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Gear In Use:

  1. Looks like I'll be sending my new Nox in again for repairs. It was replaced 6-7 weeks ago because of a faulty power button, now it won't charge. I tried doing a reset, I tried another charger and nothing. It goes straight to a solid green light and will not charge. So, once again off to Minelab for I'm sure another new control housing. I may have 20 hours of use on this one, I've charged it 2 times before it quit charging. Not a happy camper as I had a weekend hunt planned coming up in 11 days.
  2. If you are using the WM08 AND the minelab waterproof cable, AND black Widows or Sun Ray phones and you "think" you are having performance issues please let me know!
  3. So I went to top off the charge in my nox 800 and after connecting the magnetic cable I saw that the charging indicator light wasn't on or flashing. So I brushed off potential debris that might be keeping the cable from making connection and tried again. Same thing. I checked on my wm08 module and it started charging. I tried my other cable and same thing also. I checked the contacts and surfaces on the cable and the detector and looks fine, just not working. So I did a factory reset- that didn't fix it either. Has this happened to anyone? Am I missing something? I've already emailed customer service i last had 2 of 3 bars on my charge level so I'm leaving it connected to the charger overnight and will check if it's still 2 bars. Quite an annoying situation, but it is the first issue I've had with it to date.
  4. Lately, I've been experiencing the coil overload problem. Its hard to say whats causing it but it happens often. Probably not the best thing to do but I tend to slightly lean on the detector as I'm digging a target with the coil firmly against the ground. I've done this for a while with no problems before. It only shows the overload signal or shuts down when the coil is pressed against the ground. I've noticed it happens when using different coils as well. The only thing that has changed recently is the settings I use. I often have the rx gain flat out at 15 (gpx 4500) and other setting quite high also. Is it possible that the more extreme settings (when the coil is in contact with the ground) are the cause or is likely a problem with the machine?
  5. After getting my RMA# and printing out the return label, I noticed the package is being shipped back to Naperville Il. instead of the repair center in Pa. The on/off button is difficult to operate, you have to manipulate it just right to get it to engage. I take it that it's going to be replaced rather than having the repair center take a look at it. Not complaining, just making an observation.
  6. I sent my F-Pulse back for a full refund. It had to be defective and I just didn't like it. Not knocking something that didn't work because I have read many positive reviews and if Steve H says it's good I am sure it is. I am just not going to risk waiting for another one. Profind 35 here we come
  7. Hello, All. Dave in Ohio. I've been fairly pleased with my Impact since purchasing the pro-pack from KellyCo last year. My negative issues this far have been minor: another short person's detector--Could someone please build a detector that extends far enough? Couple of inches of cable and some extra shaft? Not that big a deal, though a taller detector would be nice. My issue now, though, is significant: When I've been detecting for an hour or more, my detector suddenly goes nuts. It starts jumping through numbers and making all kinds of noise. Point it at the ground--crazy. Point it at the air--crazy. Power off and on--the same. New batteries--the same. Changing frequencies or adjusting isat--no change. Lower gain, different coil, switching programs--no help. When it starts to happen, I know it's time to go to my backup detector. So? Any ideas or similar issues? Any help much appreciated. And yes, I also got online and updated.
  8. At Gerry’s Metal Detectors, we’ve noticed a consistent physical defect with the supplied Equinox headphones in three of our staff members’ personal units. The small plastic piece that is screwed down over the end of the headband padding is breaking at the stress point located between the two screw holes; upon opening one brand new unit, the broken piece was found already detached and lying on the bottom of the headphone case. Folks, please inspect your headphones at the affected area (see pics below) and report back here. Hopefully it’s not a widespread issue. Normal, undamaged part: Broken part, with upper half of plastic piece missing:
  9. We had a look out today . And for some reason the nox switched it's self off ???????? It would do this intermittently from 1 minute to 5 minutes just went off ??? It was fully charged . Has anyone else had this problem ??? Tried a FR . Still did it ???? Any info appreciated .
  10. I bought my Makro Gold Racer a while ago and finally got the chance to get out with it. It works fine around my home. The first gold area I took it too, it went bonkers with a pulsing noise and the display target reading bounced all over the place. I was in the all metal mode with tracking on. I thought it might be EMI, since there was a massive radio tower about 1 mile away. I took it to another area away from any known towers and it did the same thing. The ground in both places is highly mineralized and variable. In the last place I turned up the iSat and that helped some. I also turned down the sensitivity which also helped some. Any ideas would be welcome. Maybe there is a problem with the detector or is it me???????
  11. I've been having problems with the audio breaking up and dropping out on my WM 08 wireless audio module. At first I thought it was my earbuds, made for Android phones which have an extra connection on the 1/8" plug. I've also tried Sennheiser sports earphones and Bose noise cancelling travel headphones both with standard 1/8" plugs. All have the same issue. I keep the module in the back of my CamelBak and think the combination of the water inside and my body is enough to shield the signal. It was unusable at the beach yesterday until I put the module in my front pocket, but it still was dropping out pretty regularly. Another theory, cellular tower interference. There was a portable cellular tower erected at the beach yesterday for Spring Break. I also have a tower near my house. Both are transmitting on 2147.5 Mhz according to my Network Cell Info app. I've tried finding the FCC info for the frequencies on the WM 08 but haven't had any luck. Anyone else having issues with the WM 08 wireless audio module? My ML 80 Bluetooth wireless headphones work great, but I wish I could use the WM 08 so I can wear a sun hat.
