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White's MX Sport - Sweet Home, We Have A Problem

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No worries.  I'm sorry if I was harsh, too. I'm glad you're here and doubly glad to have a company like White's making wonderful detectors. 

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as the owner of two whites products and maybe soon to be  three, I say lets give them a chance.

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To be honest apart from releasing some silly Video's All that has happened is the machine was put in production before it was tested properly by people actually have the knowledge and ability to put VLFs through their paces and be able to translate their findings in to a constructive format to allow the Programmers to configure the software to it's ultimate setting,

I hope Whites have learned by this and in future confide in people like Steve and others from around the world and trust such people with doing the right thing, Some of us actually take the machines we use more seriously and we want these new machines to be the best they can be,

I hope Whites will work closer with us then we can avoid anything like this happening in the future.


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Guest Paul (Ca)

Hello John,

 I agree some things went wrong but White's also got some things right. 

From the surface, At the beginning several of us seen the MX Sport was not up to speed for the serious detectorist. I seen it within 30 minutes, but within an hour found a couple of modes and with the right settings the MX Sport was a terrific detector. Granted, these two modes (Prospecting & All Metal) were missing some of the cool features the other modes had but non the less Prospecting & All Metal modes were lighting fast with VCO off and SAT between 5 & 6 for my type of hunting.

I knew right there and then, the MX Sport had the makings to be one of the best Relic detectors out there. My first trip out in gold county proved this to be true, using prospecting mode VCO OFF SAT between 5-6 the MX Sport was terrific,  found me a rare miners early 1850's buckle. 

If the upgrade Relic mode is as fast as Prospecting mode with VCO off, we are looking at one serious detector for the Relic hunter.

Called White's today, my MX Sport will be shipped out today should be here Monday or Tuesday.

Also, Want to take the time to thank Steve for sharing his concern with his MX Sport, Thank you Steve!

As well as the other MX Sport users, Appreciate all those voicing your concern. Thanks gang!

 And Tom, For answering our endless questions concerning the MX Sport, Thanks Tom White's is very fortunate having you on board! And Thank you White's I new you would take care of the issues!

All is not lost, while I wait for my MX Sport delivery, Still have a few White's BFO models to use this weekend, and one of them is the first BFO model White's made before the White's Electronics name. Still works, 67.5 volts and two 1.5 volt batteries powers the heavy beast. The others came after, but still a joy to use.

I never lost faith with White's, new they would correct the issues and looks like they did!

All the best,




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 It's good you did call them and they found it. I myself know things happen and just maybe someone else received it but forgot to say anything.

Because they lost it White's will roll out the red carpet for you and you will have it soon. I do hope you get it soon.I don't believe White's would let it out the door again if they didn't think we wouldn't be happy with the new program.

We have White's as a company to thank and above all a special thanks to Tboykin ( Tom ) for being our go between. The best of it all he was willing to listen and go out to test what was said. Then come back with a solution he believed would fit our needs.


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3 hours ago, auminesweeper said:

To be honest apart from releasing some silly Video's All that has happened is the machine was put in production before it was tested properly by people actually have the knowledge and ability to put VLFs through their paces and be able to translate their findings in to a constructive format to allow the Programmers to configure the software to it's ultimate setting,

I hope Whites have learned by this and in future confide in people like Steve and others from around the world and trust such people with doing the right thing, Some of us actually take the machines we use more seriously and we want these new machines to be the best they can be,

I hope Whites will work closer with us then we can avoid anything like this happening in the future.


that may not be exactly what happened, I do beta testing on equipment that cost more than most detectors, sometimes you are dealing with many firm or software files with small differences,. what can happen in the development process is a bug is found, a fix is created, the version is sent out to beta testers, fix is confirmed, but another bug is created. sometimes the other bug is caught. sometimes not. this goes on and on, files are stacked up and saved. that way you can roll back if you cause some major crash or instability.

sometimes, production uses the wrong file, which may have the new bug or an old bug that was fixed in a later file. final beta is on the production release,HOWEVER, if a fatal flaw is found production will be delayed, if its missed, the customer becomes an inadvertent part of the testing chain. also, if any hardware changes are made then firmware can be affected, so beta starts again, but may only include testing for things the change MAY have an effect on. sometimes you miss stuff. 

