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GPZ Volume Limit


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This question has been touched upon in some other topics, but I still am not clear.   The manual says that:

a high volume limit will "allow a greater difference between a small and a large target". 

a low volume limit will "reduce the volume difference between a small and large target"

If I want my small gold or large gold signals to stand out, I would think  a medium to higher number would give the best volume response to really make a target stand out from ground noise.  Just curious on the thoughts and experience of others with this setting. 

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 Forget the manual. Experiment with threshold volume and volume limit and find what works for you. This business of "either-or"(shallow small gold vs.deep large gold) can best be eliminated by slow careful detector operation and  practicing intense concentration. It's you that has to do the magic, not the detector.

I'm about as def as a fence post and not much smarter so setting recommendations from me wouldn't do you much good.

Best of luck to Ya.

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Andy, Steve is right; the Volume Limit merely sets the maximum volume that a target can make, and so has no effect on boosting a faint target response. To do that, you need to increase the Volume setting, which controls the internal amplifier. Until you find the right combination of audio settings that work best for you, feel free to give mine a try here:


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ok guys, I appreciate the input.  Apparently I misunderstood the manual.  To me it almost made it sound like it rescaled the volume based on the limit.

Reason I had asked the question is that I used to run the GPX 5000.  First thing I noticed on the nuggets I found with the GPZ (running conservative settings) is that you would hear volume rise on some gold targets when you ran over them.  I found this strange but I learned to listen for this.   It was very obvious on the GPZ and I don't remember that on the 5000 so much.  Another difference is that the GPZ threshold seems completely different than the 5000.  The 5000 threshold would always stay the same fullness and sound but just get louder or quieter.  Not so with the GPZ.  Threshold gets fuller (busier) as you increase the value.  It's a different animal or seems to be anyways.

Just trying to understand a little better what settings do what.  For me, in my area, I now know that the bulk of the adjustment will be Sensitivity, Threshold, and Volume.  

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Lunk, I do like your settings as well.  I fall back to these fairly often as the settings seem especially sensitive on the small gold in my area. If I recall correctly, you had a very low setting on the volume limit which I thought was strange.  That was another reason I thought I would toss the question out there.  Now after hearing from everyone, I think I just over thought it a bit.  Thanks again.


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24 minutes ago, Andyy said:

If I recall correctly, you had a very low setting on the volume limit which I thought was strange.

It does seem strange at first glance until you think about it; since increasing the Volume Limit has no effect on faint targets, it just makes sense to turn in down just low enough to where a strong target response is actually comfortable to listen to. It makes detecting in trashy areas almost pleasant. ?

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15 hours ago, PhaseTech said:

I generally run my Volume Limit on 9. If I'm in an area with quite a bit of shallow trash, I'll drop it to 7

Nenad you really need to let people know how your actually using the Audio of the detector before telling people what your settings are. Are you using Headphones and what type? Are you using the WM 12 speaker or a booster through the WM 12? That information will then give people a better perspective on your suggestions.


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