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Who Has Had Issues With Their Gpx 6000?

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So some of you know that my 6000 arrived defective right out of the box and that I sent it back to be replaced the morning after I got it. Well the new replacement arrived yesterday and the detector works as I assume it should. Well, at least it will sound off on a nugget, so I assume it is working properly. I have the 14" DD on to test that out. When I picked up the 11" to pull it out of it's plastic bag, I noticed something odd on the top of the coil. There was a crescent shaped crack in the coil. What in the world is going on with Minelab and their quality control.?!! People spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on their detectors, you would think they would be more strict and precise with their quality control procedures. I sent the 11" coil back to be replaced, this morning at 9 am. It is possible it could have happened in shipping, however the inner box and shipping box were in great condition. No smashed areas anywhere on the boxes. Anyone else  want to chime in about their particular Minelab detector defect. If Minelab is reading this, you have alot of people out there spending alot of money on your detectors because they are the best-Hands down, but it seems like since the sdc2300 came out the quality control is going down hill. I understand some defects can get by or crop up over a little bit of use, but this is not good.


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Crikey, GS5000 you are having a bad run, I have little to complain about my 6K it has done almost a full season and only complaint is the shaft locks are just a wee weak out there in the dusty dry field. Your problem reminds me of way back I went through a few SD 18" "rubbish bin lid coils" right out of the box they refused to work on both channels. Just bad luck for me then for you now I suspect. 

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33 minutes ago, IdahoPeg said:

My initial 6000 would power off when I set it down to dig a target, likely a loose connection with the battery pack? 


Mine did the same about half a dozen times the first time I went out but it has not done it since. Im thinking there was something, maybe an oil, on the contacts between the battery and the unit. Im just guessing though because its odd to me that it hasnt done it since my first day out. But my headphones will not charge so ill be sending those back this winter when I wont be needing them. 

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Mine was defective out of the box.  The first time out it started with intermittent coil errors and excessive noise after some use in the field. I thought it was the 11" coil so I switched to the 17" but that didn't solve the problem. My machine is currently in for repair which I am not happy about on a brand new $6,000 machine. Hopefully, they replace it as it has other additional problems even when it seems to be working.  Waiting for a new unit...hopefully!

I agree, Minelab needs a quality control overhaul. They have some serious problems with the level of failures I have been reading about on the 6000. This also isn't my first defective Minelab detector, I have had many over the last 10 years.


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23 minutes ago, Don71 said:

Hopefully, they replace it as it has other additional problems even when it seems to be working

I’d be demanding a new one or my money back. 

Very unfortunate for you guys having issues. 
So far I have been very lucky with all my Minelabs except an SDC 2300 that had a PCB die whilst still under warranty.  

Gold Monster, Equinox 800, GPZ 7000 and GPX 6000 - detectors and accessories have all worked as expected straight out of the box. 

The only bonus for those having troubles is that you know Minelab will make things right.  

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I don’t know yet if it’s a problem or not my 17” coil is very touch sensitive pressing it to the ground and also bump sensitive sets it off sounding loudly, it operates very well other than that. I’ve tried different ways wrapping the cable around the 6000’s shaft playing with the loop, also using 3 Velcro ties around and along the detectors shaft but have yet to find a way to quiet it down consistently, sometimes…rarely it doesn’t sound off. Forget shoving it into bushes between the coil false and cable snagging branches it challenges hearing targets.

I think my 6000 works like it should but like you said “who knows” mine finds really tiny stuff but again like you said other than that how can you tell really if your detector is actually putting out it’s rated HP, what’s the bench test?

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Got my 6000 two days ago and went out today and had a problem with it from the get go and was unable to detect the entire day. A friend had his 6000 and it worked fine. We tried factory reset 5 times, removed the battery and disconnected the coil and it still wouldn't work. Horrible EMI sounding noise and if you barely touched a small plant it got worse and even when you went over any type of rock or a low spot it did the same thing. When we got back to the truck i suggested we try switching coils and both detectors worked as they should when we did. Switched them back and now mine seems to be working correctly.Going back out tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. Sounds like major problems on lots of them. No at all happy with Minelab. Jim

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So far I've been a lucky early-adopter and I have had no issues with my newly-arrived GPX 6000 in 3 trips out detecting for a full day each time.

But, hearing about all of your problems, I think it might be wise if I take my 11in mono and 14DD with me on my next outing and test to see if they work correctly since some of you have had coil issues.  So far the 17x13 mono has worked smoothly and knock on wood my other 2 will also run well.

I'm sorry for those of you who've had issues.  What a chore to have to deal with returns and repairs right off the bat! :blink:   

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