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Chase Goldman

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Everything posted by Chase Goldman

  1. Doc - If Garrett wasn't selling only Axiom dual-coil packages I would expect the cover to be included or available for separate purchase (for the 13" and 11" standalone accessory coils) but since I already have a coil with the same form-factor I have no issue swapping the cover between the Mono and DD variants and would prefer that option to save on the cost of a forced buy of a second unneeded cover. If the 16" coils are only being sold as standalone accessories, the I would expect the the cover to be included. It's not a big deal as long as I know up front what is going on, regardless of the magnitude of the coil cost.
  2. Frankly, the Quest implementation of sensed coil pumping to initiate GB makes more sense to me (than an automatic recovery speed adjustment feature) as I often encounter areas where I need to do frequent manual ground rebalancing due to shortcomings or downsides to automatic (ground mineralization sensing based) ground tracking that either can't keep up with ground phase variations or that can cause weak target signals to be missed. In fact, I could make a similar statement regarding implementing automated adjustment of recovery speed. That is, how hard is it to simply manually bump the recovery speed up or down based on the number of targets encountered in in a single sweep. Also, the perceived change in target density (sudden machine gun effect) with constant manual sweep and machine recovery speed is the thing that alerts me that I am in an area where I need to concentrate on the target signals and also alerts me to the boundaries of the high density target patch. The key to that perception is keeping recovery speed and sweep speed constant but high enough to not significantly affect depth while being able to perceive high density situations. I personally would rather be making the conscious decision myself on trading off depth vs. recovery speed, for the reason stated. Not sure whether my routine would be adversely impacted by an automated recovery speed adjustment, having a little trouble visualizing how it would change things for better or worse, TBH. Note also, having the ability to adjust recovery speed manually or otherwise as a basic feature is a relatively recent trend. For the longest time the ability to change recovery speed independent of other features with the range of adjustability that is commonplace now, was a feature present only on the Deus (yes, there were limited fast process, mode-based recovery speed adjustments available on Fisher, Whites, Nokta/Makro and other machines over the years, but they were much more limited than the implementation you see on Equinox, D2, Legend, Quest V series, and Manticore today). I agree that it should be a relatively simple feature to implement utilizing coil accelerometers as swing sweep sensors and counters. But I think the real reason we are not seeing it that it is just not something users are clamoring for, so manufacturers are not inclined to go to the trouble to implement it. I may be a Luddite, but I personally see the feature as a solution looking for a real problem statement. I am not really seeing a compelling use case, but then again, I am also in the camp of detectorists that like a wide range of manual parameter adjustability but less automation of that adjustability whether it has to do with ground tracking, gain (transmit power or sensitivity) adjustments, noise elimination, dynamic adjustments in target signal volume, or the suggested auto recovery speed feature. I may come around on this particular feature suggestion but just not yet seeing how it can significantly enhance my detecting experience. That's just me.
  3. Exactly, that is why you should not be considering the Deus 1. No advantage to Deus 2 in that regard.
  4. Don’t hold your breath on that elliptical coil and am starting to feel like I can do just fine with the 9” round even in restricted swing and high target density areas. As I have no need for chasing microscopic gold, Deus 2 is the obvious choice between those two detectors. It has A LOT more versatility and capability than the Deus 1. If you need to primarily chase microscopic gold and want an XP detector, get an Orx which has some enhancements in the Gold program over the Deus 1. No need to waste the additional money on the Deus 1 at this point.
  5. That's the way to do it. Looking forward to what else might pop up as you re-imagine where past people activities took place on the island that are less than obvious now because of the changes in landscape and structures. Beyond the tourists and holiday goers, that island has a rich Aboriginal, European Settler, and WW2 history from what I have heard from you and read about. There are more surprises and treasures to be found.
  6. I'm not a tree expert, Erik, but do you think those trees have been around a hundred years or could the landscape have changed to be less inviting for hanging out over the years? Just thinking out loud.
  7. Thanks. (and Thanks 67GTA). When I suspect falsing in Deep HC or General (my two main search programs), I just switch on over to Relic with IAR on 5 to see if it resolves to a ferrous tone. That plus turning on the target pretty much solves falsing. As far as iron VDI and non-ferrous tone, fine, I'll take my chances on that one. Again, the shifting over to relic resolves it one way or the other. If it sill rings non-ferrous regardless of vdi, then I will dig it.
  8. I have almost no idea what he said (caught the "Naught 8, Naught 9 in full tones" thing but I really don't know what issue he was conveying). I also seriously hope they are not calling it "0.72".
  9. Interesting. Looks like an issue with how a batch of the screens were manufactured for the faceplate and it slipped by QC before being put into production assembly. If that's the case, another black eye for ML. The quality and/or production managers have some explaining to do. Hopefully Mark Gillespie will come back too and give us an update.
  10. So that scratch went through and underneath the screen protector?
  11. Possiby. Though I seriously doubt the software is held hostage by the coil designs or vice versa at this point, especially for "off nominal" accessory coils. If a coil design is impacted by a SW tweak at this stage, what chance does it have to perform adequately in the infinite variability of environmental conditions. Conversely, if the detector (signal processing) requires exacting coil dimensional tolerances as ML has claimed to explain the extra ribbing on the stock coil, then I shudder to think of the product performance variability resulting from Minelab's production vendor's demonstrated shoddy production quality. The deal is probably that ML (unlike XP) outsources production and they simply haven't made the investment needed with their production subcontractor to spool up the assembly lines for the Manticore coils yet, probably because they are prioritizing the new Nox and Xterra Pro production lines because they will sell more of those cheaper units than Manticore coils.
