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First Outing With The Coiltek 10x5" And 14x19" On The GPX 6000


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I took the 10x5 out again and aside from finding more gold, I found a treasure I consider even better.

I was detecting in the middle of nowhere up a hillside, and checked under a boulder that I wouldn’t have been able to reach with the stock coils, and pulled out this beauty. Given it’s age and where it’s at it certainly dates to the local gold rush. I have no intention in selling it so I cleaned it up, and I think it turned out great.





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Nice, those tangential finds are sometimes the most rewarding. Another nugget is...just another nugget sometimes. Pretty cool.

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I’d think that that was a bit of money to lose back then, nice find!

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21 minutes ago, phrunt said:

To follow on from the earlier part of this thread as to if my GPX 6000 11" coil was faulty, it was replaced by our Minelab service agent, they were able to fault it which I'm very happy about, it means I hadn't gone crazy.



Now I will be able to compare it to the Coiltek coils properly, knowing it's a more fair comparison without the 11" being faulty.

Looking forward to the comparisons!  ?

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