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I saw some of the guys in Australia make a Trumpet to deflect the sound upward from the speaker on the sdc. Great idea, but shipping was a bit much, so I cut a 90 pcv fitting in half and used velcroe to attach. Cheap little project and does add a noticeable increase in sound coming up from the speaker.
Hillside Detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets Armed with a Minelab SDC 2300 and a White's Gold Master V-Sat Jeff and Gary (Two Toe's) try some Hillside detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets. High bench gold in the morning and River deposited gold in the afternoon. We moved a lot of rocks and brush looking for those elusive Nuggets and didnt go home empty handed !!! Our Hawaiian buddy Tim ( Blue Lead Gold Productions ) likes to send me pictures and video of what we are missing on the island during the winter months so I've included a few clips from him in the video. Hope you enjoy the video. SG 038
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Hi! Another classic question,but i have a ctx3030 with 17inch coil and do mostly detecting in the saltwater.It goes deep and thats what i'm looking for,depth,,I know that SDC2300 is a PI machine and very sensitive to gold.But when it comes to depth comparison in saltwater and knowing the SDC2300 has 8 inch coil,then the question is which detector goes deeper?is it worth buying that expensive unit just for saltwater beahhunting?
I bought a house in meadview about 4 years ago. Every couple months when I go there I try to get over to gold basin to do some detecting or drywashing. It took me a couple years to find my first nugget out there and its been a couple of years since then and I havent found another. I swing an SDC and I've read people have done pretty good out there with that model. I find plenty of lead and boot tacks a inch or two down but not much deeper than that. What settings are people using out there? How deep down are people finding the gold? Would I be better off with a different model that can go deeper? I'm not very confident in my abilities since I learned this machine on my own and have only found 2 pieces in the 4 years and dozens of times I've used it. Any advice would be appreciated.
Here's the 1st video Minelab USA did for TV. You might know the English sounding dude from FL. What's interesting is we were able to see Minelab Mine Detector as it turned into a gold detector. The comments towards the end about seeing what's in the ground before you dig it, I'm still waiting. Do you feel, we'll see a detector that can actually see the item or at least the shape of it with any accuracy and if so how long out?
Glad to see Simon is back. I know there are previous posts about SDC battery compartment seal, I had problems with mine this summer. Here is the background that I have posted about before. I dredge in an old cut that wasn’t cleaned that good into the bedrock. The bedrock is a quartz muscovite schist that through frost shattering and dissolution is deeply weathered making it easy to dredge into for a couple of feet. Because it is a cut the water is always murky and work is done by feel. A couple of years ago I dug a big section that I thought was cleaned up. Previously I seen a guy use an Excalibur to check where he had dredged so I took the SDC in. There was targets so dredged deeper and recovered a couple more nuggets. Now this has become standard practice. This summer while changing the batteries there was water in the battery compartment. I cleaned and dried the compartment. Also cleaned the seal and the machine worked fine but I would like to change it. Through a search nobody sells replacements?
With the fantastic weather in the Rye Patch region during the month of October, I was chomping at the bit to get down there, but my summer job didn't end until the 30th. It still took me a few days afterward to get everything wrapped up, so I finally hit the road and met up with Gerry and friends at Rye Patch the following Tuesday. The detector training class we were scheduled to give that weekend ended up being cancelled, thanks to a winter storm that was forecast to move into the area on Friday. Needless to say, having only two days of optimal detecting conditions before being snowed out and forced to move on to Arizona was a total bummer.? Intent on finding a few bits of gold in-spite of the looming storm system and armed with our trusty Minelab GPZ 7000 gold detectors (and one SDC 2300 - also quite trusty, btw), we hit an old patch in hopes of digging up some previously overlooked yellow metal. Only two small nuggets were found after a couple of hours searching with four coils on the ground - not a very good start. It was then that I remembered another old patch nearby that I had completely forgotten about, it had been so long since I had been there. It wasn't a very good producer back in the day, but perhaps we would be able to find a few nuggets that the VLF and early PI machines may have left behind. Within minutes of hitting the ground, my good friend Chef Rusty and I both popped a shallow sub-gram nugget; not a bad start. Soon, everyone was digging good gold! My second target gave an obvious yet deep sounding signal response from the GPZ's stock 14” coil. I imagined it to be a three or four gram piece at a depth of 12” to 18”. Gerry noticed me digging quite an excavation and came over to capture the action on video. At a measured depth of 20”, the target was finally out of the hole, and as I held it aloft there was an audible gasp from the audience that had gathered to watch, followed by cheers and fist-bumps: After a thorough cleaning, the specimen weighed in at a whopping 40 grams - a totally unexpected and pleasant surprise! The nuggets kept biting sporadically for everyone the rest of the day, and the same was repeated the following day. Just goes to show that sometimes the ZVT tech can really ignite an old burned-out nugget patch. Much fun was had by all, and it really made up for such a short two-day detecting trip. Pictured below are my finds, including the 40 gram chunk, a couple nuggets at over 8 grams, and all the small bits, with a total combined weight of over 66 grams.
