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Just To Set The Record Straight…..


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In regards to Tom Dankowski’s statement regarding myself….https://www.dankowskidetectors.com/discussions/read.php?2,152652,184080#msg-184080

I find this very interesting especially since I did NOT purchase the modified Tarsacci unit from Dimitar, I bought it used from a third party, who Dimitar custom made it for. Therefore, I had no said “agreement” with him.

The gentleman called me recently and informed of his interest in selling the unit  in order to free up some cash for the latest XP flagship. The gentleman suffers from significant hearing damage working around heavy equipment and being a professional musician. He could NOT differentiate the high tone from the mid tone. I suspect the same is for others….

This modification cuts the learning curve down SIGNIFICANTLY!

I didn’t see a need for the unit until he sent me video samples of which I immediately noticed BIG difference in audio. My only intent was for the Tarsacci community to realize how much better the audio (((could))) be.

However, things being as they are with Dimitar he is not in the habit of listening to his customers, just as he hasn’t, regarding a small coil, BEAST coil cover, arm strap, extra lower rod, hard copy manual, all of which I endlessly lobbied for to him for you guys (and you know who you are).

Very strange this statement is made about me especially since I’ve done nothing but promote the Tarsacci. Even though I’ve pulled the forum due to maintenance cost and bad Tarsacci sales my YouTube videos bring Dimitar TONS of FREE promotion.

Before I pulled them they were getting almost 5,000 minutes a month in view time. Now that I brought them back, in only 2 weeks people have spent over 31hrs have watching them. 

What people don’t realize is subscribers mean NOTHING, it’s VIEWERS. 80% of my viewers are NOT subscribers, Dimitar doesn’t get that…..

And there’s more aspects, tricks of the Tarsacci that haven’t been addressed anywhere on the forum or YouTube that I still to publish yet, lack the motivation…



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1 hour ago, Aaron said:

In regards to Tom Dankowski’s statement regarding myself….https://www.dankowskidetectors.com/discussions/read.php?2,152652,184080#msg-184080

I find this very interesting especially since I did NOT purchase the modified Tarsacci unit from Dimitar, I bought it used from a third party, therefore I had no said agreement with him.

The gentleman called me recently and informed of his interest in selling the unit  in order to free up some cash for the latest XP flagship. The gentleman suffers from significant hearing damage working around heavy equipment and being a professional musician. He could NOT differentiate the high tone from the mid tone. I suspect the same is for others….

This cuts down the learning curve SIGNIFICANTLY!

I didn’t see a need for the unit until he sent me video samples of which I immediately noticed BIG difference in audio. My only intent was for the Tarsacci community to realize how much better the audio (((could))) be.

However, things being as they are with Dimitar he is not in the habit of listening to his customers, just as he hasn’t, regarding a small coil, BEAST coil cover, arm strap, extra lower rod, hard copy manual, all of which I endlessly lobbied for to him for you guys (and you know who you are).

Very strange this statement is made about me especially since I’ve done nothing but promote the Tarsacci. Even though I’ve pulled the forum due to maintenance cost and bad Tarsacci sales my YouTube videos bring Dimitar TONS of FREE promotion.

Before I pulled them they were getting almost 5,000 minutes a month in view time. Now that I brought them back, in only 2 weeks people have spent over 31hrs have watching them. 

What people don’t realize is subscribers mean NOTHING, it’s VIEWERS. 80% of my viewers are NOT subscribers, Dimitar doesn’t get that…..

And there’s more aspects, tricks of the Tarsacci that haven’t been addressed anywhere on the forum or YouTube that I still to publish yet, lack the motivation…



So please forgive me, but did Dimitar make that audio specifically for that gentleman or did someone tinker with it ? Thanks for the update and God knows how Tom got that story.

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Thanks for responding. Learning the MDT 8000 seems more a group effort than most. Thank you for all your efforts.

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  Thank you so very much for all your contributions and education on the Tarsacci metal detector.  When I hunt on the beach with the Tarsacci, I try to use it like the Sovereign GT instead of like the Equinox 800.  Using the tones as dig or not dig and disregard the lack of reliable VDI.  After hundreds of hours of hunting I can finally hear the subtle differences in the tones, but your video shows that it didn't have to be this way.  I currently own 2 Tarsacci's, but would gladly buy the model you have in the video.  If Dimitar would offer that product as the Tarsacci 2, I would buy one today.  Thanks again.



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