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On 5/14/2016 at 9:13 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

I would not expect much more depth on silver with a Racer 2 as compared to F19.


Have you tried the RC 40 10X13 coil yet on the Racer 2?  I hear it gets better depth than all the other coils for the racer 2.  

There is a short review of it at Link deleted since Findmall Forum update broke all old links  Tester claims to have found a wheat cent at 10".


The RC40 is 15.5" x 13"

Coils for Makro Racer & Racer 2

  • Makro 10x5.5 DD (RC26 DD)
  • Makro 11x7 DD (RC29 DD)
  • Makro 15.5x13 DD (RC40 DD)
  • Makro 5x4.5 DD (RC13 DD)
  • MarsMD 10x6 Sniper
  • MarsMD 13 Discovery
  • MarsMD 13x10 Tiger
  • MarsMD 15 Goliath
  • Nel 12.5x8.5 Hunter
  • Nel 12x13 Tornado
  • Nel 13x14 Storm
  • Nel 15 Attack
  • Nel 15x17 BIG
  • Nel 5 Sharp
  • Nel 6.5x3.5 Snake
  • Nel 9.5x5.5 Sharpshooter

I have used this size coil on the Gold Racer but not Racer 2. In most ground a coil that much larger will of course add depth, but if in anything but sparse targets has a much greater chance of multiple targets under coil at same time and harder to pinpoint with. In extremely bad ground depth gains can be minimal as the coil sees way more ground, calling for reduced Gain settings to compensate. In other words, mileage can vary with oversize coils on VLF detectors. In milder ground it would add substantial depth. Substantial with large coils on a VLF usually translates into 10% to 20% more depth on coil size targets, or an inch or two. Doubling VLF coil size comes nowhere close to doubling depth on coins unfortunately. The larger the item, the better the relative depth gains.

Here is the RC40 on the Gold Racer...


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After digging tin all day with the racer2 the ctx3030 is sounding better and better.

Steve, what kind of depth increase would I see with the 3030 vs. racer2?


You will not see a big depth increase per se. Just more solid, more reliable target id numbers at depth. I honestly have not used both enough comparatively to put an amount or percentage to such a thing, and it varies anyway depending on your ground. When I have more time to run the CTX and Racer 2 side by side on found targets I might have more of an opinion on that.

What makes the Minelab multi frequency units special is not raw depth, but accurate discrimination to depth. The machines tend to hold reliable id numbers until the signal gets lost. Machines like the Racer 2 have decent depth but target numbers can vary a lot at depth. In my ground for whatever reason aluminum tends to upscale so you can get a nice coin type signal at depth only to get an aluminum beaver tail off an old pull tab. Then once out of the ground the target numbers drop to where the item should be. Up scaling non-ferrous targets can be just fine if you want to dig all non-ferrous targets, but not good when you are in a nice park and want every hole to count. And putting aside all the multi frequency marketing fluff the reality is the Minelab BBS and FBS units tend to act like lower frequency units with their affinity to high conductive targets like silver coins. Yet they do just fine on low conductive also.

Anyway, I am not wanting to make it out like there is something wrong with the Racer 2 for coin detecting, it is just that they are being made out to be something just a bit more super duper than they really are. I am just trying to dial the hype back a bit.

Here is a tidbit. I hunted an area recently in a park with the CTX and 11" coil quite carefully, and pulled up a dozen coin, nothing exceptional. I then went back and hunted same area carefully with Racer 2 and 5" coil. I wanted to see if the smaller coil and quick recovery might find something hidden from the CTX with larger coil. Two targets made me dig them, one a penny, and one an aluminum beaver tail just like I described above that read as a coin until out of the hole. No real conclusion to it other than for that one little test I came away pleased with how the CTX had done. It took me twice as long to hunt that ground with the little coil only to come up with one more target. But do not read too much into it. Just one little data point is all it is.

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Thanks for the quick response. I've been loving the racer2 its been working really well in all the iron rubbish around the sites I've been visiting, I pretty much keep it in two tone just hunting for those sweet, non-ferrous tones.  It's a great machine, that's built we'll and it's easy to use. It's those little flat pieces of tin that always have me digging holes they sound too good to pass up on. I spend most of my detecting time prospecting but have started looking for coins and jewelry when I can't get out to the gold fields, it's a blast and it keeps my son interested. He gets a little bored looking for nuggets when the targets are far and few in between, anyway sounds like a good enough excuse for another toy. 

Hmm, the Racer 2 sounds ok, but I still had my best ever coin depth results ,in ground, with a Tesoro Tejon and stock coil like 10 years ago. Deepest was a wheatie in dry ground with my Lesche digger completely in the hole, handle and all. I only got rid of it cause it was an iron magnet and did not have VCO audio. Is it possible to add VCO to a detector that does not have it? And my old Fisher CZ6 with 3 tone audio id and meter, could hit a silver dime in black dirt at 10+ inches with the stock coil. Might need to find me one of them again ....

Unless you are a techie adding VCO is not something most of us can do. If you are looking for a single frequency detector with "more depth" all I can say is that I personally believe that particular wall got hit in the 1990s. Whenever I hear talk about a new VLF and how it gets "more depth" I frankly just ignore it. We have gotten better ability to discriminate and/or separate targets that adds up to more effective depth but that's about it.

In other words, your old Tejon goes about as deep as any single frequency VLF can be expected to detect. Lots of people still running CZ detectors also and for that matter they are still sold new as one of Fishers top of the line models.

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I'm a bit of a Makro fan. I bought first run Racer, Gold Racer and Racer 2.                                        I sold the original Red Racer in anticipation to getting the Racer 2.  I have to say I was a little       disappointed with the R2.  I liked the added features but did not like what they did with the tighter iron zone.  The VID is very jumpy compared to the original Racer that would lock on to coins real hard.  I think if they would have took the original 0-40 iron range of the Red Racer and made it     0-20 instead of 0-10 it would have been perfect.  I sold the R-2 and am down to the Gold Racer (which im not selling anytime soon) and my CTX.   The CTX somehow has the ability to ID coins   accurately at depth in bad soil like no other detector I have yet to use.  I had a 12.1" certified Tom tuned CZ-5 that would call a dime a nail at 7" in my soil but my CTX can go to 10" with accurate ID. 

The Gold Racer is so unique that I don't see getting rid of it.  The Big 13" coil runs awesome on the Gold Racer and I just received the new little elliptical today.  I love the size of it and can't wait to use it.  My only complaint about the gold racer is the hallow 10x5 coil.  I wish it was solid.




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