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Gold Seeker

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Everything posted by Gold Seeker

  1. Have you ever tried cleaning silver with aluminum foil and baking soda? Do a search many websites and videos about how to do it out there.
  2. The "gauge" appear to be very much like a gauge that came with carburetor rebuild kits, back in the day we always rebuilt carburetors instead of buying another one and I rebuild many of them and used gauges very similar to that one on every rebuild, they were used for setting float level in the bowl and various other valves, levers, and linkage all of these had to be fairly precise for the carburetor to function properly. That gauge may not be for carburetors but it's for other similar mechanical device rebuilds, IMHO
  3. From reputable sellers that's the way it usually works, most good sellers will guarantee a minimum amount of gold in their different "size" bags, i.e. 1 Lb. bag with a minimum of 1 gram of gold, a 2 Lb. bag with a minimum of 2 grams of gold, etc., etc., they can do this because they add that amount of gold to the bags to be sure you get what they advertise, with some sellers the dirt they add gold too has a bit of gold already in the dirt so sometimes you get even more than what they guarantee, and some just add gold to dirt that has no gold. Then you have some sellers that don't guarantee a certain amount of gold because the dirt comes from their mining claims and they know it has gold in the dirt, so with these sellers you may not get a lot of gold in one bag but get way more than your money's worth in the next bag, so it's truly the luck of the draw. That being said until you find a good seller you're happy with it is either you get what you pay for or it's the luck of the draw....or you get ripped off. Just keep in mind all of the sellers are in it to make money so you almost always will not get more than your money's worth.
  4. I thought I read last year on Facebook that Ray Mills was going to stop doing detecting classes?
  5. Translation.... Good evening, dear colleagues, I would like to know how you feel about the use of modern earth sensing systems in the search for treasures, the search for burials, and so on. The project was created in order to be able to understand whether it is applicable or not, to judge you. I was approached by a friend from Russia, he is the head of the Institute of Archaeology, with a request to help explore a group of burial mounds without resorting to excavations when the burial chamber is found. Dahlia will have photos of what came of it, followed by a conclusion. Conclusion: from the group of mounds as a whole, there was one untouched hill measuring 23 by 12 meters. The rest were destroyed by agricultural machinery. There are 2 burials in the mound, the untouched burial is surrounded by a black circle, the looted one is green.
  6. In your 4th photo it looks like you have a cut/sawn face on the stone, can you post a photo of that side of the stone?
  7. He sorta looks kinda friendly, you can tell by the way he's waving at you when you took his photo, he probably just wants to drink a beer with you!!
  8. RIP Jim. If there wasn't any gold in that dirt, there is for sure a piece of gold in it now!
  9. Here's a link to the "The New 49ers" website/new letter, on that page is the latest New Letter...August 2023, if there' any new what Dave is up to it's probably is in that new letter, or there's also a link on that page to their Facebook page. https://goldgold.com/newsletter-august-2023.html
  10. Here's the links to the story of the Frolic.. https://pointcabrillo.org/learn/history/frolic/ https://pointcabrillo.org/learn/history/frolic/frolic1850/
  11. Oh Wow, I very saddened to hear of Steve's passing, RIP Steve. Yes Steve recently moved to North Carolina on the coast, he was looking forward to spending his time fishing the local waters and offshore.
  12. I found a site to watch it for free. https://gomovies.sx/watch-movie/watch-sisu-gomovies-96190.9599536
  13. Yes if he found a Hot Wheels Beach Bomb it would at least pay for the parking!!
  14. Linda, My heart goes out to you, your family and friends along with my thoughts and prayers. I have only known Jim over many years through the many forums we are members of but he became my friend, I will miss him greatly! Please if you feel the need to "talk" don't hesitate to post on the forum here, we all will give you support as best we can.
  15. Not sure how well it will do if the chain is under a lot of sand, I found video of it being tested and it seems it will only detect a coin at 9 or so CM or 3 1/2", chains are much harder to detect than a coin so it may not even signal on the chain even if you get close to it. Video
  16. RPG...Role Playing Game Thanks for all you have done over the years Steve!
  17. In her photos you can see the threaded end is around or smaller than her thumb, the inside would be even smaller, so no way a water hose will fit it.
  18. @Mike305 @karlchick you didn't get your "mention" of Mike305 correct for him to be notified so he will see your question, so I mentioned him here in my post in hope it will get him to see you post, according to his profile he was last on the forum on June 22. I've found that to properly mention someone you have to type the @ symbol then start typing the username, a user list will popup below where you're typing, keep typing until you see the correct name and then click on it and it then should look like the mentions I did above, if you type the complete name and not click on the user from the list the mention doesn't seem to work.
  19. Thanks for letting us know Jim, we'll see/read you when you return!!
  20. The only way to know if there's gold is to do some sample panning. That being said you want to look for rounded gravel/rocks, angular rocks have never been in a stream, gold is first formed in hardrock/seams, the rock/seams erodes and the gold washes downhill into streams and gets deposited in various parts of the stream, and time marches on the streambed migrates to another spot leaving rounded rocks and if any gold in the stream it will be with the rounded rock. So look for rounded rocks in a known gold bearing area will increase your chances of finding any gold left in the area.
  21. That was an awesome find. This was posted about a month ago here on the forum.
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