? I have no idea about that stuff.

To me, the perfect detector is perfectly quiet on everything except the target. No ground noise, no EMI, only target. If there is anything which could be easily improved on with the cheap, readily available microcontrollers today which have stuff like Fourier analysis built in already, it's in signal processing and noise reduction.

So if I took a serious guess at whatever the next big improvement in the gold world would be, that would be it. It's doable and within reach. That's also why I still have hopes the GPZ can just be firmware updated since so much of this processing can be done in software today, I'm guessing they had the foresight to put a beefy MCU in the main board to future proof it at least a little since even a good one is like $25 vs $10 for an ok one.

Who knows what this Vanquish is. But that's my guess for the future of gold detecting. And maybe discrimination and a bit more depth as we're seeing with the X Coils already being possible.

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