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New Simplex Update 2.79 For 2021 Coming Soon

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Against my better judgment I did what I do not usually do, click on a detecting themed video link.  Usually a waste of my time.

I again was not disappointed.

7 1/2 minutes of detecting basics 101 regarding VDI stability and 15 seconds of Dilek literally only saying, "the next Simplex update is coming soon."  Now I am a Dilek fan, and I am sure some Simplex users got some useful info re: target ID stability, but the very brief Simplex update mention lacked any context whatsoever in terms of specifics, so it's hard to say if the Simplex is getting better or simply getting fixed,  who knows.  The real surprise to me was how little info was provided.

Would have been nice, Sven1, if you made it clear that nothing really informative was said about what is planned to be addressed in this mystery "coming soon" update.  Would have saved me 8 minutes of my life I now cannot get back.  Lol.

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  • The title was changed to New Simplex Update 2.79 For 2021 Coming Soon

Did mention the update was at the end of the video.

Now I have questions if this was a current video or one in the past remarking about the 2.78 update and just re-edited.

Going to contact Dilek, for confirmation, so the video was deleted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all... there will be no 2.79 update for the Simplex. The publisher of the video has taken my video from last year where I was talking about the 2.78 update and for some reason named the video ‘’is 2.79 update coming soon’’ ?
We contacted the video's publisher and got the name changed as we got bombarded with questions from users.
Please do not believe anything you see on social media unless it is coming from me or my team.
Sorry for this confusion that we had no control over. 

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I bet there was lots of people like me that got suckered into watching the video, thinking there was going to be an update.

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  • 4 months later...

It's a shame there is no 2.79 update, anything to enhance target ID stability would be nice as my Simplex is terribly unstable with Target ID's on anything other than shallow targets, I'm wondering if putting an aftermarket coil on it might help with stability as at the moment it's my worst detector for Target Id's, even out of the entry level detectors it's by far the most unstable ID detector.

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17 hours ago, phrunt said:

It's a shame there is no 2.79 update, anything to enhance target ID stability would be nice as my Simplex is terribly unstable with Target ID's on anything other than shallow targets, I'm wondering if putting an aftermarket coil on it might help with stability as at the moment it's my worst detector for Target Id's, even out of the entry level detectors it's by far the most unstable ID detector.

Are you running on 2.78? I’ve heard this complaint a lot about 2.77, but 2.78 seemed to make those guys pretty happy as it brought the machine back to earlier more conservative TID parameters. 2.77 sought to stretch the limit, and many felt, past the edge of stability. I bought my machine on 2.77 and have been doing well in my apparently very mild to 2 bar soil. 

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4 minutes ago, ☠ Cipher said:

Are you running on 2.78?

I gave both a shot, I've only had it a couple of weeks. I found on 2.78 I was getting no ID on some deep coins that 2.77 would give me an ID, albeit a pretty random one.  In my area any coin worth digging in generally pretty deep.   My Simplex performs about equal to my Teknetics T2 on the same deep targets, I've just been spoilt by the other multi frequency detectors that have more stable ID's on deep coins so my expectations are pretty high when it comes to good ID's.   The lack of tones doesn't help the situation either.    On features it's punching well above it's weight, in performance its positioned at the price point where it should be is my opinion of the detector so far.  I love the design and build quality though.

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I have the 2.77 update in two Simplex + units, usually run in the newer Park 1 mode but also in both Field and Beach modes.  Target ID has been rather stabile and consistent with both of them, and that's using both the 5X9½" DD as well as the  less-used standard 11" DD.

I do not reject much, either, so I am hearing a lot of ferrous and non-ferrous targets, and I hunt in a variety of ground mineral environments.  The Simplex VDI has been more consistent than a lot of other detectors I have used, with most targets running from surface down to ±7".

For the record, I usually have all modes operating at Full Sensitivity and I only reduce it if there is EMI, and only enough to stabilize the device.  I seldom, if ever, use Park 2 mode.  The other three modes, Field, Park 1 and Beach, are all running wide-open and Accepting ALL of the Disc. segments to hear ferrous as well as non-ferrous, except I have rejected only the first Disc. segment in the Beach mode.






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