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I spent a couple hours after my chiropractor appointment yesterday hitting the wet sand with a dropping tide.  I did dig a .925 loop earring and a copper wire ring with beads but these lobster trap pieces were driving me crazy.  Especially the more rounded one that is an unbroken more or less circle.  I would have almost bet OBN's YTD ring finds that it was a ring or at least anything but a piece of vinyl coated wire.  Small nails can be rejected easily but these pieces of vinyl coated (hence lack of rust) lobster traps are a different animal.  I tried for a while to get the correct Rejection for them but thought that since I was being so unsuccessful I would appeal to higher power.  Yep, that means the folks on the forum that have years and years of experience with these deep, great sounding pieces of "...." trash!  I at first thought I could just dig them and get them off the beach but they seem to multiply.  Are they alive and reproducing?  Geez Louise, I can't tell you how much I hate these things.  

Ok, my rant is over!  Now for some suggestions on settings that might help ID these damn things.  I am open for any suggestions for settings on my AQ to give me a hint that these time and energy consuming little devils are under my coil.  I have been running mostly just the presets but have run the reject all the way up and down the scale along with the ATS, Sensitivity, and swing speed.  I cannot seem to find a crack in the combination that gives me any type of a hint that there is a nuance to ID these little piece of ferrous garbage. 







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Did any of those pieces give a double beep? I would think the long pieces should do that from a certain direction. Maybe circle the target from different angles before you dig? Just a thought.

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    What depths are you finding these pieces at? I wouldn't think that they are settling as deep as the rings your looking for!  So my suggestion is that you may have to clean out the wire with a VLF first! Or along with your AQ! But this would definitely be a lot of extra work! Is the area worth it? You be the judge!! Good luck!??


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17 minutes ago, schoolofhardNox said:

Did any of those pieces give a double beep? I would think the long pieces should do that from a certain direction. Maybe circle the target from different angles before you dig? Just a thought.


No double beeps.  I assume the longer pieces were oriented up and down instead of flat.  I very seldom ever dig without circling it several times.  If there is a longer tone I am not picking it up either.  I have tried higher volume and lower to see if I can discern something other than beep.  I would love to hear a beeep. LOL  So far I know that coins (other than nickels) will dip into low tone, so I know the detector is discriminating.  I am just not hearing the difference on these vinyl coated pieces.



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I believe lobster traps are steel with a zinc coating so they do ring in higher than regular steel. If I nudge up my pulse delay I can get them to hit on the edge of the coil a bit but it isn't fool proof.

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I know this is not going to help...For I use All Metal only when I hunt.....Every beach is so different on it's habits it's really hard to predict what you may encounter...

And I know the frustration of digging a deep target for 10 minutes only to find it is trash.

I have a spot that is loaded with that stuff...but I have reconned the area very well with the excalibur and made a map in my mind on where to hunt and where not to. Also I marked several of the solid nulls by digging two scoops, there won't be a hole there but the hole will fill with a finer grain sand, which I can tell its softer when I go to dig. This will hold good for about 3 weeks..

One thing I have noticed at other beach's and this one ..seems the crab pot pieces collect in some areas. And my guess is because that's where the cage broke down. I do find strays but they are shallow most of the time and on the move. So far that is my fight against digging those babies.. Mapping out the area, then I'll be going in with the AQ...I'll let you know how that goes. It has worked before at one other location.

Good Luck..


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13 minutes ago, Joe D. said:

    What depths are you finding these pieces at? I wouldn't think that they are settling as deep as the rings your looking for!  So my suggestion is that you may have to clean out the wire with a VLF first! Or along with your AQ! But this would definitely be a lot of extra work! Is the area worth it? You be the judge!! Good luck!??



Yep, these are in the same stratus as the rings, coins, brass pieces, etc.  The coins that I pulled out were somewhat green which is a good sign.  The sand had move a bit in this area with a 2 foot cut.  I knew going into the AQ purchase that it was going to be just a special site detector that should compliment my Equinox/3030 and take the place of my TDI Pro and Dual Scan.  BTW, I would have the same problem with the TDI.  The coins would discriminate for the most part but not these pesky Lobster traps pieces.  

I guess I just need to go out more often and stay longer and just clean out my beaches.  The downside is that I will be cleaning them out for my competition too. LOL

I was hoping that someone else with an AQ would have recognized something that would tip me off before digging 6-8 scoops of sand. :-(



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Got a stupid question as I don't have a lot of hours on beach hunting. If your hitting a lot of heavier iron then would that area lack in the lighter rings and coins?

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7 minutes ago, kac said:

I believe lobster traps are steel with a zinc coating so they do ring in higher than regular steel. If I nudge up my pulse delay I can get them to hit on the edge of the coil a bit but it isn't fool proof.


I'll give that a looksee next time out.  It may be the tip that I need. :-)





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I can't help with the AQ. But I can say in the last 3 weeks or so I have dug around 60-70 of these things in So.Cal. The majority seem to be 3/4 to an inch long and they sound great. But I have been finding some rings and clad mixed in. Mine are no deeper than 8". I'm resigned to dig them and clear out my area.

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