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Four used ones advertised on The Classifieds in the last couple days, one sold already. Seems like Gerry’s circle of people... you know something the rest of us do not know Gerry?
Hi there fellow yella hunters, ive been prospecting for gold & gems for about 5yrs now in nth nsw.Have mostly been alluvial working with sluice & pan.Found some ok gold, enough to keep me interested.Thought i wld step up to a detector to enter a new & exciting chapter in my prospecting journey.Ended up buying a brand new sdc 2300, i was so excited & proud of my new acquisition.As soon as i unboxed it i had an uneasy feeling with all the screaching & wailing as soon as i switched it on.I persisted with all the best advice & did get it to settle.I am on my second detecting trip & i have had to go home early because the detector seems to have a mind of its own.Last trip was the same although i persisted for 10days trying to make sense of the machine.Overall i wld say this detector works effectively for around less than 10% of the time.Extremely disappointing performance from a $ 4000 detector.Im not trying to poo bag the machine but so far its been almost completely unusable.Im offering this advice to any wld be purchasers to be carefull in deciding on this machine.It has been extremely frustrating & a complete waste of time & money.I have travelled over 2500ks, spent thousands of dollars & now im sitting on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere with a bruised ego, empty wallet & so far .2 gram nugg.Buyer beware.
OK so apparently I don't have a good understanding of what type of metal my detector and find. I've only had my SDC for a week or so and I'm new to metal detecting. I put two of girlfriend's earrings on the surface of some soil and here are the results: White gold (or platinum I'm not totally sure) earring: SDC doesn't sound off at all 14K gold earring: SDC produces a very faint sound Again the earrings were on the surface of the soil. My detector is finding things like bullets, nails, aluminum foil, etc just fine. I also buried an old gold plated tooth about 6 to 8 inches down and the SDC found that too. So is there something special about the earrings? Thanks!
Hey guys I just got my new SDC last week. I see a lot of folks on youtube using a cover for the control box portion of the metal detector. Is this something any of you guys use? If so, can you recommend a particular one? Thanks! PS, I plan on taking this detector with me backpacking.
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Minelab are excited to release a new enhanced version of the the popular Minelab SDC 2300 metal detector. With availability from mid-June, the new enhanced SDC 2300 will now include re-designed headphones, an armrest protector and a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. A clip-on coil joint protector has been added to the swivel joint for added protection of the coil joint while detecting. Minelab SDC 2300 Data & Reviews Minelab SDC 2300 metal detector
My question is not a substitute for the WM08 , what I would like to do its match it with a non ML Transmitter, is anything available? Background: Wifes 2300 did not come with Bluetooth Headphones like the Nox or a better, the Z's WM12 speaker with Headphone jack. I have set up an ebay Bluetooth Transmitter on the 2300 and a ebay Bluetooth receiver connected to the dealer supplied amplifier carried in her back pack to drive a speaker on her shoulder. The Transmitter and Receiver are the Bluetooth V2.1 + EDR which I understand is faster with less latency that the Bluetooth V4 or V5 but use more power than the V4 or V5 versions, so am not sure whether a charge on these small units will last a day. So am wondering if anybody has come across a transmitter than will drive the WMO8 so can use it on the 2300 ( ie with a longer detecting use) My Transmitter and receiver is similar to the item below Peter
First time out with my new SDC and the damn thing shorts out every time I set it down or bump it? Then it starts it's warm up all over again and I continue to hunt until I gently bump it or set it down again? Seems to have got better towards end of 4 hr hunt where I only dug about 35 targets (no gold). It might be the batteries not making good connection but I did have the trap door completely shut. Anyone else ever have this issue before with the SDC???? Hate to have to send it in...…
My favorite detector looks to have just gotten a lot better with Coilteks new line of coils for the Minelab SDC 2300. Not sure how it works changing coils yet but I’m excited. Now I just need a 10” coil for the Zed.
This poll is designed to see who is currently using either the Minelab SDC or GPZ detectors with a component of identifying anyone who actively uses both. (I hypothesize there may be a selection bias in this forum in favor of more detectorists who use the GPZ even though sales of the SDC are much higher.)
