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And To Think, I Complain About Digging Pellets

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The dangerous world of illegal mining in South Africa

Every day they go to work, they have no idea whether they will return home alive. Poverty forces them beneath the earth to search for gold. Some will be arrested for illegal mining. Some will die.

BBC Africa Eye meets the migrants who risk everything to go deep underground in South Africa’s dangerous disused gold mines to make a living.


If you go to the BBC website there is a 9 minute video, it's worth the watch.

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Over 2½ Tonne of quartz to crush up by hand from low level gold ore. If they are lucky they might get a gram of gold. 🤢

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It said on a good day if they;re lucky they can get up to 1000 Rand.....that's $64.53 in US dollars and 89.93 in Australian dollars and that's IF you're lucky, some days they're may only get 1/4 to 1/3 of that and many times they get nothing, a very hard life!!

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This kind of stuff is so sad. We hear about blood diamonds, but there are similar conditions mining other stuff too going largely unreported, at least in the US.

The jadeite mining in Myanmar is another one. Literally entire meth addicted families, children, trying to stay up and scavenge the dozer pushes for as many hours as possible. And there have been a lot of large scale mine collapses killing these children and families, the last one killed 200 people and it never even made the news here in the US. There are something like 1+ million children trapped in child labor in mining and other industries there. 


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