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Steve Herschbach

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Everything posted by Steve Herschbach

  1. Not disappointed at all... I think we were all pretty clear about that on the thread, that Carl and Simon are talking AU development. The AQ... no way I need to be chasing foil and I sure am not after micro jewelry. No talk of thin chains.?? We want rings, heavy chains.... weight! Ounces, no, pounds of gold! That is what the Impulse AQ is made to find!!
  2. The whole point of that kind of target is you are at the edge, scrubbing the ground, and right on the target to hit it. Literally every mm of depth is an achievement... and again it’s in bad ground where the rubber meets the road. You are only halfway there with air tests. But if you can’t get it in an air test, you sure won’t hit it in the ground! Fisher Impulse AU Data & Reviews
  3. https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2015/aug/06/relic-hunters-vital-troublesome-civil-war-his/318425/ https://www.post-gazette.com/news/state/2012/07/14/Gettysburg-rangers-stay-vigilant-for-looters/stories/201207140116
  4. Technically that is not supposed to be possible. Minelab stipulates in the program 15% off map, and the dealer has to submit copies of the paperwork for reimbursement. Not all dealers have qualms about adhering to policies however.
  5. The bad apples ruin it for all of us. Greed brings out the worst in some people.
  6. Yes, $899 is MAP price. Military discount is 15% off that. You have to call to do better. Anyone with a advertised price on the internet of less than $899 is in violation of dealer policy and probably a scammer. Red flag. If they were selling the Nox for $730 no wonder they are closed. You actually have to make money to stay in business. Funny how that works, but good for you.
  7. 15% off MAP https://www.detectorprospector.com/forums/topic/3798-minelab-military-discount/ Dealers must conform to Minimum Advertised Prices (MAP) online so all legit units are advertised at the same price. Dealers get around this often by tossing in "free" things, like free shipping, or extra free accessory items. The only way to get a better price is never use online shopping carts. Price fixing is illegal, and so once you are on the phone with a dealer they can negotiate with you freely. In theory they can via email but frankly that leaves a record they may not want. So call and look for the best deal on in stock product. Ask about full warranty display models. If free stuff is included and you don't need it, just tell them you want the best price on an Equinox 800 as offered from Minelab - no dealer provided stuff. There is usually a cost to a dealer in providing these extras, and they can lower the price if you forgo them. That does not apply to Minelab supplied free stuff during promotions. It really is free. The less extra stuff the dealer has to box and shi saves them money on the free shipping, another point to consider. The worst way to get a deal is to be in a rush.
  8. And poof, Treasure Depot is gone. Only to live on in the Internet Archive, but only some old saves. MyTreasureSpot is also gone now, with more recent archives
  9. And poof, it is gone. Only to live on in the Internet Archive, but only some old saves.
  10. Yup, I guess that was officially my last quote from there, though they were rare enough anyway. That was from John-Edmonton, longtime Garrett fan and current Apex tester. Treasure Depot lives on in the Internet Archive, but only some old saves.
  11. Coil variation is the dirty little secret of the metal detector industry. Not just variation when shipped, but degradation over time. The V3i due to its high gain, multifrequency design, was particularly prone to problems. The failure rate on the early D2 coils was astronomical. And if White's had a hard time making properly tuned coils, just imagine what people are getting buying aftermarket. There is a huge difference between simply working, and delivering the best performance the detector can deliver. The only way people can know is to do lots of comparisons between machines with identical coils on the same target. But different people, different settings, different ground, all act to mask the fact that coils are often the culprit. This extends to people offering opinions on which coils are best. If coil A is 100% and coil B is 90%, it could flip results that might be the other way around were both coils 100%. I wonder a lot about how many people are running substandard coils and don't know it. I suspect the numbers would be shocking. Analog machines have quite a bit of acceptable component variation, and if you got lucky and everything ran the right way you could get a really hot machine. Most were just spec. And then quite a few were weak performers. Add in that most had to be hand tuned. New person? Hangover? Tom Dankowski has made a side business out of double-checking and tuning Fisher CZ detectors. I'm doubtful this is much of a requirement on current FT product, but near the end of the old Los Banos Fisher the CZ units being shipped were complete crap. As were some initial El Paso units until things were tightened up. New surface mount tech and components produce a much tighter product and so machine variations are rarer now, but coils are still a weak area.
  12. There is nothing wrong with the coil that came with your detector. Many detectorists seem to think that the manufacturers put no care into the stock coil that comes with a detector, when in fact just the opposite is true. Stock coils are tuned for a machines best all around use. You may modify the basic behavior of your detector by using other coils. A small coil will enhance small target signals plus handle ground and EMI better. A large coil will cover more ground and may get more depth on larger targets (not always). Putting in more hours with the coil you have is often far more productive than acquiring more coils. There are many threads on this forum that discuss coils for the TDI, with as much or more detail than you will find anywhere else. Just take a look through the TDI Threads
  13. No. You can post photos here and describe you problem here. Maybe somebody can help. But this is not a website for the company or the product you are describing.
