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Steve’s 2022 Australia Adventure, Part 2

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Pity you won't get to Bendigo Victoria as I live less than an hour from there and would have liked to catch up.

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5 minutes ago, Reg Wilson said:

Pity you won't get to Bendigo Victoria as I live less than an hour from there and would have liked to catch up.

Yeah, that would have been nice, for you, me, and some others. We will be in the Bendigo area, but like I said I'm just a passenger on the trip, and somebody else has the wheel. They said no time for other stops along to way. Kind of nuts in my opinion, for Garrett to not be maximising show and tell opportunities while we are there, but it is what it is.

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8 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Yeah, that would have been nice, for you, me, and some others.

Even if we just take you out for dinner  at a pub in Bendigo Steve, I’d make the trip.  

Should we send Mr Novakovich an email?  ?

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10 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

My autograph is only worth anything if it’s on a check.

Then you might bring plenty of check books for all your fans.

Good luck on your trip and stay safe down there as we all know how some of those people are around people from the States.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Garrett have quite a large tent setup there, they look like they've outdone Minelabs ?   Never know when you'll need some hemp balm I guess from the chafing with the muggy heat with all the rain about.

Not many people there though. 

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