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Everything posted by Hobo

  1. Although I believe ML makes a good heavyweight detector, I think they are a rip off and unscrupulous company.JMPO
  2. I don't own either one, but there are a LOTS more 4500s out there than there are ATXs. Thats not a fair comparison, even tho the 4500 is probably a better detector. P
  3. I'm not pissed, I think the new freqs are just right,.plus we will still have the old ones if we choose to.
  4. Hope the pin pointer is sensitive I hope the pin pointer is sensitive enough for sub grain .gold.
  5. wonder how the elec. gets from the stem to the coil, dont see a wire, the stem must be permanently attatched.
  6. A time goes on, you have fĂȘwer years left , so you can get by with a smaller nugget
  7. Whats the AU Gold Finder have, other than stop & go lights that the Gold Racer dosen't have?
  8. Think I would like it for nugget hunting, but the Gold Racer would be more versatile with its TIG.
  9. No, I have not tried that one, but those type of "dowsing rods" have been around for quite a wlile and I have seen a lot of guys using and demonstrating them, have never seen anyoe find any thing wth em. 2 bent metal ctothes hangers work as well and. and lot cheaper. Buy a good dedicated gold detector from Steves list http://www.detectorprospector.com/gold-prospecting-guides/steve-guide-gold-nugget-detectors.htm. MO
  10. Using that thing would be a total waste of time imo.
  11. From a pratical and easy to do stand point I would be happy with some improvements in ergonomics, just put a 2300 or an ATX in a 3lb box, I wouldn't care if I had to change batteries every 3-5 hrs.
  12. Not to interested in 11"" coil, but am anxiously awaiting the elliptical and the 40kz.
  13. I don't look at it as buying a new coil, but as a new detector with 4 new freqs. By adding an other shaft and handle (which l have a lot of) I have 2 detectors.
  14. Yeah, it's great that ML has such inexpensive coils.
  15. What would the specific gravity be? Would it still be a light weight metal?
  16. I also have had some sucess with the Deus using the godfield program, but I still prefer my GB2 for small pieces. Am waiting for V4 too, if it dosen't turn out to be what l want i'll probably get a Gold Racer, but l plan to keep my Deus. lMO its the best all around detector available. lf l could have only one vlf detector it would bethe Deus.
  17. eolian placers can be explained, but some shallow gold nuggets seem completely out of place. I found a half ouncer on the surface,with desert varnish on it and no nore near it.
  18. If gold goes to1500 I may buy some dollars with some of my gold
  19. Steve.. Factory IMask defauld on the AU Gold finder is 6, but it sounds like it should be operated at a lower number unless a higher number is needed for quieter operation. Is this correct or am l reading it wrong?
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