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Fisher CZX Metal Detector "Ground Breaking Technology"

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Don't count the Turks out. Quite a while back on this forum there was a post about what they intended to manufacture in the coming years and one item was a VLF/PI hybrid.

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Also don`t count out aftermarket coils for the X`s, the 40% that was true with the older coils is seriously being challenged. I suspect more will unfold in this direction with time, 2016 may be the year we see coil technology advance from just being lightweight and shape gain orientated to gains in depth, sensitivity and ground handling albeit at weight gain. The Z has proven itself, also proven that we are prepared to accept a heavy coil for these gains.

What will Fisher, Whites, Garret etc do if it is proven there are substantial gains to be made in this direction? Maybe even the older VLF`s can be given a boost here too. Whoops I dropped my crystal ball!!!!!

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I would rather dig iron than spend a bundle for a expensive discriminating detector that dint go deeperthan the existing ones. Where l nugget hunt l don't find much iron.

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hobo.... If there is little iron where you hunt.. .
Then of course you wouldn't need a discriminating detector...


My opinion is .....that it doesnt matter if it goes any deeper----but because it discriminates it may keep me digging an area that i would give up on altogether...


If there is a ton of trash most people leave it alone--so that becomes virgin ground to a discriminating type...

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Well said Paul. I like discrimination because every ferrous target I don't dig is time and energy saved to dig non-ferrous targets that hopefully are gold not bullets. 

I would spend good money on  a PI/VLF hybrid. I think I would make my money back and more. 

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I agree with a accurate discrimination and that is the technology the companies need to work on and not necessarily the depth. The California gold fields are stacked and scattered with ferrous trash that even seasoned  guys lose motivation after a few hours. We all know spots with gold but its trash infested. Give me a detector with 99 percent ferrous id and they will be sold like hot cakes!  

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