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Everything posted by afreakofnature

  1. Yup this is absolutely correct GotAU and DJI owners have complained about this a lot. Hack it up...at your own risk ofcourse. ?
  2. Hey Jason there are drone hacks that can remove that height limitation. I only have the Mavic pro that’s fully hackable. I’m not sure about full hack-ability on the 2.
  3. Karelian, learn to hand launch and land. Makes life way easier.
  4. Well let me add this. Most people who use an adjustable wrench are just doing around the house projects. But if you’re fixing an engine you’re not using an adjustable wrench. At least a professional I don’t think would use one. I don’t think that the 6000 is an adjustable wrench. It just fits into the niche of tools that we all use. But with that being said I don’t know many people who have a full set of wrenches that have a cost them over $20,000 to get them all ?.
  5. Different tools for different jobs. We all know that wrenches come in different sizes and we all know the adjustable wrench sucks the most. So who wants an adjustable wrench metal detector? That’s why we have lots of different options. It’s the nature of metal detecting technology. The 6000 is just another wrench for a different job.
  6. Rob’s was advertising them for sale ?‍♂️. I would not mind one but I wanna try it out before dropping a g.
  7. Yeah I laughed when I saw that too. I was thinking damn I need to get Freddy Dodge my number LOL
  8. Nobody’s going to reveal anything if they were smart LOL, why give away what this detector is doing before you get all GPX6000 gold. Reports will come out next year, or from noobs that haven’t learned yet that loose lips sinks ships ??
  9. If you don’t have your coil plug or headphone cover on tight and water gets in that might be a problem. I have that happen just from rinsing off my detector. I sent it in because I thought it was a problem and they found that there was a little bit of water in there. They dried it out and it works fine. So make sure you have those on tight before going to the beach or rinsing your detector.
  10. I’ve only got to use my 10 x 5 once so far. It definitely punches deeper compared to the 6 inch at least for me. A .2g nugget came up as a solid 8. Gold mode 1, I had recovery at 4 and FE2 at 0. Coil cover sucks though, kept coming off until i got it dirty.
  11. The question is not so much “am I missing gold” It’s “am I missing $6000 worth of gold?”
  12. Glen this is fantastic! I was going to contact you in regards to this but just have been busy lately. Thank you for doing this!
  13. I have no experience in that but might be worth looking into Sedwicks? Usually they are more coins though but could lead you to other auction houses for high end collectors.
  14. This would not be surprising seeing how Covid has done this to many other items as well. Still waiting on the Zsearch and its “mass audience” release still hasn’t happened.
  15. Just so you know my background. I have been a field geologist for 20 years I have been prospecting for 18 years and detecting since the SDC came out. I work full time so detecting/prospecting is a hobby. I have used the GPZ for 3 seasons. I have not used it to its full potential. I am not writing a manual. I have been researching everything i can about this detector over the last 2 months, mainly from this forum and the other sources stated above. I compiled a lot of information, I was willing to share it in an organized format but probably won’t now. People can do their own. I appreciate your comments on the controls and telling me how to detect but what I am seeking is technical specifics. I want to know exactly what this is doing. Others on this forum who have done the time same as you do give different opinions than how you have described it. So you can understand my skepticism to only believe one person.
  16. I am not saying that it modulates it just sets the maximum loudness limit of the volume control (well maybe I am calling it modulation). If it truly did clip it and you set the limit to 1 then crank the volume up to 20 everything would sound the same from high signals to low signals and probably all of the noise. But if you set the limit at 1 and crank up the volume to 20 you actually do get variations in the loudness still. I could be wrong but other pieces of electronics out there that has Volume Limit describes it in this matter, Minelab could be doing there own thing but that's confusing. IDK I can't test this yet, maybe we will get someone to try this in a video.
  17. more on Volume Limit: This is how I see Volume Limit. It adjusts the maximum loudness (decibel) allowed out of the machine - OUTPUT. You still have 20 increments to work with on the Volume (Audio Boost) control, no matter what you set your limit too. It is just that each increment is exponentially greater based on increasing the limit you set. I think this is why people see Volume Limit as a volume control because if you set your limit to 20 and set the Volume control at 8, but then lower your Volume Limit to 10 and leave your Volume on 8, you can see that it would be equivalent to a 4 back at the Volume Limit of 20. Hence lowering the loudness heard. It is completely relative to the Volume Limit set. If Volume Limit truly was a decibel cut off. Then it would look like this below. Where if you set your Volume Limit to 10 then on your Volume control you would have no change from 11-20. But this is not true, loudness does still increase, even with a limit set. Therefore the way I see it Volume Limit can lower the maximum volume (loudness, decibel) overall, but does not cut it off. Think about it, if you had a loud target cut off at 45 decibels but kept raising the volume regardless then even the faint sounds (and noise) could be as loud as 45 decibels. Making everything sound the same. This does not happen. In conclusion, like jasong has stated above. This is all relative to YOUR hearing and not actual target strength (INPUT). To me this is all making sense now. I hope for others it is too, but I will still put my promo out there for videos of these controls in action ? Keep'em coming!
  18. Nenad thank you for that video! That had 2 of the controls discussed in this thread (Sensitivity and Threshold) plus a bonus with the Audio Smoothing and its effects on them. Excellent! Would love to see more of these. Way more interesting than watching someone dig gold ? I also like your seven rules and will need to read the full thread over on the other forum. That forum I have not researched yet but I am also not a member. Kind of scared ? What are your thoughts on Volume and Volume Limit? Do you a think I have their description correct? Later today I am going to post up a visual to explain myself better. P.S. How is that requested "wireless" SP01 for the GPZ coming along? ?
  19. BTW Gold Tree that is a really cool photo layout!
  20. I'll put that in another thread later. But I am not worried about it. I am not charging any money for my research ?. Or for that matter charging any money for the manual. I will just be giving away my research for free that anyone else can download or copy for free on the internet. My name is not even going to be on it. Plus everyone is referenced after their post with their DP name. Think of it as a compilation. Definitely not a publication.
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