I just got a screaming deal on a SDC 2300. So just inquiring if anyone has any more experiences with the aftermarket coiltek coils? I'm seriously thinking about getting some to make the SDC a patch hunting machine.
Anyone have any ideas why an SDC2300 may not be powering up?? We have used 2 different sets of batteries that work fine in another unit. Not much to troubleshoot except the batteries and off/on switch. {{{SOLVED}}}}}}} Was working fine when it was last used. Hate to send it to Minelab---they may be tiring of me….. ?
I would like to start a thread of peoples opinions on what they found between these two machines with various coils. I love my SDC and have found my biggest and smallest gold with it (8”). My GPZ has definitely gone deeper for gold (14”). I am about even on the total count for each, weight a being different story. I understand that if you only have one detector then you want coil options, but if you got both I wonder what would be a better bang for your buck? A 10” Xcoil at $1000 or a 11”Coiltek at $310. Thats if they compare at depth and sensitivity. Norvic I would love for you to state your opinions here, you seem to have the most on thses just based on other posts.
My Order of Coils for the SDC-2300 landed. I'll be shipping Friday and Saturday. Let me know which ones you want and be sure to get a Hardware Kit too. I look forward to hearing and seeing your Success. Photo is one of my Field Staff and some of the SDC-2300 gold he found with the stock coil. Just wait until he gets to swing one with the other coils. Gerry's Metal Detectors
I really enjoy this site. This discussion board has been very helpful with this new found hobby of mine. I played around with metal detectors briefly back in the 80's when my dad was into looking for relics around old home sites. However back then I was a lot younger and I preferred chasing critters that were able to run or swim away from me. So for the past 30 years my primary interests have been fishing and hunting and I have not picked up a metal detector since I was a kid hanging out with my dad. I have my wife to thank for giving me gold fever. I have no interest in panning or sluicing for gold. So whenever she would go out panning and sluicing, I went fishing. One day I was helping her look for tiny microscopic pieces of gold that she was recovering from a 5 gallon bucket of dirt she had trucked all the way back from Sonora. Along with the dirt she had also brought back a Garrett metal detector brochure with a picture of an ATX on the cover of it. The rugged look of the ATX got my attention right away and I decided that metal detecting for gold would be a great way for us to spend some time together. I bought her a AT gold and I got the ATX. As soon as I got the ATX in my hands I decided to try it out on my property. I turned it on and walked out to the dirt, started sweeping....and about got my ear drums blown out! The ATX was sounding off like a full symphony orchestra due to all the trash in the ground. This was when I decided that I had better read up a little more on the subject of metal detecting. I quickly learned the differences between a PI detector and a VLF detector. Being the stubborn type I carried on with the ATX for a while and started hunting the parks and a few old home sites. The day soon came when I decided that I dug enough old rusty pipes and bottle caps that were 3 feet deep. I went out and bought a ctx 3030 and life got much easier! About 6 months have went by since I bought my first detector and Lisa and I own a total of 5 detectors. The line up consists of AT Gold, SDC 2300, CTX 3030, and two XP Deus's. We have been having so much fun digging up old coins and artifacts. But we have not had much time to go searching for gold. Last weekend I had the opportunity to meet some very nice folks at Rye Patch. Gerry from "Gerry's Detectors" had a three day training session on a private claim. There were 11 of us there not counting Gerry and his helpers. I was using the SDC 2300. There was one Fisher Gold bug, two ATX's and 7 GPX 5000's I had to leave by noon on Sunday so I could get back to work in California so I dont know what happened after I left but the nugget count at my departure was SDC 2300 - 11 nuggets, Fisher Gold Bug - 1 nugget, ATX's - 0 nuggets and GPX 5000's - 0 nuggets. I am very happy with my machine. This was my first time in an actual known nugget producing area and since I know absolutly nothing about about gold or how to find it, it may be some time before I get to post nugget photos again! Once I learned the language of my machine it seemed that I was digging one nugget after another....this is VERY ADDICTIVE. Thanks to Gerry, Lunk, Ron, Spencer, Largo and a few other fellas that I cannot remember their names. strick
Pretty cool news for sdc 2300 owners, three new coils.
SDC 2300 Skid Plate With Knuckle Protector
Hard Prospector posted a topic in Minelab Metal Detectors
Looking to find someone who is currently making a skid plate with knuckle protector for the SDC. Miner John lost all of his stock and not likely to be back in business anytime soon. Any info would be appreciated.........Thanks!