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New Minelab Manticore


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7 hours ago, UtahRich said:

To make things more interesting is the new polyphonic audio.  Separate audio scales for the X and Y axis. So now i will have the audio and visual X-Y axis indicators to sort out multiple targets. 


That's interesting, I think there are very few machines that offer similar mixed audio, but to have mixed mode audio along with the target trace graph that could get interesting.   I think I'll make a user profile setup like I have my EQX800 to get my feet wet, and then another profile with polyphonic audio so I could switch back and forth to understand the differences. 

I wonder if in a sea of nails how that 2D graph will work out, graph all the nails and if a coin or button's hiding in the mix?

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I am wondering if the mixed audio will be like running both "conductive tones" and "ferrous tones," as you could on the Explorers and E-Trac, but AT THE SAME TIME (one in either ear).  Now THAT could be interesting...


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20 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

Yep, all good, Steve.  I didn't mean to counter what you said but rather enhance it.  And since I've never used an FBS detector I was hoping to get a confirmation, which you gave (thank you for that).  Possibly I should have been more careful/explicit in my post -- next time....:smile:


GB -- OH MY!  I am sorry if something I said, or the way I said it, caused you in any way to feel you had to apologize in any way!  I guess I didn't use enough emojis or whatever!

I simply thought, from your response, that maybe my post was suggesting that I didn't think target trace could be a useful tool, so I wanted to clarify that my post was more narrow, in terms of what I was saying that target trace might not help a whole lot with.

It's all good, and CERTAINLY no need to apologize in any way!  In fact, I offer you MY apology, if that's what my post suggested to you!  By all means (and this should go without saying, but...) feel free to counter ANYTHING I say, any time you feel it necessary!  I'm always up for a good point/counterpoint discussion!


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I'm not familiar with ctx and I have a question:

what does the visual look like on a coin on the edge?

because in the video of the french dealer, when he tests the 5ct napoleon buried on the edge, the 2d trace is in the high ferrous (audio good)

do you think the coins on the edge will still be in the visual ferrous but with a sound of non-ferrous?

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8 hours ago, phrunt said:

They always avoid saying if the headphones are WiStream and just say low latency, bit puzzled by that.

Pretty sure (it's been a month now...) Lawrie said in one of the European Tour videos that Bluetooth is not supported.  (Someone asked -- he said 'no'.)  If it's low latency but not Bluetooth, does that mean proprietary?  What does the GPX6000 have?

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The engineer said you can use Beach Deep mode if you want to get a gold ring to 60cm. That's 23.6".

An interesting video.

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On 10/12/2022 at 6:52 AM, steveg said:

strick --

Don't think it is a bar chart or histogram.  I believe it to be an x,y coordinate system, very similar to the CTX 2-D smart screen, but we shall see.



The visual i DO think is a histogram type that builds a display image on the 2D screen with multiple sweeps - hence being able to see oblong vs round images. 


Regarding the polyphonic audio - i saw your post over on Tom D's site - I'm thinking it will be more like this:


 . . . the DTMF (touchtone used by the phone company) system as an example. Overlapping tones - a group of ascending tones for the conductive value and another set of ascending tones, distinct from the first, for the ferrous value. Every X-Y coordinate / point would have a distinctive pair of tones for its' audio value. The ear is very good at differentiating tones.

In the case of multiple targets under the coil at once, two sets of tones would be quite distinctive from each other, in the case of a rusty nail AND a silver dime. An M-core user would hear and see the two different 'targets' and proceed as they see fit.

Rich -

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On 10/11/2022 at 6:23 PM, Troy E said:

Right now if I was going to spend that money I think I’d get a Tarsacci.  MDT 8000.

Not saying the manticore won’t be a excellent detector, I’d like to see some of them out in the field, live digs and such first.

Been there done that twice. I personally will take the Manticore.

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11 hours ago, phrunt said:

I don't know if this video has been posted or not, I've not watched any videos since right at the start of the flood of marketing, however I found this video informative

I haven't seen this one posted (thanks; I've now watched it twice) -- it's just released on 11 October even though it was recorded over 3 weeks prior to that.  Besides picking up a few tidbits I hadn't noticed previously (more on that shortly), Lawrie steps through much of the settings options and explains them.  (He's done this on other videos so either I missed some things or he's going into more detail this time.)

At ~7:30 he mentions the 10 search modes and then says each has a different combination of analyzed frequencies (repeats that at ~10:10) .  That's good to know (kinda like the Deus 2?) and taken literally it's at least twice as many as the Equinox. 

Unfortunately many of the screenshots are invisible due to reflection of skylight.  (Wish they would apply frosted screen protectors -- something available for laptops and smart phones for almost 2 decades?)  But one shows the red underline of a iron/steel washer with the dTID in the high 30's.  It's still not obvious to me that this is an actual negative 38 dTID or that the conductivity reading is 38 and the ferrous reading (equivalent to first number of two on the FBS detectors) is just indicated with the red bar rather than a number.  Of all the videos I've seen I don't recall anyone delving into this.

Early on he explains why there are extra ribs on the coil housing.  For those water hunters who have been complaining about this, it's necessary for coil stability.  Now, if you wish they had enclosed all this in some kind of mono-housing, that seems like a separate (but related) request.

Probably some are getting fatigued reading me complimenting this approach of having an engineer who was intimately involved in the design and implementation be a spokesperson at videoed public and private gatherings.  But contrast that with other videos (including the recent one done at Myers' in Florida).  I like correct answers as well as hearing the reasons things were done the way they were, and Lawrie's videos have both.  An open Q&A with him would answer most of the questions many of us here at detectorprospector still have.

One final thing about the headphones.  I seem to recall someone (possibly even associated with Minelab) saying the GPX6000 headphones will work with the Manticore.  Not only do I not recall Lawrie saying this, but you'll notice in this video in the last couple minutes where his words are carefully chosen when he mentions the similarity (I think he says "form factor") of those with these 105 models.  I take that to mean they are outwardly (physically) similar but inwardly (electronically) different.

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