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Day Hunt At Rye Patch

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Not that I wanted to see if it could be done, it’s only 130 miles!  My Wife Robin, needed to dig a nugget...she hasn’t been out since our move to Reno.  Now, you always have a mental note of stuff to pack.  We loaded her Grand Cherokee, for this adventure off we go!  Arrived to a location, I figured she’d have some luck at with her SDC 2300.  Gearing up, I’m looking for both of our new Doc’s Scoops...What the Heck!  Left them both at home!  Well, I know I’ve used my hand as a scoop a few times!  But, onetime I forgot my scoop and as I was recovering a nugget I opened my hand to see the target and a Scorpion crawled out of my hand and the nugget went sky high, I later found its landing spot.  Since then, I’ve learned that a cut water bottle will get ya by as a scoop and save you from tossing good target to the wind.  Well, needless to say Robin got her fix of digging/finding some gold with her detector in and old patch, that both of us and countless others have swung on before!  Nuggets are funny, some days they are like fish biting all day and other days not a bite!  But, the Hunt and adventure is the most important to balance your inner self, Gold is just the bonus in our hobby!  Until the next hunt!





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That’s great Robin got a gold fix, and a quick getaway to the high desert! Re your no-scoop retrieval, I’d crap if a scorpion(or any creepy-crawly) were there when I opened my hand!😄

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That Little Coiltek is the McDaddy!  I’m the type of person, that has to see equipment preform in the gold fields. One of our group members went ahead and purchased it and he was finding nuggets on a Patch that we pounded with the stock round.  Plus, believe, it or not!  Makes the awkward 2300 nicer to swing with a straight coil, verses it being kicked off to the side.  But, it’s just My Humble Opinion.  I will tell you I like Ribeye 🥩 Steaks, lol.


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Glad to see you let the gold lady get her fix.  Yes the CoilTek 10" Ellip Extreme coil on the SDC-2300 is very killer.  Many of my customers have had great success.

Smart of you to improvise for a scoop.  Yes there are more scorpions in NV than most folks realize.

Nice gold.


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37 minutes ago, afreakofnature said:

Do you have the larger coils or just the small one?

Yes, I have the next size up one!  And yes!  Has more depth than the small one!  But, My Wife likes the small one and when she isn’t Prospecting with me, I use it as my PinPointer instead of fishing around with the GPZ 7000...if the 2300 is in easy walking distance from the RZR.



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