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I Want It Now Minelab

Ridge Runner

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I for one don't like to be tease by any detector company. If I got something to sale it's now not next week or next year. In my opinion you Minelab if you got a new product don't come out and tell us how great it is but nothing to sale. Why can't you wait until all the testing has been done and you got more than the one in your hand  ? Just look at how many would have been sold if you had any at this outing to sale. The only thing you can tell us you don't know when we can have one. Minelab the thing is you're not the only detector company that's done this.

Minelab I think you always made a great product. Over time I've had five different nugget detectors made by Minelab and three coin detectors I know for sure. Now here you got me waiting like I did on the Gold Monster 1000. I'd put my money down long before it came out but I was will to wait. Here I am again like a dog wagging his tail wanting you to throw me a bone but in this case it's a hot new coin detector that someday may come out.

I've got to admit by what you have to say about this new detector it's going to be the cats meow. I see it got a gold mode for nugget hunting and if it's  hot as they say the Gold Monster 1000 just maybe I can't need both. 

For what it's worth if I didn't like your product I wouldn't say a thing.

Chuck Anders

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It's called marketing. Auto manufacturers, iPhone, etc. all do it. Look, it's got us all salivating and drooling...so it's working. Hold your horses...it will be here soon. Very soon I hope!



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Hi Dean

 I know the term marketing on auto and Iphones. When you see one or the other on TV that product is being put together at that time. So you telling me that Minelab has both Equinox ready to ship out soon ?

I'm on TV and I'm selling High Speed Muffler Bearings and if you buy one I'll give you one free. Now all you have to do is just pay for the one and shipping for both. This is what I call true marketing. I don't care what you do with your High Speed Muffler Bearings but I've got them now.

The Best to Both of Us


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It’s common in all sorts of stuff. When I sold snowmobiles we got people all fired up in with a spring introduction, then took deposits for fall delivery. They still do that every year. Pre-announcing product serves a dual purpose. It takes people off the market that may have bought other models. It also lets a manufacturer better gauge the interest level and get feedback that might be useful in last minute changes or additions.

On one hand I find it annoying, but it would be even more annoying to buy a detector and then find out the one I REALLY wanted was waiting in the wings. So I guess it cuts both ways. 

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30 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

On one hand I find it annoying, but it would be even more annoying to buy a detector and then find out the one I REALLY wanted was waiting in the wings

A bit like buying a gold monster and then finding out this was soon to be available :wacko:

However, I know extremely little about the identification numbers, different tones and all the other discriminating features the coin/relic mob use, and even if the equinox will work in hot ground or with various hot rocks.  And the GM has been doing what I wanted it to.  But if the Equinox will work in trashy gold ground then there'll be an upgrade   :wink:

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7 hours ago, AU_Solitude said:

For those eager for the equinox, you think they'll release it March 20th? It certainly won't be the fall equinox...?

It's not out yet so changes are still possible.  I predict they rename it 'Solstice'.  :biggrin:


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10 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

It’s common in all sorts of stuff. When I sold snowmobiles we got people all fired up in with a spring introduction, then took deposits for fall delivery. They still do that every year. Pre-announcing product serves a dual purpose. It takes people off the market that may have bought other models. It also lets a manufacturer better gauge the interest level and get feedback that might be useful in last minute changes or additions.

On one hand I find it annoying, but it would be even more annoying to buy a detector and then find out the one I REALLY wanted was waiting in the wings. So I guess it cuts both ways. 

It saved me the time I was spending looking for a used CTX.  I'd much rather have a new Equinox.

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This new detector from Minelab may well be the best VLF machine for years,no question about it they do have a very slick team of folks who deal with the promotion and advertising of these products,but although we have all seen the recent videos on how quick this machine is,we still dont have the final specifications.

Will i be buying one of these machines when they finally are available ?? the answer is 'no' and the reason being i have always had one major buying criteria that i never shift from and that is giving a new product a minimum 12 months time duration from launch to see if any major design faults or reliability issues evolve,and this not only applies to detectors i use this for any major purchase,things can and do go wrong with new products (MX-Sport electronics and Nokta plastics).Of course this product may fly of the shelves as fast as they can make them and never have a technical glitch,and i do hope they do,but for me how ever tempting the adverts and videos are,i will still be sticking by my buying criteria which would mean that i would not get one till very early 2019.


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