  12. At this point, I would just get a BT APTX-LL dongle ($20) for the Xterra Pro and re-purpose APTX-LL phones (or buy new ones for less than $40) to go wireless with the Xterra to save on the $140 phones that ML won’t even let you purchase as an accessory yet.
  13. Would have cost all of $30 and perhaps additional shipping one way to send it in to the repair center to have the battery replacement done and even after you broke it, they probably would have repaired your damage too for little if any additional cost. You cost yourself the $300+ replacement by getting frustrated and throwing it away. SMH.
  14. Never met him but did have forum discussions with him. Was impressed by his assessments of recently released detectors like the Ace Apex and Vanquish. He quickly identified the flawed implementation of fixed ground balance on the Vanquish (each mode responded to the same patch of ground differently) and gave advice on how to work around it. I was also amused by his tendency (with lower cost detectors) to buy a detector for each accessory coil that he owned instead of buying just the accessory coils so he didn’t have to futz with changing out the coils in the field, just grab the detector with the coil he wanted out of the vehicle. His Nail Board test has worldwide recognition and that legacy will live on. RIP Monte.
  15. Yeah, and then Garrett immediately came out with the Ace Apex with a great, modernized and ergonomic form factor, multi frequency, and selectable single frequency (at the time, the lowest priced detector anywhere with that feature) that satisfied the Garrett fan base that may have started to feel technologically left behind and immediately made the Vanquish feel like a retro toy detector in comparison (that despite its feature flaws, was not a toy). So ML IMO made a classic blunder by competing with “old news” (the Ace 400) while making real head scratchingly bizarre decisions on feature omissions (e.g., fixed ground balance??) to lower the price point and other decisions to limit it from competing with its own Nox 600 (eliminating coil cross compatibility). I think ML got greedy and misjudged both Garrett and Nokta with the Vanquish misfire…and then sat on their laurels and watched XP and Nokta bypass Nox in performance and value with the Deus 2 and Legend, respectively forcing them to announce the Manticore earlier than they planned. I think ML is on the right track now by trying to focus on the gaps in their lineup while trying to emulate their own with high value detectors that look and feel like their flagships but come in at a great price point. Now folks who can only afford and Ace or Simplex can get a taste of ML and swing a detector that is almost visually indistinguishable from a Manticore. Great move and what Vanquish should have been.
  16. Xterra Pro appears to do well on the beach even without Multi IQ which is probably the main benefit of multifrequency (it's no Equinox or Manticore on the beach, but it holds its own as a single frequency machine and it's added user features and adjustments probably make it better than Vanquish overall on the beach). Xterra is also no slouch as a terra detector. With the multiple coil choices and numerous user interface and controls for Xterra Pro and updated ergonomics/user interface that aligns with Nox and Manticore plus the Xterra Pro price point, the operational shortcomings of Vanquish (fixed ground balance, does not retain user adjusted settings, no recovery speed adjustment, lack of an anti-EMI single frequency mode) become stark. Also, Vanquish's retro looks and old-school NiCads make it seem very dated even though it was released more recently than the Nox 600/800. It now literally looks like a red-headed step child in the line of succession compared to Xterra Pro, Nox, and Manticore and I wouldn't be surprised if ML discontinued it. If they start trying to make a "Multi IQ" Xterra variant as a value replacement for Vanquish that starts to eat away at both Xterra Pro AND Nox 600 sales. I don't see the business case for it and it would be good for ML to just discontinue the Vanquish line and save on manufacturing, parts, and support costs. JMO
  17. Yep, that was a consistent junk tell there and in sharp contrast to the Northern Neck mild dirt farmland. One thing that I found interesting is how Deus 2 does ground handling. When you and I were out there, Bob, I went with the 9" coil because "conventional wisdom" would say it "sees less ground" meaning that it would be masked less by ground feedback. You on the other hand went with the 13x12 which afforded better coverage. I was glad that we could compare and contrast targets and it showed that with the Deus 2 there did not appear to be a masking penalty associated with going with the big coil. That is key. We are talking fully pegged D2 mineralization meter soil here when pumping the coil. It does not get any hotter than that magnitude wise. So that is something I will consider under similar circumstances when coverage is key. In the woods, the smaller coil may afford some maneuverability, but coverage was the order of the day when you have limited site access time.
  18. Great find Bob. You worked hard for that one and it's a beauty. I got skunked for the first time ever there and that did not feel good at all (decided not to just remain static and dig bullets in the well known CW camp firing range - been there, done that a few years back and came away with over 80 minies in one day). But that's the nature of the detecting "biz". But learned A LOT about how that Axiom behaves near Culpeper with the small 7x11 DD (had already made a couple runs with the larger stock DD) and different settings. Hopefully, that knowledge, plus a little better luck, will serve me well at DIV this week. But you never know. It's typically boom or bust at these events as the CW finds diminish with every visit.
  19. I'm wondering why no one is offering a single frequency higher than 45khz (Deus 2) on these SMF detectors other than the forthcoming Quest V80 which can go to 60khz in single and tops out at 80khz in SMF.
  20. Not only is it "da bomb" at salt beaches, Jeff, it easily nails sub gram gold too! This is a game changer!
  21. Though there is not a whole lot of maneuvering room in price for ML to add such features as the SMF Legend which has as much capability as Nox is looming at $499 MAP and can be purchased for closer to $400.
  22. The Tarsacci is a niche detector and some avid beach detectorists feel it is very close in performance to SMF detectors. The F19 can run pretty stable on the beach with little need to reduce sensitivity extensively, but at 19 khz operating frequency it is probably not as deep as SMFs on high conductors. But I haven't really heard if anyone who would take an F19 or equivalent over a Nox or similar SMF. HTH.
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