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Equinox Saving Personal Program 800

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Hi Guys,

Can someone help me to understand with saving programs 800. I understand how to save one program but how many can you save in park 1 park 2 etc. Also when you want a certain program how do you seperate them to get the one you want. I am full bottle on the v3i but this is a total different layout. 

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You may not like the answer I’m going to give you, but the Nox 800 doesn’t have multiple memory banks where you can store multiple instances of the same detect mode Profile.....On the 800, each detect Mode has 2 search profiles (i.e. Park 1 and 2, Field 1 and 2, Beach 1 and 2, Gold 1 and 2).  The 800 also has a User Profile feature that allows you to save all the “local” settings of the current active detect mode...This allows you to save your local settings and recall them back whenever you want to for your current detect mode you’re using....Also, when your User Profile is activated, any changes you make to your local settings will be saved to the User Profile......refer to the Nox 800 manual for what constitutes a “local” setting, as opposed to a Global or Semi-Global setting.

To tell you the truth, I’ve been using Minelab machines for the past 13 years now, and I haven’t needed to save programs with any of my machines, except for a special smart find (Discrimination) screen that I saved on my SE Pro, and utilized only when I came across super hot, mineralized ground in the areas I detect at....On the Nox 800, I haven’t used the User Profile feature....not sure I ever will...

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Thanks Raphis for your prompt reply. My soninlaw is waiting for the 800 and he has never detected before so i will be setting it up for him what i think i will do is let him use the factory preset for a while till he gets a bit familiar with it before i start using other settings. Thanks again.

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SHort answer is that there is only one slot for the user to save a program. If you want to save a second program, you will have to save it over the previous saved program. 

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There are eight modes:

  • Park 1
  • Park 2
  • Field 1
  • Field 2
  • Beach 1
  • Beach 2
  • Gold 1
  • Gold 2

plus the User Profile.

Each mode saves settings on power down, so you have eight default saved slots. The User Profile provides a ninth saved slot.

Some settings are Global and adjusting them affects all saved programs simultaneously. Volume and sensitivity are Global controls. In other words, there is only one volume setting for all modes.




From the Minelab Equinox Instruction Manual page 12 (click to enlarge)...


From the Minelab Equinox Full Instruction Manual, page 63 (click to enlarge)...

Portions marked with asterisk are Equinox 800 only.





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The only global variable that looks like it might trip you up is sensitivity.  I say that because you might go to one mode and lower sensitivity because of EMI, for example.  Then you change back to a previous mode (where you had the sensitivity set higher) and think you are back to that situation completely.  I wish they had made sensitivity local, but maybe they thought that would cause even more confusion.

Things like overall volume and threshold level reveal themselves immediately or on your first non-rejected target.

One convenient feature (in an otherwise very inconvenient location of the Profile toggle button) is that you can get out of Profile by pushing the detect mode button (but only push it once!)  I swing left handed and it's impossible for me to get to the Profile button without using both hands.  Maybe if you have a very long (and strong) index finger you right handers can push it with your detecting hand without needing assistance from your other hand.

I do like the Profile feature but it's so inconvenient for me to toggle that I don't use it as much as I'd like.


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40 minutes ago, phrunt said:

Noise cancel is the one that constantly trips me up,...

So even if you aren't hearing EMI you need to noise cancel?

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12 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I'm getting old.


Don't start that 'early' in life.  You have no where to go but OLDER!

As my 2.5 year old says now ... Don't Due It.  ?


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3 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

One convenient feature (in an otherwise very inconvenient location of the Profile toggle button) is that you can get out of Profile by pushing the detect mode button (but only push it once!)  I swing left handed and it's impossible for me to get to the Profile button without using both hands.  Maybe if you have a very long (and strong) index finger you right handers can push it with your detecting hand without needing assistance from your other hand.

I do like the Profile feature but it's so inconvenient for me to toggle that I don't use it as much as I'd like.

I wish they had swapped Frequency Select and the User Profile button.   Though I might be using the 4 khz SF more frequently.

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51 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

So even if you aren't hearing EMI you need to noise cancel?

Silent EMI, my cell phone and handheld pinpointers. Just to be sure, I turn on my Teknetics Tek Point handheld pinpointer, turn on my Equinox, pick my detecting mode or modes and do automatic noise cancels for them, ground balance them and adjust sensitivity for the EMI and ground conditions. Global settings are done. Takes less than a minute.

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