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Lunk's Zed Settings


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Thanks Lunk.  I have been following your settings for years.


I wish I would have seen you last week when I was up there.



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Well Lunk, once again you have come up with some great food for thought.

The first thing I am doing is copying your entire post and putting it in a folder marked 7000 notes.

I am sure when I am lucky enough to be able to get my 7000

your settings will be among the first things I experiment with.

I agree some of them are counter-intuitive

but sometimes that is what taking the time to learn the settings reveals.


Thank you for taking the time to share.

It will be fun to see where your experimentation leads.

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Sometimes experimentation reveals things the designers never dreamed of. Thanks Lunk, serious food for thought there.


Kinda like building a rocket ship or new fighter jet...give it to the test pilots and they will push it as far at it can go.



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The more I experiment with the Audio setting of the GPZ the more I love it, it's and amazing machine. Thanks for sharing and to your continued success of filling every poke bottle in your truck!


Hey, how did you know I have more than one poke bottle?! I have yet to use the wide-mouthed coffee can poke...let alone the 50 gallon drum poke...

Indeed though Rick, for a machine with a simplified amount of settings (compared to the GPX range) the Zed's audio functions still provide many different combinations and perrmutations that can surprisingly affect the overall performance of the machine; to me, experimenting in such a situation is a must to squeeze out maximum performance.

Mitchel: Sorry I missed you; please just shoot me a PM next time you'll be in the area and we'll hook up for a hunt.

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I'm with Flakmagnet...filed for use if I am ever able to get a ZED..........

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