  12. I have audio problem with gpz 7000 and has failed to resolve even after updating the software... the problem started on its own and I resolved to update hoping it will go away but this far nothing is coming
  13. I bought a used Gpx 4500 with a 14x9 NuggetFinder coil. I was able to take it out gold hunting yesterday. I was unable to find gold, but was able to find lead at surprising depths. I also found an fragment of paper thin metal about the size of a marker tip @4”. The detector worked really well until the end of the day. It seemed that I was unable to ground balance in fixed mode and or tracking mode. I reset all the settings to FP and retuned. I still felt that the detector wouldn’t ground balance. Is the green ‘ground balance’ track button a simple’ switch that can be tested with a volt meter? Or is there a way to test the button?
  14. Four days detecting and nothing but problems with the MI6 pin pointer. V4.1 is worse than v4.0 ever was. So, MI6 pin pointer is going back on the shelf or being sold unless Xp can come up with a fix for the connectivity problem. I'm tired of having to shut down the Deus once or twice to get the coil to connect after turning off the pin pointer. Anybody got any other ideas?
  15. I have a gold bug 2 for some reason it will only work with the head phones now .???
  16. I really enjoy using the LST, most of the time it is wearing the 5 X10 elliptical coil. I've always wanted a small shooter coil so I picked up a NEL Snake coil, same size as the White's Goldmaster shooter coil. Installed the Snake and 'whoa' the LST will not ground balance in All Metal mode. Pumping the coil repeatedly ... down stroke nothing ... upstroke the coil sounds off loud. I tried changing the ground conditions mode and found no significant change. I put the LST in discriminate mode and the machine seems to work pretty normal, much the same as my Tesoro 5.75 concentric. Placed back in the AM mode, unable to ground balance, I tried sweeping a 5 grain pellet at 2'" then 1" and got no response. Needless to say, pinpoint didn't work either. The coil looks pristine, the previous owner had about an hour run time on it on his Vaquero. He says it performed flawlessly on the Vaquero. I emailed NEL just to see what kind of response I would get. Response... none. Perhaps I'll not get the NEL coil for my Sovereign I've been eyeing. At this point I'm very disappointed.
  17. I updated to the latest firmware in september, sunday when I was detecting I would lose my sound through the wireless, I plugged in headphones and no sound from the machine through them either EXCEPT for turning it on, and also when the WM wireless connects I hear that (but probably from the unit not the headphones) Anyone else have issues, I do see 2 other threads but have tried both fixes including updating again. No dice, need the GPZ! mlgdave
  18. I know over the years I’ve had to send a detector back for repair. One was back to White’s and the other to Minelab. I’ve had others in the past but both was in the last year. On a lot of electronics the warranty is for a year. That is not the case on that detector you have. I’d say most of the time the detector company will pay to ship it both ways. I don’t care if you paid 200 or 7000 that warranty has great value to you. I’d like to hear your story how that warranty saved your bacon. Chuck
  19. hello fellow detectorist out there, Hi from a land far far away, my maxy have problem which when i turn it off , i cant turn it back on. The only way to get it to turn on is to pull out the battery altogether. Even when its on, it will turn off randomly. The way its shut down is like something pressed the on/off button ( what im trying to say is its turn off randomly with beeps like proper shutdown. Sorry cant describe it properly since english is not native. ) I have already done the factory reset and change new batteries, but the problem are still there. Is there any way i can rectify this problem on my own, if possible. Sending back to Whites will cost me money ( which i can add a little bit more money and buy new coil ?) and time. Thank you for your time and suggestion. Below is the findings for an hour of detecting before the problem arise ??
  20. So, just one more issue during my Outing... I have been in the habit of tossing my ferrite on the ground...foolish me. They break into many pieces...so no more tossing... I wonder if the ring can be super glued back to one piece and function correctly? Or is it more like a metal ring that no longer gives the same signal once the circle is broke? Or do I need a new one? so many questions.... fred
  21. This was taken from another forum and is worth the read. http://golddetecting.4umer.net/t25379-accidental-plb-activation
  22. Saw this link on another website. Keep a good grip on your scoop! http://www.10news.com/news/elderly-man-attacked-on-carlsbad-beach?autoplay=true
  23. Just got this question via email: "I picked up a GM 2 with long scan coil at a pawn shop. Replaced the batteries and turned it on. It's quiet for about 5 seconds, then screams! Doesn't matter what knob I turn, the volume is overwhelming. What am I doing wrong?" Well, I have to assume it worked when you got it and this happened later. Surely you do not have the coil sitting on a table near metal or something but have to ask. All I can suggest is disconnect the coil and reconnect again firmly. Triple check the batteries, maybe even swap them for yet another fresh set. Many detectors sent in for service have one bad battery out of the set, or a battery in backwards. After batteries coils are like ten times more likely to fail then control boxes. So make sure of that coil connection, check the pins, wiggle the coil cable. When all else fails, I give the detector some good shakes and knock the control box around a bit. Nothing to lose at this point and maybe a loose item or connection will be revealed. My best guess is coil failure. If I was around my old shop I would swap out the coil to check it but you probably don't have that option. Depending on what you paid for it may be time for a trip to White's. Any other ideas from forum members always welcome!
  24. I got a CTX 3030 for Christmas and left home for some better weather. I got my 3030 out for the first time at a club coin hunt a little over a week ago. I got it out for the second time today to detect a beach at a State Park beach. After about fifteen minutes, I started to hear a sound like a jack hammer. I stopped and took my headphones off thinking there must be a maintenance crew close by. The noise was gone. The noise was coming from the detector. I restarted the detector and from then on it would never go past the start up screen and no sound coming from the machine. I have a second battery and the 17" coil. I changed both and still would not go past start up screen. I am a thousand miles from home, my warranty info and the box it came in. Any thoughts out there? Sending off to a repair facility not knowing where I will be or when it might get repaired or replaced is not the option I am looking for. Norm McQ
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