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Everything posted by beatup

  1. I don't think Bear spray will work on one of those.
  2. very cool , good on you .
  3. size can be important but I like digging any nugget big or small
  4. The solar eclipse is something everyone should see I have been lucky enough to have seen five now the last one here home in Wyoming.
  5. Welcome to the forum , great area Bouse including Quartzsite well the whole area.
  6. very interesting detector indeed,so far it sounds like it has the right stuff going for it.
  7. Here is why I like hillsides at times when the nuggets are scarce like today we were out hunting in a large wide flat bottom wash ,deep overburden but gold has been found there , lots of old workings in it left by the old timers that being said we have found just working the very edges of the hillsides where it drops into the washes will produce gold but I do like working the area around 10 to 20 feet above the wash , I like looking for small benches and tiny little water cuts on the hillside. At this area my brother dug up a nice 5 gram nugget a couple days ago and today I managed to dig out a pair of nuggets that came in at 6.6 grams .
  8. Yes sir the 7k with the 13 x 17 NF coil
  9. my brother keep it on the qt till I got back down here
  10. Went back out to a spot where I dug a nice 1/2 oz nugget last year , had to go home a couple days after so never got to finish the dig anyway got back out today and dug up the rest of the rock and dirt a got another 6.25 grams out of the hole the small speci piece on the right came from a spot further down the wash. so all in all 7.87 grams today , a good day out in the desert today.
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