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Marking Targets.....?


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Last season I started hunting with my SDC and would mark 10 targets with those construction flags, then fire up the Goldmonster, scrape off a couple inches and chase down the target with the Monster.  I found this helped me PP faster and also be able to use the discrimination on the Monster and help speed things up for the way I hunt. Wash, rinse, repeat.  I've actually lost sight of those construction flags laying on the ground a few times and wasted some precious time looking for my target marker(s).  I found these packs of 10, in many colors, heavy duty markers, 7" diameter.  Looking forward to using something I can see next season.  I went with the "passionate pink"...lol  If you mark targets before you dig check em out.....


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I used to mark several targets, then go back and dig them, particularly when I was detecting woodland. I found that concentrating on the detecting was beneficial, and the repeated interruptions of digging spoiled my 'rhythm' . I don't do it so much now, though I always carry a few markers with me, for difficult situations like multiple nearby targets, or to help pinpoint weak targets more precisely. They also help in poor lighting, where 'spotting' the ground is harder.
I too found fluorescent pink to be the most stand-out colour, as it doesn't occur in nature. White would be my second choice. Bright yellow and orange are easily lost among fallen leaves.
But I use cardboard markers, as they are biodegradeable, and unlikely to harm any animal that may eat them. I tend to lose them on a regular basis, somehow, so this is a wise choice, I think. Mine are typically cut from packaging like cereal boxes etc , about 60mm / 2.5" diameter.

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Excellent idea! 


I've been feeling quite hung up on what to mark targets with lately. It's all about staying in that smooth groove while detecting. I was just about prepared to buy some rolls of pink flagging and just tie a length of it around a rock on top of targets. But I like the idea of using something rigid to mark with.

I'll try cutting a sheet of solid colored plexiglass into multiple 1.5-inch wide "rulers" to squeeze between rocks over targets. Loving the technique.


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I use surveying flags when I hunt large fields. Once I find the first good target I plant a flag and then go about the job at hand. Marking with numbers also helps map your area if your into trying to trace where the good stuff came to or went. Just come back and pull the flag and dig. Just limit your flags or markers in low visibility areas, So you can keep track of them. Also I read something that said fluorescent green is a better color for the human eye to see.

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As Geof suggests, Ground survey paint is the best and easiest. Spray a circle around your target but if you're moving away from an area and cant see the paint for bush, scrub, sticks etc then a plastic orange tent peg helps too

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30 minutes ago, Aureous said:

As Geof suggests, Ground survey paint is the best and easiest. Spray a circle around your target but if you're moving away from an area and cant see the paint for bush, scrub, sticks etc then a plastic orange tent peg helps too

IMO...  I don't need to pack around or keep replacing cans?  The discs fit in my pouch without taking up space and after I find my 10 targets I just pick up the disc when I retrieve target and put it back in the pouch. Wash, rinse, repeat another 10 targets. I also found the contractor flags with the metal stems don't stick in bedrock so I had to just lay them on the ground anyways? Tent stakes will have the same problem imo....  I'll go with a disc....  jmo

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yeah, pegs dont like rock/s lol. But one spray can will last you many days of use. If the discs work for you, keep using them. Its all about what makes you comfortable and successful in the end ?

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I have used spray paint years ago but the one problem with spray paint is it leads someone else that hunts the same area to where you are finding nuggets. Or not, if you are digging junk.

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