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Everything posted by Swegin

  1. Stick to Toyota parts if you can.
  2. Sorry for your loss. That would be driving me nuts. I hope it shows up one day.
  3. Sales tax is a deal breaker for me. If I have to pay it then I'm looking online. 8-9% tax adds up.
  4. That would be interesting.
  5. Very nice pieces.
  6. Congrats on the gold. How is grass down there? I am assuming you were in GV.
  7. There are place's in California. I know it's not Alaska but it's closer.
  8. Like mentioned above go to Miner's Depot. You might even get a pointy finger.
  9. I need to finish this video when I get home. Thanks for posting this.
  10. I would be more concerned about flooding and landslides than more than anything else. Stay safe fellows....
  11. Not sure if you know that there is a sub forum for Garrett. https://www.detectorprospector.com/forums/forum/9-garrett-metal-detectors/ Lots of Axiom info.
  12. Just show up with a nugget in your mouth. That should get you a big discount. LOL.
  13. Nice looking store. Even after they paid you off you still mentor them. That is awesome. I tip my hat off you to.
  14. I'll stop and buy a few cups. ?
  15. Crap, I remember that. No I wasn't the seller. LOL.
  16. That is one that I wanted to go see. Just another excuse to go to Vegas. LOL
  17. I was wondering about that. That's a shame.
  18. Hopefully I'll see Pieter this weekend at the gold and gem show.
  19. The 7000 is really tempting right now. Reminds of Tesla price cuts LOL.
  20. Thank you. I am in contact with Mick.
  21. Is there a place in Australia that does repair besides Minelab and Woody?
  22. Looks like his store was closed between Dec 23 and Jan 16th. Might be busy catching up or he got pissed here on the forum.
  23. I was once in a wild monkey area called Panama. Little pos stole my Maui Jims right off my face.. Looks like a beautiful area.
  24. I have been enjoying your Youtube videos. Thanks for uploading those.
  25. Thanks for the photo's. Any idea what is written on that big rock you two are standing next to?
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