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Minelab GPX 6000 Revealed!

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1 hour ago, kiwijw said:

I dont believe we are with Minelab. They are always innovative. That is why they ARE a step ahead of the pack. No doubt about that.

JW ? 

One common practice is.. lunch technology slowly to make it produce the most out of it.. 

They have already what is going to be the next detector when they lunch one.. 

As soon gold and detectors become more dead i bet you they would lunch something that goes deeper then all detectors available today.. and sell it for more cash then the GPZ.  


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Minelab would also say the CTX is better than the Equinox - well it would have to because of the higher price of the CTX but my choice between these two detectors would be the Equinox (and not just because of the lower price). Same logic with the GPZ7000 and GPX6000 - they have positioned the GPZ7000 as their flagship gold detector so there is no way they can say that the lower priced GPX6000 is the better gold detector - even if the GPX6000 turns out to be a "better" machine in certain conditions. 

Each individual will make their own decisions on what machines to own and use based on their very unique individual circumstances. In my case i did not purchase a SDC or GPZ purely because of their weight & my shoulder issue. I will purchase a GPX6000 because it is offering new technology in an easy to use lightweight package. My GPX4500 will be relegated to backup when i travel to various Australian goldfields - but i suspect it will now not get much use (much like the E trac once i had the Equinox) and will eventually be sold if a lightweight GPZ mark2 hits the market sometime in the future.

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6 hours ago, kiwijw said:

I don't think it is regarded by Minelab as being better than the GPZ. So that being the case I cant see why a GPZ owner/operator would be remotely interested in the GPX 6000.

JW ? 

I'm with you JW.

What I've seen so far of this machine doesn't even remotely interest or excite me ! The fact that it is also shorter in the extended length than a ZED is a big downer. I have been calling on Minelab for years to make the shafts longer, but alas, they are still too short !

Also, there appears to be no provision to run speakers like we can with the ZED and current GPX's, as it doesn't have a wireless module !


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10 minutes ago, araratgold said:

Also, there appears to be no provision to run speakers like we can with the ZED and current GPX's, as it doesn't have a wireless module !

Huh?  It has a built in loud speaker and low latency bluetooth from which you can run a loudspeaker on your person if you wish.  You can actually plug a portable loudspeaker into the supplied wireless headphone's wired jack and use the phones as the BT receiver resting on your neck wired to a speaker or you can get one of the matchbox sized BT receiver/transmitters (they cost all of $25US) and plug a speaker in to that. Lots of options.

Actually, I am surprised that ML didn't try to cram another non-cross-compatible Wi-Stream module down our throats.  Looks like there is not going to be a WM 14 -good riddance.  ML must be moving away from Wi Stream for some reason.

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When I see GeoSense I don't see location like a GPS, I see Geology.  Like GeologySense.  I don’t think anyone has said that yet.  To me that makes a little more sense in regard to ground balance.

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1 minute ago, afreakofnature said:

When I see GeoSense I don't see location like a GPS, I see Geology.  Like GeologySense.  I don’t think anyone has said that yet.  To me that makes a little more sense in regard to ground balance.

Based on he videos and the description of features that have been posted, that is pretty much what people are concluding.  It was apparent there was no location-based feature on board.

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I have always thought that the "Geo"  referred to geology rather than positioning. Its only now that you mention it that i understand why everyone was talking about positioning when Geo-sense PI was first discussed. Interesting how people interpret names differently.

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Re: Geosense - that's what I've been saying from the start, and explaining in detailed depth in many posts regarding their patents. ?

Re: incremental improvements - I really felt that the GPZ marked a turn in the road there honestly, it was more than incremental improvement. And I expect the trend to continue, which is why I was following the 6000 closely. I'm a little let down I guess, but no one knows how this thing actually performs in the field yet so I think it's too early to draw conclusions.

But on that subject, the amount of performance gain that coils can give the GPZ (I've said numerously that it feels like a next level up machine) makes me wonder if something like a 7500 was planned with nothing more than better coils originally, to milk the technology. Eh, who knows.

The shaft length is a let down, it really looked longer than the GPZ in the first videos. I'm 6ft and I detect with the shaft fully extended already. I know some guys that are 6'2, 6'3... Not sure why on Earth they'd make the shaft even shorter...

Love the providing 2 batteries though. Finally, that's great to see. Really hope they do USB-C charging in the next model though, or whatever USB is most common with phones at the time.

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