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How Many Have Reverted Back To The Original 1.5 Version?


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56 minutes ago, Dubious said:

Hopefully, two guys with the Nox will get together, roll back the firmware on one of the machines, and do that comparison.  I haven't really noticed a difference, so far, but if the update did increase the Nox's liking for rusty nails, I would probably want to revert.

I have no idea yet, on any increased propensity for the EQX to want to give "coin" indications on deep rusty nails after the update, BUT -- I have heard reports of possibly a bit of increase in sensitivity.  If this is true, a corresponding uptick in affinity for rusty nails would make some sense, but I wonder if a bump or two upwards in iron bias might help to tame that a bit, if it is indeed an issue?


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2 hours ago, steveg said:

Wow, you guys are the only two so far, that are talking about "something" in the audio, post-update...or, at least, the only two that I've seen mention it in a post so far.

I did, somehow:

"The ID changed +1 - I didn't and wouldn't call that an improvement. I am hunting at night / in the dark very often - 90% by ear. All I can say is, that they sound different after the update, when they are close to the surface. I can't really explain it - it'll take some more hours...  "

But in opposite to the others I've noticed a difference in close to the surface items...  how ever. I think it heavily depends on your settings - 2-5-50 tones, tone breaks and so on - if you perceive a difference after the update or not.

Pinpointing and userprofile issues are still not 100% fixed. I'll stick with the new version anyhow.

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Im with you Steve....... this is a very good thing to have choices because we know conditions differ....... what is good on my beach wont be in NJ possibly.   Hunting style and speed and just how much information each individual can handle varies too.  

Now...... since they have the down loads in place........ id still like to see a small gold tweak for wet sand at least.   I was hopeful when the machine was being tested to see more of the small gold that we know is just inches down we miss completely.    I know it wouldnt be a program for the masses who like a stable easy to use program....... but for those of us willing to work with it it just might change some minds..... and move some water detector in another direction.  Its painfully obvious to me neither of these programs will find this small gold especially in the water..... so baby steps work on the wet sand.   I would like to have access to the 1.4 version...... just because i was told they tweaked it on the 1.5 version to run smoother for the masses.

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It just occurred to me that a while back, I and some other V3i users noted on this forum that there were items the Equinox was leaving behind that the V3i was picking up. I've spent quite a good share of time since spring comparing the two purposefully, carefully running them over the same small, manageable patches of ground, with overlapping swings and multiple passes. So I was able to satisfy myself that the Equinox was indeed missing items completely that seemed very obviously there to the V3i. One of note was a WW2 Airman Visor pin. Not easy to overlook. It had me scratching my head as target after desirable target was left behind by the Equinox, but picked up by the V3i. I began to wonder as late as a couple weeks ago whether I'd been suffering from wishful thinking and all the hype and hysteria around the Equinox.Then in other circumstances where a super fast recovery was required the Equinox would remind me of why I keep it around. Still those other items bothered me because they should've been spotted, not just by an Equinox but any good machine it would seem.

Since this update though, and the problem of items on edge being brought to light, it got me thinking about the things it missed. To my memory they were often near roots or peeled out of the side of my plugs. The Airman pin particularly was pressed into the side of a root to where it had a bend impression. Since the update I haven't noticed any further instances of the Equinox leaving obvious items behind for the V3i. There's something about my preferred settings for that machine that really shined a light on that issue. I still don't understand it because it would pick up items as tiny as a bb, but not higher conductors on edge, even often tilted or slanted coins. Maybe this has been an issue for others and they haven't even realized it. How would they. I'd certainly be rechecking some of my spots though, particularly around roots and rocky areas. 

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7 hours ago, steveg said:

I have no idea yet, on any increased propensity for the EQX to want to give "coin" indications on deep rusty nails after the update, BUT -- I have heard reports of possibly a bit of increase in sensitivity.  If this is true, a corresponding uptick in affinity for rusty nails would make some sense, but I wonder if a bump or two upwards in iron bias might help to tame that a bit, if it is indeed an issue?


Improved detection of items on edge might also affect how it sees rusty nails if you think about the 2D shape an item on edge takes. 

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Hi All,

My 2 cents, fwiw: Personally, I haven't found any noticable difference(s) between "before" and "after" the update. The PP still, now and then, goes a bit silent at first (have another detector that does that too: could be caused by not switching it on above a patch not free of metal or too close to the target, so: user-"fault", because it is not allowed to tune properly). I got in the habit of allways shutting the detector off in another mode as "user profile", so I do not really care if that was a "bug" or not or if it was "cured" by the update.  I did/do not have 50+ hours before the update and 50+ hours after the update with the Equinox to give a real worthwile/"weighted" evaluation of this update. But I think it poses not so big a difference for most, that can't be "overcome" by getting more time/experience in swinging and digging in/on the parks/fields/beaches/goldfields. ?

But I presume Minelab must have had a good reason for providing the update. I'm not an engineer, so I trust they made the right decisions for improving some neccessary details, even if I do not know what exactly. For me it is like trusting the factory preset modes. I suppose Minelab, like other manufacturers, put a lot of time and knowledge in their development trajectory to provide as near as optimal settings possible for 90-95% of the circumstances/detectorists. Maybe even 98-99%. ?. For those with more technical knowledge than me, there is enough room to adjust/adapt settings for finetuning. For me it's not imortant if the "old" or the "new" version is (actually?) slightly more sensitive to rusty nails... I do not look for those nails and if I should find them, they go in the pouch and I (sometimes) learn and move on to better finds. ? You can finetune as much as you like, ...and that is a hobby in itself..., but "If it isn't there, you can't find it".

But if it's there, the Equinox can find it! (and no, I'm not affiliated to Minelab in any way, -other than owning an Equinox-...?).

Just a thought: maybe bringing out the update was also just to show/prove it was "really" possible to easily pc-update the Equinox and to check if it would/might cause any technical problems now and in the future.




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On 9/18/2018 at 5:00 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

I have seen talk by some who thought they might go back to the earlier version - very few who have actually done it. It does not really matter much - both versions are available for your use - use the one you like best. :smile:

I am happy with the new version . Its not brought out for nothing . I think its clearer on signals .

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Hi All,

Maybe you have already seen/heard it, but found this on YT, so FYI:

Relics Radio - Metal Detecting - Debbie from Minelab talking about the Equinox update


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I have some time off work tomorrow, so hopefully time for a little more insight on the update. I did roll back to the 1.5 for a few hunts and will roll forward again for some comparison.  Would be a good time to have a pair of these to make things easier.   

Rich -

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