I'm not trying to make excuses for any company, but after being involved with beta testing for many years, I have seen some bugs slip through on expensive stuff. especially if their is a deadline set in stone to meet. it sounds easy to test for every eventuality, but in reality it's tedious and fraught with chances to make errors. I've made some. so has every company, wasn't there an update for the GPZ, with a disc too?  

personally I was hoping to have already ordered my mxs by now, but I'll wait and see, and give them a chance to win me. good luck whites.

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2 hours ago, gambler said:

personally I was hoping to have already ordered my mxs by now, but I'll wait and see, and give them a chance to win me. good luck whites.


It don't sound like you are living up to your name.  Sounds like you may not gamble so much on your detector decisions.  Not saying that's wrong for sure, seems pretty wise but definitely ungambler like.  Maybe that should be your name ungambler!  :wink:

I'm kinda waiting also to see how the MX sport shakes out too.  

Best Regards

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Almost every detector priced over $500 has issues on release these days, often with software. It happened with CTX, GPZ, and Deus, and all three you downloaded and applied the fix in minutes at home. Other models like the AT or F75 have had to be sent in for updates. Since these software updates after release seem to be so common, I am starting to think the only thing that makes sense is to only buy machines that can be updated over the Internet, or wait a minimum of 6 months after release if you want to avoid having to return a machine that has to be updated manually. People who buy in the first six months are the final testers, and I have yet to see any company give out so much as a free hat for the difficulty they are putting their most avid customers through. Kudos to White's for at least paying postage both ways - that is more than often happens. In some cases companies have charged fees to make hardware updates that their best and most faithful customers did not get because they bought early. It has gotten like this industry wide early buyer penalty program it has become so common.

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One day I was out Ridge Running and I look down from my Ridge to see a new MX Sport. I could see it was in Roughwater but was told it's waterproof. A Gambler as I am jump into the Roughwater and pull the MX Sport back up on my Ridge.

This story has happy ending.

Oh it was Roughwater but I glad I took a Gamble being the Gambler that I am. Before long I'll be back on my Ridge hunting with my MX Sport.

Okay Roughwater and Gambler both of you need to get your feet wet and buy yours.


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I am inclined to agree with Steve, It seems that machines that have the software downloadable are becoming the norm and a safe bet,

This is the second machine that has been released that has had a problem, which has lowered my faith in a certain Quarter, I still think this could of been avoided if it had been given to the right people to test, which did not happen, The bonus is that it is waterproof, But any finds that were found  that have been posted during testing could of been found with a fast Tracker or a Go Find.

There is too much Cloak and Dagger stuff going on with Whites, I can understand them wanting to keep new products under wraps until they are close to release, But I don't know why they don't warn us that they are going to cease making certain Items, IE 3 coils for the MXT and the GMT have vanished off the Accessories list along with the TDI Pro and having asked such questions a few months back and being LIED Too has destroyed my faith In Whites as a Company and I no longer know who to trust there anymore, We are talking old detectors and past product for goodness sake, Not National Security.

Suddenly I find my self having to scour the country to source older parts because the info was not forth coming, Whites are doing what ever they feel like doing on this day in question without a thought that some people rely on such products and having asked such Questions and being assured that all will be fine just to find out this week that I have spent $3300.00+ on machines that have either vanished or soon will be, along with the accessories have vanished also. In the past year alone I have spent somewhere between 5 and 7k on Whites products just to find this out And this Cluster **** of a machine that has now been released is far from being Ideal or even Average for that matter and I am supposed to be excited.

Throw the BS Video's in to the mix where they do their best to discredit the machine that I have just spent a $1000 on plus another 7/800 dollars for accessories and then people wonder why I am annoyed,

Whites is not the same company they were 10 or 15 years ago, And if the repairs on these machines are not done then that could really hurt whites in the Wallet and also make them a Laughing stock in the detecting world, which would be very hard to recover from.

Don't get sucked in to thinking that this is about you and that you matter because I could not get anywhere even after spending 6 to 7k with them, Because if this dies in the a$$ then Whites are going to take a serious hit in the Wallet but most of all in the Market and they don't want to admit that it is already too late because one company has already Stepped up to the plate and they are taking on the best of the best head to head.

This is Damage Limitation and nothing else.


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