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Question: Nox Not Strong Enough For The Surf?


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Curious to know if any of you that hunt the beach and surf have the same feeling that Gravedigger Max of Virginia Beach has? He had a Nox, seemed to like it, then it was gone? He has spoken of two reasons for getting rid of the Nox. 1) He felt it was finding too many small items, trash mostly I think. But isn't that what this machine does, find small items? And 2) this is the one I'm asking all you beach Nox hunters to chime in on...Max feels the Nox isn't a strong enough unit to hunt in the surf. The video he mentions this in, is one where he is using his ExCal with waves hitting him at about knee level or a bit higher. He feels the Nox wouldn't hold up under this type of hunting. What say you?

By the way, he isn't talking about the unit maybe having water leakage, but the strength of the unit to withstand the surf environment.

Thanks for any and all input.

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Well I put my Excal on a straight plugger shaft, am in the process of selling it, and put my Equinox 600 (dedicated beach/water machine) on a an Anderson shaft so I feel confident it will hold up.  That being said, I know of no less than 5  or 6 Equinox owners who regularly hit surf and I would say half of them are using the stock shaft. So, I would say, yeah it can stand up to surf.

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26 minutes ago, unearth said:

Curious to know if any of you that hunt the beach and surf have the same feeling that Gravedigger Max of Virginia Beach has? He had a Nox, seemed to like it, then it was gone? He has spoken of two reasons for getting rid of the Nox. 1) He felt it was finding too many small items, trash mostly I think. But isn't that what this machine does, find small items? And 2) this is the one I'm asking all you beach Nox hunters to chime in on...Max feels the Nox isn't a strong enough unit to hunt in the surf. The video he mentions this in, is one where he is using his ExCal with waves hitting him at about knee level or a bit higher.

I doubt many here hunt a rougher beach than I do in Mexico. IF my headphones would work...…..Maybe a review I could give.  After 8 hours of use, and a good wave pounding I do not see long term issues right now. I already know the Equinox loses depth and finding ability in moving water. Now does it lose more or less ability than my Sovereign?  I would need  about 50 more hours to answer.  D

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I have no concerns about the detector holding up. I've got well over 100 hours on a beach that is about as dangerous as any. The detector isn't the weak link, I am.

I will say I have total confidence in the performance of this detector in the wet sand. I used to love my cz21 but it pales in comparison.

As my friend says, "the good news is this detector is sensitive, the bad news is this detector is sensitive."

Now get out there and swing thang!


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Always better than the ctx, my arm is happier, I have friends who are leaving Itys for Equinox and are making excellent discoveries.
Personally I do not have mechanical problems in the water, as I prefer Equinox research in water than on dry sand.

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Its not a Excalibur (built to dive to great depths) but then its a multi purpose machine with a TID screen and a whole lot lighter than an Excalibur.

Also lighter than a Sovereign  or CTX

Time will tell on how well it stands up but I see no reason why it wouldnt. 

A few leakages and wobbly shafts have popped up and are being fixed, replaced by Minelab

I do a lot of in the water hunting and with a  3 year Warranty I am not at all worried.


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Bets the heck out of the CTX to swing......its like having a dead horse attached.    Max told me ...... just to much tiny high conductors for him....... and yes his screen got water behind it.   Which ML replace immediately and he sold there after.    I believe he said he still had a 600 thou.    I would disagree with him if he did say its not strong enough for surf.   BUT........ he may be speaking about the cuff and shaft not so much the machine.   Switching to an after market shaft with a better cuff and locks is needed for the surf and swift long shore drift.   There is just way to much torque for those parts to last....... now that i agree.   Put that shaft up as a travel shaft......... many would have bought one anyway if it was a two part shaft.    The coil really stays down nice....... better than the CTX whose battery can float the whole machine when in the surf chest deep and has a lot of coil flip.   Also a count weight helps it move better out there.   Maybe different up his way......... but that small stuff dont stay around long in the surf..... its on the move.

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I don't hunt in waves but I have a friend who does.  He has made a modification to keep the coil fixed that does not require you to tighten the screw so tight you might break the ears.  I didn't buy one.  If I did I would show you a picture.  Basically it is a stabilizer with an attachment on the shaft above the screw and he has notched the plate so that a couple of the coil spokes fit into it and that prevents the coil from making a pivot.  I may get one from him and post it here if he makes enough for orders.  He may not have time to make many as he is the best detectorist I know and also puts in more hours each week.


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Coil stabilizers arent anything new ..... i think whites makes some good ones.   I keep my coil on the bottom so i dont get a lot of coil flip.... thus far not much wear on those ears..... BUT.... im using an Anderson lower shaft and they just never seem to need adjustment and dont wear nearly as bad as the ML.    Those stabilizer do create more drag... not that you can sweep a coil fast out there in the surf thou.  Ive heard complaints about the thin coil ears...... but they are the same size as the CTX and wear pretty well and seem strong.......BUT like was mentioned .... try not to crank the bolt down...... if it gets to that point change the rubbers.

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The problem isn't the coil flipping up or down, it's the upper shaft twisting left and right and the lower rod not moving. I've never had stabilizers on my detectors. Doesn't seem that stabilizers would help keep the upper rod from twisting or would it?

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