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Anyone Using The Garrett Z-Lynk Module?

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Contemplating getting the Garrett Zlink module, since it has the same latency as the WM module.  Anyone using it?  If so so, any compatibility issues?


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You need more than the receiver module. The Garrett Z-Lynk system is proprietary. It will work fine with Equinox but you need both the transmitter and receiver module. It would also of course need the correct 1/8” to 1/4” adapter.

I actually have the Z-Lynk system but have been meaning to get it advertised for sale. Now that I have an Equinox it’s redundant.


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If you really want the extra roughly 15ms of reduced latency the WM08 provides vs APTXLL (17ms vs. 30ms lag vs. 100+ms for non-APTX ) see if you can buy a used WM08 unit off an 800 user who does not use it and is willing to sell for much much less than the outrageous ML accessory price.  You can probably get it for nearly the same cost as the Zlink that way and without all the claptrap hanging off your control pod headphone jack. 

Personally, I find APTXLL 30ms lag to be unnoticeable even on quick waggle swings but a lot of people tell me I'm ahead of my time, so that must be why. :smile:

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I've got the z-lynk setup on my Makro Racer but I tried it on the Equinox last night and it works fine. You just need to buy a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter off Amazon to make it work.

Here's the one I bought for $6.99 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078X85LFS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Since Z-Lynk employs its own transmitter and receiver when you get the entire system, it will work with any detector that has a headphone jack. Currently the Garrett AT Max is the only Garrett detector that has the transmitter portion built in, so you do not need the separate transmitter module.

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I think Steve is selling a New WM08 with or without the charging cable...or at least he was last week...



HAH!  Wrote that above as you were posting yours!! LOL!  Birds of a feather....

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Minelab’s price on the WM 08 is insane. You can buy the entire Z-Lynk system with both transmitter and receiver plus cables for $127 and it will work with any detector. The WM 08 is a receiver module only for $259 and only works with the Equinox detectors.

You can shop used but the price differential is still there.

Bottom line is I don’t think Minelab is going to sell hardly any WM 08 modules. The ones that sell will more likely be from owners who reduce the price by at least $100, and that still ends up being more than the Z-Lynk system brand new.

It almost makes me suspect that Minelab really does not want to sell the WM 08 separately. The only reasonable way to get one is buy the Equinox 800. Maybe by pricing the WM 08 sky high Minelab is trying to create perceived value in buying the 800 versus the 600.

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Quest (formerly Deteknix) also has a unit similar to the Z-link.  Below is a comparison:

Minelab WM08 -- proprietary to the Eqx, 18 hours est. run time, receiver module only (transmitter is in the Eqx control box) -- $259

Garrett Z-link -- compatible with any detector, 20 hours est. run time, transmitter attaches to detector control unit + receiver -- $127

Quest Wire free Mate -- compatible with any detector, 33 hours est. run time, T/R units which are similar to the Z-link -- $100 (internet price) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Quest-Wirefree-Mate-Wireless-Transmitter-Receiver-Audio-System-/292378371918?hash=item44131be74e

I don't know the speed of the Quest unit.  It is advertised as 'low latency' but that isn't specific AFAIK.

If I didn't already have a WM08 and an old Deteknix T/R set I'd have jumped on Steve's $79 Z-link.  Can't believe it isn't sold already.



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