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GPX 6000 Running A 15x10" X-coil


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Yeah let's keep this positive, tis about what gets the Gold for users who like to tinker, the spice of life  for some but not so for others. Simply maybe another separate thread for negative views.

 Wonder will that DD 6K chip be suitable for a X coil concentric on the 6K, as stated in a previous thread my 14DDs available for such.

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Wow you guys are in a  different zone then I am with my Minelab 4500 and old coils, almost feel like gpx users are being left behind to these new tech machines...and coils like the X-Coil. ?. May have to get the Evo coil and so I can get closer to that curve. ?

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Nah Hotsauce your on the same wacko trip, we are a bunch of sun touched xters...


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It would behoove Minelab to stay ahead of the curve this time, and simply produce more coils for the GPX 6000. They can take the money, or they can let X Coil take it. From my perspective if X Coil succeeds at this, it is because Minelab "lets" them, their attempt at blocking aftermarket coils not withstanding. If Minelab makes the coils people want, then there would be no demand for other coils from other sources. Look at how much effort and cost people are willing to expend for more coils. Does that not open any eyes at Minelab?

If X Coil made a 6x10 for the 6000 and Minelab does not, I would be very tempted, even if it meant completely destroying an 11" mono in the process.

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The amount of X coils is so minuscule in the overall bigger picture sales volumes wise that I doubt if it even causes a ripple other than a bit of discussion about the fact of it being done. As Steve has said if ML don’t offer more options then the tinkerers will have a play but at the end of the day the tinkering and the people in the know are small numbers especially those people who are willing to go through all the agony of breaking into a coil etc to then come up with a work around. 

Bare in mind a lot of my arguments around previous discussions were around ethics, I still have an opinion about that but that’s ML’s problem now not mine especially when you consider Steve's very realistic reply!

On 9/1/2021 at 5:58 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

It would behoove Minelab to stay ahead of the curve this time, and simply produce more coils for the GPX 6000. They can take the money, or they can let X Coil take it.

But more importantly IMHO I felt the bigger issues was the lack of full disclosure by those constantly promoting them especially the risks of blowing a very expensive detector. Other than that have at it, more power to those who are willing to jump through all the hoops, at least in the case of the 6000 the coils are a lot cheaper to buy if you can source one.

So far just about every post that has been made by past pro-vocalists on this thread has a cautionary alluding warning shot clearly aimed at participants from past discussions, I am more than happy to keep out of it if people stop constantly referring to past debates in a way that is suggestive of the actual discussions and outcomes being different to reality. 

In conclusion I was informed a week or so back that Trevor from Coiltek recently announced on FB somewhere that they had plans for a range of coils for the GPX6000 slated sometime in 2022, so it looks like ML are well and truly aware of the need for accessory coils this time round.(I did not sight the FB post in question, it was a word of mouth remark made to me by a customer who saw the post so please do not take this as gospel).


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Yes, hopefully they can sort out something where adapters are made for people like has been the case with the GPZ coils for some time now.  Since that started there has been no issues with people making their own adapter badly and the good number of coils sold since with no problems.   There is no such thing as no risk when doing this sort of thing though but it's sure been mitigated by this approach and likely the only viable thing for the 6000 coils I think.  It's best people are aware of possible detector damage and so on, I completely agree, it does show how desperate people are to use other coils though.

They're not being sold for now so disclosure about risks involved is not yet necessary although I think it's somewhat obvious seeing you are opening a coil up to do it, this video is nothing more than demonstrating it can and has been done and I think it's pretty cool how quickly it was achieved to get where it's at already.

The Coiltek thing is interesting, I've not seen that post either but I'm sure it would have spread like wildfire on the 6000 FB groups if it was posted, good on Coiltek if they are going to be doing it though, good news for owners that's for sure.

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I can attest to how well x-coils making the adaptor was for me, had that been an available early on I’d have jumped on board right away, the one they made is built bomb proof tough I can’t see having any issues. If the same is available for the 6000 I’m a buyer ASAP just to have the options. 

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2 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

If X Coil made a 6x10 for the 6000 and Minelab does not, I would be very tempted, even if it meant completely destroying an 11" mono in the process.

It is hard to understand why Minelab has again closed the door with proprietary connectors and security chip methods to prevent aftermarket coils if they don’t intend to provide other coil choices to their customers. 

The X-Coil method may again be the only option for other coil options for the GPX 6000. Minelab has certainly made it more difficult to make an adapter but if it is accomplished it will open up several coil choices.  

The GPX 6000 11” Mono coil has the same electrical specifications as most previous GPX series coils. That is; the inductance is close to 300 microhenrys (uH) and the resistance is close to 0.3 ohms. And shielding appears to be similar.

If the X-Coil adapter method is wired to a standard 5 pin GPX connector configuration it should allow other  X-Coils that are already built for GPX series detectors to be used or adapted to the GPX 6000.

Existing Minelab GPX series Mono coils and other aftermarket GPX series Mono coils, depending on the quality and shielding effectiveness, may also perform well with the X-Coil adapter method. A workable and performance quality list could be established by a few users that still have GPX series Mono coils.

The GPX 6000 Double D receiver coil is different from previous GPX series Double D coils. It appears to have a capacitor in series with the winding and appears to have more turns in the winding. Using existing aftermarket Double D coils on the GPX 6000 would probably not perform well. X-Coil would most likely be the only supplier of GPX 6000 Double D coil options for such a small niche market.

Have a good day,

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