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Is Garrett Falling Behind The Others??

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What's everyone thoughts on Garrett nowadays..in my opinion they are falling behind the others these days I've been waiting to hear something from them for a new prospecting or even coin machine to compete with whites and minlab xp etc but nothing ... I mean the at series were great in there day but now things like the xp deus nox 800 macro all blow them away and the atx was good but lacked coil options and weighed more than a fat hippo .. . I personally liked garret the old infinium ls were ground peaking in there day fully water proof etc be ashame if they dont put something out soon ....

If anyone knows any rumors etc feel free to comment below 

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You are talking perceptions which of course will vary. I personally do think that Garrett needs to do something. There has been no follow up for the ATX, and the GTI 2500 is embarrassingly old for a “flagship” detector. I think many Garrett fans were hoping the AT Max would be multifrequency so I sense some general disappointment there. At the moment I think Garrett is cruising more on marketing muscle than the merits of the current lineup.

I have dollars in my wallet waiting for Garrett when they make a light weight dry land version of the ATX with a set of normal light weight coils. Those dollars have been waiting and waiting. That sums up the issue with Garrett right now.

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 This happens all through most any industry eg. Harley Davidson motorcycles, McCullough chain saws, Brigs and Stratton engines..... They all nearly failed because they profited on their past good name and marketing instead staying competitive by continuous improvement and thus the product would sell itself. Minelab stays on top because of continuous improvement.

I should know. I haven't done any self improvement for years.

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If any other company would make an concerted effort to understand the millions in free advertising they are passing up via implied endorsement on Youtube then Garrett would be on the same path as Tesoro took. I don't think it's intentional marketing that is floating them, their users showed them a roadmap and they are just on cruise control following it now.

Very few of these content creators do any real prospecting, so I doubt a innovative prospecting machine is high on their list as of yet, especially with so much competition from Minelab in that arena.

From what I see, their products didn't succeed because of performance, I think they succeeded in the mass market because they are affordable and the average viewer can have one via Amazon prime tomorrow. Because they are easy to use and learn. And because they all look more or less the same. If I buy an Ace 250 it looks about like the AT Pro the guy I follow on Youtube is using. Not like a toy model of the Starship Enterprise like say a Go Find. These things don't require innovation or increasing performance, they just require keeping cruise control on and letting others do the work for your platform that found success in mediocrity already. Low effort, low expense, high profit, a company can't ask for more ideal conditions.

Until other cars get on the same road with a faster engine anyways, as Klunker alludes to. 

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It a real pity that Garretts have not kept up with their products. The old Deepseeker and then the A2B were the reason for the electronic gold rush in Australia back in the late 1970's . I started with Garrett then Whites and later with Minelab I will not update to a new Detector until someone comes up with a decent advancement .  :angry:  

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1 hour ago, Sumrtym said:

Garrett recently hired new engineers (four I think...).  They aren't just resting on laurels.

 That's great news!  Let's hope at least one of them is a prospector.

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Garrett are big in other areas like hand held detectors for security and airport walk through detectors. It may be they are focusing their efforts in that direction at the moment.

Hopefully they will bring out some new technologies for the treasure and gold detecting markets. I love my Minelab machines, but competition drives innovation and that is good for everyone.


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