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Good Dig

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I haven't posted a nugget in a while...don't get me wrong I'm out 4 to 5 days a week and having a blast at this hobby! Today, I felt like a hike and some patch hunting. So I, tightened my boot laces and loaded my pack up with water. Well as you know not every patch hunt will end up in a new patch. But you can mark some ravines and saddles off your to detect list. Lucky for me, on the way back to the truck I was able to swing through and old patch. Now just like the GPX's the GPZ coil needs to inch along when swinging over some hard it dirt. Your targets may not even make a squeak, so listen for a nosiey spot that won't balance out and bust that dirt a inch or two for enhancing the possible target! Well this nosiey spot was a good one, at 10" deep and past the trash layer I was starting to rise and eye brow and the target was screaming through my Black Widows. I had to dig out 5 or more inches and the target was overloading and not feeling like making my hole wider to find the exact spot to dig, I pulled out my pin pointer. It's a great tool and has aided me in numerous deep target locations. The pinpointer was telling me, I was on target, but was a couple more inches down. So, I cut out some more dirt and then used the pin pointer again...this time it nearly vibrated out of my hand. I fingered out a little dirt and seen a glint of gold. At least 17" deep the 1.45 dwt'er was in the poke and I headed home for some lunch...until the next hunt



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WTG Rick

  It seems to me that a lot of my single nugget finds are on the way back to the truck. I hope Robin rewarded you with a successful prospector's lunch. Nice find!


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That hole looks like a veritable excavation. Nice job on that piece.

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