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Forum Connection Errors & Member Pruning

Steve Herschbach

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Thanks Steve.  What you said.


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Steve, thanks for all your efforts! Dumping the gallery is fine. I knew it was there but much prefer searching old posts and reading and seeing pictures in context.

On a more sensitive topic, you might want to create a way for us to contribute toward the cost that pays the bill and give a few other people the ability to log into the control areas. I would absolutely hate for this to all die with you, which will happen someday. If we share the cost and maintenance load starting now it will prepare for that someday. 

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1 hour ago, Lacky said:

, you might want to create a way for us to contribute toward the cost that pays the bill and give a few other people the ability to log into the control areas. I would absolutely hate for this to all die with you, which will happen someday. If we share the cost and maintenance load starting now it will prepare for that someday. 

 If that is the only way to be sure the forum stays online forever then let every one here chip in with a payment.

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You guys are too kind. Right now the Google Ads cover the direct costs, pay me $0.10 an hour for my labor, and enough left over to pay my water bill. :smile:

I actually have thought about “what about when I croak”? It’s easy to be complacent there but hey, could happen tomorrow. So I need to make some sort of provision in my will about what happens then. The website has value and so worst case is my wife sells it to somebody with the caveat it keeps running. Don’t know, for now just hope I keep ticking! My father is 88 and could probably out hike many of you and Mom 80 going strong so the odds are decent I will make it until next year. Knock on wood! :laugh:

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Always meant to upload to the gallery and never did..I think people will just look at a members started "topics" if they want to look for pictures of finds of valuable knowledge many of the members share... 


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On 8/6/2019 at 8:15 AM, fredmason said:

I just figured it was some how my fault...

It is always your fault Fred. Glad you are finally stepping up and accepting the blame. (haha you are funny…)

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OK, forum database upgrade/move completed. Gallery has been deleted. Menu selections at top or in right corner for phone users have been clarified (I hope). I want to add an advanced help section for subjects like posting photos and such later on.

I decided against deleting inactive accounts since that ends up creating tons of "Guest" posts and probably lots of missing pictures in old threads. With what I have been doing the savings are not worth the disruption of the old threads so I'm leaving them be and who knows - they may come back! Performance seems to have picked up and I have actually reduced my costs by a small on-going amount so looking good for now I think. I am going to look into a new service that distributes the website across multiple nodes in the U.S. for even higher performance but will tackle that later.

Thanks again everyone for your patience. :smile:

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