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New Finds With The Nugget Finder Z Search Searchcoil

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This whole problem with difficulty in working out ways to provide additional coils for the 7000 can be laid directly at MineLabs feet. As has been said (many times), before, there was absolutely an implication if not an outright statement that there would be other coil(s) for the GPZ and it took years for the 19" and then nothing. In exchange for asking us to pay ten thousand (or whatever) dollars for their top-of-the-line detector, that is ML simply not being honest with their customers. 

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Minelab had no qualms taking coil manufacturing away from their two local and loyal 3rd party coil makers, Coiltek and Nugget Finder essentially giving them the bird.

I was somewhat surprised when Nugget finder started building coils for them again.

I don’t like chipped coils that limit the consumers choice and usability of 3rd party coils on what are not cheap Detectors.

Without X coil I doubt Nugget finder would be building Z coils.

Giving the Chip to one and not all, could be considered Anti-competitive behaviour.

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Hey Guys,

   Great comments from all you and Thanks for the better explanation about the patch lead.  I'm still a bit stumped, Nugget Finder is not endorsed by Minelab, but they somehow got around and built the cable that will just plug right in.  This would be nice for X-coils, Coiltek or anyone else that would like to design coils for the GPZ or future detectors.  

I 100% agree about aftermarket coils, their company loyalty to Minelab and the fact with them, Minelab is selling many more detectors.  

I'm still selling Coiltek, Nugget Finder and Detacc searchcoils for detectors that are 15 years old and older.  All these additional coils give the end user many more options on gold types, ground mineralization, ground terrain, more depth, more coverage, weight, greater sensitivity to small gold and on ......

I think Coiltek, Nugget Finder and many other companies, plus others that are newer should be able to prove their worth to Minelab as down the line it would only increase more sales. 

Just my thoughts.  Hope I didn't offend anyone originally, that was no my intentions whatsoever.


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Rob, keep us updated on the NF coils, and also what you find out regarding the NF/Minelab endorsement. I suspect they do have an endorsement because that connector is only available from Minelab. Though, it's somewhat surprising that this information appears to be lacking from both Minelab and Nugget Finder, even though there is clearly a question about it. You would think there would be a statement, or "ML approved" logo or something?

Also confusing to me is that I heard almost 2 years ago that Coiltek was building a GPZ coil from a reliable source. And I was told in no uncertain terms only a few weeks ago that Coiltek had indeed already built a GPZ coil and was still trying to get it to market or pass Minelab specifications, or something unclear to that effect. But it appears Coiltek is no closer to bringing a GPZ coil to the market still. That's the part that mystifies me, if they are the "official" Minelab coil partner, why haven't they come out with a GPZ coil when the market clearly has a large demand for such a product?

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2 hours ago, kiwijw said:

Absolutely guaranteed they wouldn't be building them. So you can all thank X coils for what has come about.?

JW ?


Not quite correct, NF were farting about with GPZ coils well before X was admitted as a letter of the alphabet

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24 minutes ago, kiwijw said:

If so Steve, How were they getting around the chip? Happy new year to you. 

JW ?

An adapter the same as X coil is doing now.

In my gold detecting Utopia all coils would be plug and play like the new Z search. But if the best performance comes from a coil where I have to use an adapter, so be it. At this stage I will probably get both.

Now even though I cannot and don't speak for Rohan or Minelab and seriously have no clue of the reasoning either, I am going to do what everyone else has done and tell you exactly the reason why The Z search coil is the way it is.?

It's because just like Putin would have killed for the leads and chips for his X coils, Minelab said if you want them you have to build coils to these certain parameters or specifications. NF agreed. 

I bet my left one Rohan would kill to have free reign with leads and chips and if he did what we'd have would most likely be way different than the Z search. But, knowing NF, the Z search will be a performer anyway. 

Like I said, I have no idea..but that's exactly what happened.?


ps. Happy new one to you too.

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