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Ridge Runner

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Everything posted by Ridge Runner

  1. Clay Diggins I don't have a claim but I want to thank you because every year you post a notice for the ones that do. I see the same on other forums and this shows that you care for the well being of others. I Thank You Again. Chuck Anders
  2. RickUK Guns are forever if you take care of them. Electronics like us gets old but in this way we have a reason to buy a new one. I've been told that we only pass this way but one time. Until I get to the end I'll enjoy that new gun are detector and spend that evil money.Haha Kiss your kids hug your dog and tell everybody you love them but above all enjoy life! Chuck
  3. N7XW I sure this guy is okay. He goes by Dirt Fishing detectors and he's a dealer for White's plus XP Deus. After my last post he text me and will meet at his home at one tomorrow. If I always played it safe I wouldn't have a steel ball in my left shoulder from crashing a plane of mine. I found out it's not the fall that kills you but the sudden stop. I'm watching Bering Sea Gold now and working under that ice I'm not sure I could do it. I've been there looking for gold but a long ways from the Bering Sea. Chuck
  4. You know when you sell a gun are a detector it's like the loss of a dear friend. I know that being I've been down that road and sorry I done it every time. Lucky for me I'm into detectors only that I can't live without. I do have some guns but I stop hunting years ago. Even when I had a farm where I could walk out my back door a shoot a deer. I got to the point I didn't want too anymore. On this XP I thinking about buying this weekend that's if I can line up a time to meet with the dealer. I don't know about this guy he works odd hours. I'm beginning to think he may be DEA Agent are a dope dealer. Yet dope dealers wouldn't be selling detectors. Unless business is bad! Chuck
  5. Guys now if I had found that I'd been telling that story over and over again. Then each time I told it that nugget would gain so much weight it be more like a fishing story. But this one didn't get away. It just shows you they are still out there. Chuck
  6. N7XW I have a friend loves big bore guns and they are not cheap. The thing is lots of time I could buy two of his guns for the price of one detector for me. I don't know about the hobby being addictive but buying detectors sure is. I say I want it to be a sad day for everyone when I go. They can have one of the detectors I left behind and find the money they wanted me to leave for them. I told my wife to put one in with me because I've heard this one place the streets is made of gold. Chuck
  7. I've been looking at the XP Deus off and on but more on as time goes by. I really need another detector like I need another hole in my head. I keep looking at video's on the XP and at first it didn't peak my interest but over time I'm at a point I think I can't live without it. I got the money up for it and it's burning a hole in my pocket. I'm going with the 11 inch coil and with the smaller wireless headphones plus the control unit. The price is better than some other so it's a done deal when we meet this weekend. I've got the best insurance one can get because I may have enough detectors to hold up all the walls up in my home.. Chuck
  8. Jim I'm sorry to say what ever I say is not going to make it better. It's not so much the cost but it was yours. It's way the world is now and that's if you want it then don't put it down. Chuck PS I have a good engine that is a blower. It needs a gas tank and if you want to make a vac I'll ship free to you. You would have to mount it on a bucket.
  9. Thanks Steve that's interesting. Here I was thinking it would be more gold in them than that. Chuck
  10. Terry Is it true when you hit that mark that Steve gives you a gold coin ? Haha Steve's says in your dreams I'm sure. Chuck
  11. Hi Terry Like it are not I will be watching it. If for no other reason because it's got the word gold in the name of the show. IF It would say don't get your pantyhose in a bind if not no the gold. The word gold is there so you'd find me in front of the TV. Thanks for letting us know. Chuck
  12. If a new show is started about gold I hope it's the gold that was found and what it took to get it. I want all to know this is in my opinion only. I'd say only about half of Bering Sea Gold has to do with getting gold. The other half should be called As The World Turns a well known Soap if one is into that. The other show that has two guys swinging Garrett Detectors I won't watch at all. Years past it was a show that has three guys in it and they had a great show. I would laugh at them but the other to me is one big joke. Gold Rush has more going for it than the others. I do wish some had came back but I guess that's not to be. Tom I wish you all the best if something comes of the talks. Chuck .
  13. I too say read what Steve has written on detectors. On that you can't go wrong. Chuck
  14. Anytime I returned a ring all I ever wanted was a thank you. Sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't but I know I done the right thing. Chuck
  15. If you look at the Xventure it may be a big brother to the MX Sport. If you look at the arm rest you don't see a battery compartment under it. The over all face of this new detector looks larger with a different back side that sticks out .I'd say on this one it looks as if the batteries are contain in the control housing. I'll buy the first one out the door if can. Why you say and I say why not. The Best! Chuck PS White's hurry up with it. Right now I have the money but I can go from rich to rags over night.Haha
  16. Well that's best to stop them from going out the door. Just look at the cost of my detector on the number of times it has made the trip both ways. More than one time I got it over night. The thing with White's not one time did they make me wait on sending it in or getting it back. On the crack face cover White's got it that morning about 9:45 and it was on it's way back that afternoon. Ask me will I do it again and that's a positive yes! I'm looking at the Xventure right now. Chuck
  17. Well guys I say spit in one hand and wish in the other to see what gets full the fastest. That is about the way it's been with detectors and the company that makes them so far. If wrong then I stand corrected. Chuck
  18. Hi Terry Thanks for the pictures and the story of your trip. It all sounds interesting but like any trip what one plans and the way it went you know may not be the same. You may not have found gold like I'm sure you wanted but gold comes in other forms. There is gold in the people we meet and with the pictures you can sit back to remember it all over again. Thanks again for taking your time for the show and tell. Chuck
  19. Hey Bear When I started detecting everything came up silver in 65 66. Before that I'd go to the bank to get change. Chuck
  20. Thanks Walkerrj My seeing eye dog said I was wrong but I didn't believe him. Chuck
  21. Hi Yar, I had to go look for myself but I didn't see the same. It shows it's available through dealers. My detector MXS has enough air miles I have a free trip down under. Don't ask me down under where. That I don't know yet.ha Chuck PS I do love it !
  22. Looking over Rob's Store I see with the SDC 2300 Rob gives a extra coil cover in the package offered. He don't say where it comes from but I guess it's a Minelab cover. I did have the SDC 2300 but if you got the GPZ 7000 maybe you don't have need for the other. I'd like to say I know but every time I wake up it's not there. On Miner John's behalf everything I've seen that he put out is top of the line. Chuck
  23. I'm not saying you will become rich over night but it can pay off. Today was not my first time to look down at my change and take a look over it. When I did I could see it was a wheat in it and with a date of 1925. I've have had the luck to find silver in that change in the past. So if you be a coin hunter are just a trash and treasure hunter it pays to look. Chuck
  24. I too got my MX Sport back today with a new plastic face cover. On behalf of White's they got my detector one morning and fixed it. Then overnight it the same day by UPS back. I get a email from UPS saying I'll receive my package the next day. So I make a point to stay home to be here when it arrives. What I didn't know and they that call them self Brown said White's didn't get it in soon enough so it would be a delay. So now a one day air has turned into a two day pony express. Oh no email but I email them asking why they didn't let me know the change. The only thing that was said I'll get it the next day by 10:30 AM. But Brown is full of Brown and I got it at 5 PM. Like said my new cover looks great. I don't know why but the plastic cap for the headphones was not on there. I had it screwed on when I sent it. I don't have waterproof headphones so I keep it on to keep water and dust out. I do hope this is the last thing that will come up about the MX but don't sound that will be. Chuck
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