  14. I’m sorry to hear that about DetectorPro phones. That is all I used for many years, but I switched to the Sun Ray Pro Gold, Minelab edition, and have not looked back. Headphones are like hand grips and straight vs S shafts, you never will please everyone. I’ve almost always used aftermarket phones myself. I never used the Koss phones Minelab has included for years with many detectors, because they were too loose a fit for me, and I prefer independent volume controls. I know many people, however, who would disagree with your assessment of the Koss phones as rubbish, especially when compared to the cheap headphones that come with many other detectors. And I surprised myself by being one of those odd ducks who actually likes the wireless headphones that came with my Equinox.
  15. Because people have budgets and metal detectors sell at all price point levels. I sold metal detectors for 35 years, that’s the way it works. When you have $200 to spend on a detector, you buy the best detector you can get for $200. It’s the same for a zillion products, metal detectors are no different.
  16. Have you considered using the metal detector as it is intended to be used? Seems like you are more interested in trying to create a problem than going metal detecting. It has a three year warranty. Maybe somebody will take the time to set ground balance 60 and shake their detector for you, but you might want to be patient waiting for somebody to take the time to do something nobody would normally do.
  17. Then I guess you need to contact the Qad company, whoever that is. Never heard of them. This is a Nokta/Makro forum.
  18. Definitely be interested in how it works in the water for you.
  19. Target id up scaling is not unusual with single frequencies in certain ground types. I see it a lot on aluminum in my ground, with pull tab “beaver tails” reading as silver dimes in many detectors. One big advantage for my using multifrequency is that multi is less prone to this. It’s not something that happens everywhere, and frankly I am a little surprised to see it in air tests. You might want to do a full factory reset if you have not done so recently and check some of those again.
  20. It’s that way with all detectors. The big difference is the one you mentioned. Tom Dankowski and the mildest ground in the country. He does tests and reports results that may as well be air tests for all that they apply to me and my ground. In general whatever he reports I can cut in half. That’s not to say he does not report accurate results and many insightful comments. It is just his ground is very low mineral content. Similar differences in ground minerals no doubt generate most of the discrepancies we see in expectations and varying reports. All detectors are not exactly the same, mainly due to coil variations. Some detectors are hot, some not so hot. Operator knowledge varies wildly, and stupid tuning mistakes are common. And yes, there are people with an agenda. Add it all up and reports vary a great deal. All you can do is try and find somebody you can trust, whose reports tend to match you own observations. Kind of like movie reviews. A reviewer has to mirror your own tastes. I am sure the Simplex is a good detector, or will be when they get done tweaking it. Anybody who can’t make a single frequency detector that runs about as well as every other single frequency detector made does not deserve to be in the business. It’s commodity level, dime a dozen technology at this point. More about the weight, feel in hand, sounds, and other features than outright performance. There are so many that work well, you just have to find the one you like and go use it.
  21. It is a little more complicated than that. Many of these forums are pretty old, and the people running them even older. A lot of them got started with the goal of selling banner ads to manufacturers and dealers, which used to be "the thing" for making money off websites. Now many of the owners are getting old enough they don't want to deal with the constant work anymore. This is accelerated by the fact that selling banner ads directly is not near as lucrative as it once was. Some of these guys were coining some pretty good change. Now manufacturers are cutting back on that kind of advertising in favor of their own Facebook pages, and sponsoring YouTube "stars." I do think poor moderation did not help as many users found behavior on some forums enough to drive them away. Add it all up, and many of the forums are running out of steam. It does not help that many are running on old software not up to modern standards, and the difficulty of upgrading may be the thing that causes them to throw in the towel. I took a different tack here by using Google ads to cover my costs. So I do not need manufacturer or dealer support. And I try and keep the place more focused and civil. I also upgraded to modern software that can support new devices. The forum has been growing gangbusters, so it shows there is a way for that to happen, even in the world of Facebook and Instagram, etc. A forum serves a different purpose - long term accumulation of organized information, that Facebook simply cannot equal. There is still a place for forums, but the old ways don't work. You have to keep up with the times. Forum pageviews per day since this forum started in 2011. The three main spikes at release of the SDC 2300, GPZ 7000, and Equinox. New detector releases are traffic drivers, especially gold detectors.
  22. http://www.thetreasuredepot.com/cgi-bin/bbs62x/detecting_config.pl?page=1;md=read;id=111585 ”Release date is in August some time.” These things always seem to take longer than planned. Don’t be holding your breath folks. It will be ready when it’s ready, and not before.
  23. Yes. Equinox itself was the result of mining this and other forums for a “wish list” of ideas. There have been threads I created specifically to collect opinions for the engineers on other subjects. And it’s not just Minelab watching. One reason for my rules here about behaving like adults is some forums give a bad impression about detectorists. The only reason I ever got to have any influence was acting sane and offering constructive criticism on the forums over the years. If only one idea in ten gets action... it’s still progress. Things move slowly in the detecting world. Even Nok/Mak is slowing down now that the easy part is over.
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