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What's D2 Mode Or, Settings?

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When I first got the Anfibio Multi. I read/heard of "D2 mode" of settings being used for Relic Hunting. Term was used on boards across the pond. That I can't fully understand terms being used and, they don't speak red-neck. Slight language barrier 🚧, to say the least but, in past I've gleamed info from. Well, several months later. I still find myself basically using 2 tones, pretty much at basic set-up. I do good with this but, reading the boards again. I'm ready to explore new settings. Can anyone break "D2 Mode" settings down in the simplest terms for me? Has anyone else ran across this discussion before? Point me in right direction at least?


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DI 2 is the base mid gain two tone mode on the Anfibio. At factory settings the Gain is at 70, Disc at 03 and the Tone Break is 15. ISAT is 01. These are very good settings that can be adjusted as site conditions dictate and experience increases. Because it only uses two tones; low tone for targets 15< and a higher pitch tone for targets >15 it is at home in sites where you would want to dig any target that is not a nail/small iron. Deep mode is very similar but has much less filtering and a slower, longer "look" at the target. It is a good bit deeper but slower on recovery between targets. Deep can be somewhat noisier from EMI.    Beach Mode is also a two tone mode, similar to 2DI but with much more filtering and has a factory default Disc of 15.

The nice thing about the Anfibio is you have all these base modes that are each geared toward a different hunt/site scenario. 

2DI= Relic hunting on ground without modern Aluminum trash, just nails & larger iron. Dig all the high tones. Deep mode the same except use on cleaner ground and scan/sweep slower.

The multi tone modes; 3DI, 4DI, 5DI, 99DI are useful in more modern sites that have a wider range of targets.

I have adjusted my settings as I have gain experience with the Anfibio to better suit the different sites I hunt. Half the fun for me is figuring out the site and what works. My saved 2DI settings are Gain 85, Disc 01, ISAT 00(I have mild ground mostly) Tone Break 18. In heavy nails I use a Tone Break of 06 to help unmask. If the Iron is real falsy I will run Beach Mode. Spend some time experimenting, set up a thought out test garden and keep notes.

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Thank You!!! For clear explanation. I play with settings but, 90% of the time other than gain & frequency. I'm running two-tone default settings while relic hunting. Digging high & mixed tones. I've been running in 5-kHz more than I ever thought I would, & way more than I ever did when I swung a Deus! I've pulled some deep buttons out at popular sites also. Some of it could have been unmasking though running a 9.5X5" coil. Who knows, I am having fun with detector. I still have a lot to learn about this machine. Again thanks, I'll try your set-up soon also!

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Never stop trying to learn. I read posts & watch videos of all brands of detectors. The idea to reduce my Tone Break from 15-18 down to 06 was from an old thread on the F75 hunting for heavily masked targets in carpets of nails. It produced for me on ground I had been over carefully 3-4 times already.

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I agree, that's why I'm here! That and feel like crap today or, I'd be out swinging somewhere! My next time out, which will probably be Thursday. I've got a spot in mind I want to lower Tone Break and play with settings? Do you still use your F-75? I still use mine from time to time. Still a hot machine!!


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JCR, I just did a quick experiment with the Tone break on my Multi Kruzer, WOW what a game changer!!! I dropped the tone break to 4 and it completely eliminated the nails and gave a great tone on good targets. This is going to open a bunch of old sites to new possibilities. That being said, The TID numbers are skewed and dropped about 25 points but the tone is still recognizable. My test was with 4 heavily rusted 18th century nails in a 12 inch square with a colonial copper and a Merc dime in the center, Running the Nel superfly  coil. It hit each target solid at 8 inches and the nails were gone. I wish I would have known this sooner. THANKS for posting this little trick, It will really make a difference.

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Georgia, ever seen a button like this?? I been looking for an answer for almost a year.




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That makes two of us. Only thing I've seen remotely close is some Masonic button examples. Trying to think, who is still with us thst might shed some light. What's the backmark?

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I have this Odd Fellows button example saved on this phone. I probably have a few more on disc around here somewhere? Can't say if I ever seen one exactly like yours but, this example shows some similar design aspects. Though not as busy! If you can get a clear picture of backmark, we should be able to date button at least.


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