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GPZ 10" Xcoils In USA

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This is exactly what I’ve been warning people about all along.

The gold is due to the smaller sized coil which is exciting, bit of a hassle doing the coil swap workaround but here’s a tip for you. If the ambient temperature is say above 20 deg C then the Ferrite balance once done in Semi Auto mode will not vary much even from dead cold. The Ferrite balance is optimal when performed with the coil attached but obviously in the ground you are working there is a lot of X signal present so placing the ferrite on the ground is confusing the electronics because the coil is not optimal like the ML coils are (EDIT: I would say there is a lot of saturation signal present at this location too which is affecting the Ferrite balance). Getting a reasonable Ferrite balance with the ML coil then swapping might be your only work around in this instance.

I hope this thread does not go pear shaped and I appreciate your honesty with your report. At the end of the day you were able to find gold thanks to a smaller coil size on your GPZ, its just a shame it hasn’t been made by Minelab.


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The eagle has landed in the US... Thanks for the report Andy!

That can be some gnarly ground down there, and perfect place to test any new piece of equipment. Was the 10" having trouble balancing over the ground in general, or only when you tried to balance over the ferrite on it?

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52 minutes ago, flakmagnet said:

Nice report Andyy. Did you make your own patch lead?

Flakmagnet - Yes, it was my patch lead.


46 minutes ago, phrunt said:

Thanks for the post Andyy, it's a shame you had that issue but good to see you got quite a bit of gold, do you think you got them because the smaller coil could get into spots the other coil couldn't or did the 14" just miss them?

I had to look up what a Bobcat is :ohmy:

Simon - I definitely believe the first four were missed by the std coil.  So this tells me that the size of the 10" likely did improve hearing the small gold.  Of course there could have been other factors, but I scrub the coils very slowly.  I checked my gps previous tracks, and it seems like the last two nuggets were not found because I didn't see the wash all together, before.

As for the bobcat, I was walking towards the patch when I saw a large amber reflection. I thought someone put up a mine claim marker at first.   A couple more steps and I saw the other eye open.  That gave me the chills.  Then the large shadow left with a catlike gait.


23 minutes ago, jasong said:

The eagle has landed in the US... Thanks for the report Andy!

That can be some gnarly ground down there, and perfect place to test any new piece of equipment. Was the 10" having trouble balancing over the ground in general, or only when you tried to balance over the ferrite on it?

Jason - it seemed really noisy before I ever broke out the ferrite.  No amount of smoothing or ground balancing would help.  But I was in semi-auto so it probably took the X ground balance of Patch#1.  I did not try to go into Auto and leave out the ferrite.  Sorry, I was getting tired. 


54 minutes ago, Jonathan Porter said:

This is exactly what I’ve been warning people about all along.


Hey JP, I did check General/Difficult on Patch#1 and it was fine.  But on Path#2, it failed in HY/Normal.  I never got around to testing in Difficult. Typically, I can just go to General/Normal and be fine.

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The smaller coils should not be too bad for rub and bump noise, its usually the larger coils that suffer from this due to flex and movement in the windings.

The Ferrite balance problem is due to the coil not being correct electronically (could be any number of things) as such there will be a number of factors affecting the Ferrite balance and its outcome dependant on ground conditions. To check for saturation noise, ground balance the coil in Semi-Auto mode and then place the GB in Manual mode. Bring the coil to the ground and then place the coil directly on the ground (couple the coil to the ground), listen to the threshold as you do this, then pull the coil briskly up and away 8 to 10 inches and take note of the signal created as you couple and pull away, the louder this is the greater the saturation signal will be. You CANNOT ground balance out Saturation signal, you have to keep the coil just above it to avoid depth reducing noise.

Another way to Ferrite balance which might help in your instance is to place the Ferrite on a large rock 6 to 8 inches high and perform the Ferrite balance there, this might help to some extent.


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