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Everything posted by Swegin

  1. Looks like the 2nd round are about 4 weeks out and they are taking pre-orders for you folks in Australia and NZ.
  2. That statement has been on their site for years. There have been a lot of changes in the world in the last couple of years. I also wouldn't be surprised if the 5000 gets discontinued worldwide in the coming months.
  3. Yea so did I. I did find it interesting that he mentions other detectors in the works.
  4. He also talks about other detectors coming out. Around the 6:38 mark.
  5. They are sold out. Anyone know how many they made? Curious on how many are out there.
  6. I wonder if that is way Minelab USA wanted $2100 for the 5000 pcb. It's packed up and going to be shipped to Mick in a day or so.
  7. I was going to ask this the other day. I did notice that there were only two dealers selling these on Ebay.
  8. Yeah, and there would be a lot more gold in the ground. ?
  9. Thanks for the info. I just ordered a copy.
  10. That was the first one that popped up. I don't know much about Utah other than I can't wait to retire and visit the southern part of the state.
  11. Placer Gold Deposits of Utah___________ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1357 All of the gold that I saw mentioned was fine. https://www.detectorprospector.com/files/file/131-placer-gold-deposits-of-utah/ I didn't read the whole report I just skimmed thru it.
  12. The 900 replaced the 800 it's a newer model. Lots of info here. https://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/53-minelab-equinox-forum/
  13. I think Gerry at https://gerrysdetectors.com/ may have a good used one for sale, he is a multi line dealer.
  14. Yea they will knock 10% off. Make you feel like your getting a deal. LOL. I was really hoping for a price reduction. Why increase the Gold Monster when they where given them way with a 6000 purchase?
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