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GPX Coil Opinion Request

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I would like some opinions on what my next coil selection should be for my GPX 5000.   I have my Vlf unit (Eureka Gold) with 3 coils to cover the smaller gold.

Presently for the 5000 I have a 8" commander mono, 11" commander DD, 11" commander mono and a 16" Nuggetfinder Mono Advantage and I would like at least one more coil.

I'm thinking to maybe get an even larger mono.  Maybe the 22" Coiltek Goldstalker mono, Or the New Coiltek 18" round Mono Elite. But the Coiltek 24X14 goldstalker sounds interesting.  Then of course there is the Nugget finder 25" mono Advantage but it's much more expensive than any of the others.  On the smaller side there is the 14X9 Blitz said to be developed for the 5000.   

So what would you all think I should buy?  

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10 minutes ago, Rege-PA said:

A 15in Detech Ultmate DD. Getting some great reviews

I'll look into that.  It's close to the size of my nuggetfinder but I don't have a large DD coil so I'll check out the reviews.  Thanks

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9 hours ago, bado1 said:

Why the need for the  larger coils? Do you swing a lot of open ground?

Have you looked in to the NF Evolution coils?




Thanks for the input.

Right now I'm not swinging any ground.  I'm stuck here in the eastern US working but soon to be retired so gathering my prospecting guns and ammo (detectors and coils) for a long trip west.  

I was thinking the 8" mono would cover most of my field work and I have the 11" coils for slightly more open areas and the 16" NF in fairly open and over some tailing piles and help in finding patches etc.  But I doubt I'll ever see ground that hasn't seen a detector before so I felt it would be good to have one coil that would probably go deeper than possibly anything that's been over the ground before thus my interest in a larger coil than the 16.

 I figure a really big coil wouldn't see a lot of use but maybe could find that one decent nugget other detector coil combo's just couldn't see?  I figure that's one reason nearly everybody buy's the latest greatest detector is to find those nuggets in previously hunted out areas?  I can see there are different elliptical coils that would be more efficient in covering a given area compared to a round coil but I don't think the depth capability would be much better that what I already have now?  

You see I have several question marks thus the uncertainty of my statements.  I would rather be a little over-gunned than under within reason.  I feel pretty confident I have the right guns now just wanting to feel like I have the best ammo too.  I'm hoping that some of you with more experience than me (most of you) would help point me in the right direction. 

I could maybe see the 19X13 Evo.  

Some of the previously listed coils I mentioned like the new 18" mono Elite are getting great reviews or at least it's little brother is (the 14" Mono elite) by Gerry who I know and trust but I already have a 16" coil already so no sense in going smaller I figure.  

I have a new coiltek 15" Wot for my Eureka and very impressed with the quality and sturdy look of it's build which increased my interest in the coiltek brand.  I am trying to keep an open mind and can be swayed however.  


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I understand your desire to cover all the bases, you have that already.  I assure you that the 11" mono will go very, very deep. The key is knowing your detector and understanding what it is whispering to you. The deep stuff rarely shouts!

Coils are easy to find anytime. I urge you to use what you have for a month or two and then get a big coil if you still think you want it or need it. BTW, you get better ground coverage with an E-coil but a round coil generally gets better depth.

It will be a fine adventure


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I think Fred is right.  

Five years ago when I bought my 5000 (It was my first PI) I got it with the 8, 11DD, 11 and 17.  I was 'set' or so I thought.

I hit the Arizona deserts and southern California ... for a year without finding my first gold.  It was getting frustrating.  I had found lots of targets on the beach years ago and the desert should be the same, right?


I know you have more knowledge than I did about your detectors and coils but there were two major things that I did wrong in the beginning that I would do over again.

1. I would practice (as Fred said get to know your equipment) more with targets of the size (small) I was looking for because I was swinging and expecting a response I couldn't get.  I was swinging too fast (never too slow), I didn't understand the whisper that Fred mentioned and I was too impatient. (Now I know many, many places have been hunted out before I get there!)

2. Perhaps more important than the practice above would be to make sure I hunted with someone who TOLD me I was doing it wrong ... or right.  I was going out mostly solo to areas I had read about on the internet or even to club claims.  Now if I was new I would get more than just a couple of lessons (that wasn't enough for me) and I'd pair up with someone (they got to want to share with you) and hunt that way.

If I would have done these two things my first couple of years would have been more productive.


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Dean, Fred Chris and Mitchel, appreciate the input.

 I have a couple things going for me that will help me catch back up a bit to where I left off 10 years ago when I went prospecting.  One of the things I have going for me is that though it's been a while I do have some experience using a detector with finding gold.  Not a lot bit some.  The other thing I got going for me is that I will be going to Gerry Mcmullen's training in Oregon in July.  We will also meet up in North Carolina at the Beach in June for training on the 3030.  But in July in Oregon it will be training on the 5000.  Gerry knows his s$!$ when it comes to detectors. He trained me on the GP 3500 back in 05 at Rye Patch and the day after I completed the training I found 6 nuggets at rye patch on my own, the largest being a one ouncer.  I think a lot of it was luck at being in the right place at the right time with the right tool and the right training and the right coil.  The part of finding the nuggets that I don't call luck was using Gerry's training to the fullest, being wise enough to move my detecting a couple hundred yards from the one little area everybody seemed to be beating to death with detectors and once finding a nugget crossing and crisscrossing that 100X100 yrd area that I found that first nugget in.  The attached pics are of mostly the nuggets I found that one day at Rye patch in 05.  I really want to get my coil over some targets again and see some glistening gold!    


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