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Hi From Australia

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Hi steve and other members.

I just joined this forum and would like to introduce myself.

My name is Dale I live and prospect in Australia.

I have been prospecting for 16 years and have been a full time prospector for the last 6 years.

I also love treasure hunting and go to europe every second year to look for ancient coins and treasure, and also enjoy searching for treasure in Australia although there are no pre euopean settlement metallic artifacts.

I look forward to sharing my experience's with the members of this forum.

Best regards

Gold Hound


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Nice to see your post.  It is early in the morning here so a bit later when the sun is nearer to up you will get more response.


I'd like to hear more about England but of course about being a full time prospector for over 6 years.


Are you using the Zed now?



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Hi Mitchel

I have not been to england but have looked in various other country's in europe

I have found well over 1000 ancient hammered coins and alot of ancient jewelry letter seal's and other stuff.

I love the thrill I get when I dig up somthing old, my three favorite pieces that i have found are an Aleksander the great Hercules lion head coin about 2600 yers old, a late Byzantine silver bracelet about 700 years old and a gold lion earring that is about 2600 also from Aleksander the great era.

My wife and I both own zeds now but are yet to swing them as I am currently injured.

If you want to see us in action check out our youtube channel

'goldhounds nugget recovery'. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCanm0gYhAZNL6-wNKkSXx8Q

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Nice relic finds.  What is your 'go to' relic machine?


Far North Queensland ... I've watched every minute but it took me several sits!  


You are expanding the 'known' gold zones in Australia for us.



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