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A Look Back At 2023

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Excellent year; excellent report.   As I told Bob, you guys live and roam the epicenter of America's detecting world!?

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Marvelous post, Chase.  That 1923 SLQ is gorgeous!

Interesting that you feel the Deus II is the machine to go with.  I concur.  Not that I own one yet (scraping together the $$).  But it doesn't matter where I go, inland or the beach, the Deus II beats me.  I'm pretty good with my Equinox 800 and Legend and they are wonderful detectors.   But neither one can beat a Deus II.  Right now I use the Legend which for my money does beat the 800 inland due to its expanded TID range.  On the beach it is about the same.  I do go to my Axiom every once in a while at the beach.

BTW, I'm not looking to start a debate.  Just commenting based on my experience in the field. 

Thanks again for sharing your finds with us, Chase.

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A great year indeed.  I am sure you and Bob will kill it in 2024... 

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Great story of your 2023 hunts and very nice pictures to go with it all! Good luck in this new year! 

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Great Recap my friend. ?

While I may have come along fast, it's due to your example (#copycat ?), your knowledge of detectors in general, and the members of this forum that have inspired me all along. I would not be half as prolific without y'all. 2023 was a banner year for me, and frankly I doubt I will top it. ? Doesn't matter.

I'm going to stand with @Bill (S. CA), and truly hope he scrapes together the $$ to get the Deus 2 and as many accessories as he can muster. My suggestion to him is to get the 9" full kit, a pair of WSA II or WSA II XL headphones, and the 11x13". I feel that the 11" is redundant, but it did come in handy after I fell out of my attic ?

I only have 3 other detectors to compare it to but after using it and learning its incredible "Set It Your Way" expressiveness, the Deus 2 is truly a force to be reckoned with on the beach and relic hunting, I've heard that all over VA. I've run into other folks at the beach and always find myself cleaning up after them, no matter what they are using. ? I hear "not much out there today" and only chuckle inwardly about my pouch full of finds. ?

I wanted to go right to the top with a detector after my beloved Equinox, and haven't looked back.

I'm hoping I'll be able to get more permissions, I have a few in my back pocket, I just want to be sure that what we have covered is covered. Seems if we hit a place hard however, it does become kind of a desert. ? Maybe after they turn them deep if ever...

Anyway thanks for the companionship, exchange of ideas and fun, and here's to 2024 ? ? You really capped off 2023! ?

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4 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

I've run into other folks at the beach and always find myself cleaning up after them, no matter what they are using.

Imho that's a mixture of luck, taking the right path, speed and technique - not so much the detector being used. But I know what you mean - we have it all the time, too - even between my detecting buddy and me ?

All the best for 2024! ??

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It just amazes me as to just how good the 2 of you are with detectors, and hit the best finds that anyone could ever expect to dig.

Wish you the best of luck this year to exceed what you have done this past year.

When I finally get time to use my detector again I just hope that I can find anything half as good as the both of you.

Stay safe and stay warm.

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3 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

It just amazes me as to just how good the 2 of you are with detectors, and hit the best finds that anyone could ever expect to dig.

Wish you the best of luck this year to exceed what you have done this past year.

When I finally get time to use my detector again I just hope that I can find anything half as good as the both of you.

Stay safe and stay warm.

Thanks VL.

I've seen your finds posts and for where you are you do just fine. ? Right now you are working hard and in the prime of your career from what I glean. That should be your priority. ? Be the best at what you do, the reward is the repeating pattern. Advice as old as time.

I happen to live in a very old part of the country, as Steve H always reminds us it's all about location. The fact that this place is still largely undeveloped doesn't hurt either. ? ?

I've chronicled my entire detecting history here thus far, for many reasons, in order of least to most important:

Bragging rights ? ain't gonna lie ?

I'm amazed at the things I'm lucky enough to find, learn about them and show them. Sometimes show them and learn about them ?

Showing the development of a Detectorist from scratch, I joined the forum soon after I got my first detector but knew I needed a better one. No problem there, this forum has the best of the best on it. I could tell that the first time I read posts. It also weeds out the unscrupulous and inconsiderate.

I like to help/inspire others, about 25/75 percent. In my career I managed to return the same gift of opportunity I was given, I picked people who had a certain character and taught them the IT trade. It was rewarding for the most part. Here I see a few people take my suggestions and now advice and tips become better themselves, and that is a priceless satisfaction and reinforcement to do even better myself. ? I thought that would end at retirement, it didn't.

If I can inspire the experienced and the novice alike to get out there, that makes my day. Apparently I'm a bit late to the game, the finds curve is on the down swing, and even here I have missed out on a lot. ?

That's about it. ?

There are many who would like to hunt where I do, and I have to be very careful about who/how many I invite to hunt with me. It is a very close and visible community, with a code of ethics and suspicion of outsiders that is many hundreds of years old. One mistake and I'm done. ? Chase understands this and it is a blast for me when he makes a great find, that's what it's all about. I have the luxury of proximity.

I don't do anything for nothing, I'll admit that.

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