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Who Makes The X-coils? Who Sells Them?

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Guest AussieDigs
3 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Steve I'm a big believer in democracy. I'm more than happy to put 'Leave' or 'Stay' to the vote and let readers decide if they like or dislike my forum presence. A 'Leave'would sure save me a lot of time and you a lot of editing of posts and others the need for blocking.


No Jonathan thats not how it works!

If someone has an issue with a post of yours posted within the guidlines of a particular forum, its just that.....their issue. They have choices. They dont have to read it,  they can place you in their ignore list.

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4 hours ago, mn90403 said:

I vote we don't take a vote!  haha

I agree.   

I'm here for knowledge sharing and I value all contributors reviewing/helping/suggesting about all sorts of prospecting related issues as long as they are coming from the angle of trying to help fellow prospectors.  

It can be terribly hard to gauge intent from the written word.  As childish as emojis may seem I often use them simply to try and ensure that what I am writing is not read with the wrong intent. 

I value your knowledge and contributions JP and I think we would all be worse off for you leaving.  

Onward and upward  ✈️  ?‍♂️  ?


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12 hours ago, jasong said:

Data can be measured, it's how its interpreted that often matters to us.

Absolutely!!!  Interest rates are down - that's wonderful says 1 political party.  Interest rates are down - that's terrible says the other political party.    Same data - different interpretation.  


12 hours ago, jasong said:

I believe this sort of disclosure should be sentence #1 in every review.

Absolutely again.  


12 hours ago, jasong said:

In this case, I didn't even have to bring it up, X Coils just said flatout there were no expectations.

It is refreshing to hear  ?

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10 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Steve I'm a big believer in democracy. I'm more than happy to put 'Leave' or 'Stay' to the vote and let readers decide if they like or dislike my forum presence. A 'Leave'would sure save me a lot of time and you a lot of editing of posts and others the need for blocking.


The forum is not a democracy. I do the best I can moderating and people can participate or not as they choose. I am for waiting until the morning when everyone realizes these are metal detector coils, and not worth the effort of fighting over. They are experimental, work in progress, buyer beware, hand made by a nameless supplier with no website, might work great, might not, no sympathy if your detector blows up, blah, blah, blah. Has anyone not got that message yet? No? Fine, maybe we can all move on now. Or go a few more rounds if anyone still has the energy for it. :smile:

Carry on....

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I love it. It was a huge leap for me to buy an equinox, sand scoop, and a used wetsuit. This is like lifestyles of the rich and famous for me! (I decided that was nicer than comparing it to real housewives of Beverly Hills ?)

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By now most of the posters in this thread are known by their unique posting "voice." It's their personal method of writing that we all (mostly), understand where it's coming from. Some are - for lack of a better term - more 'direct' than others. That doesn't delegitimize what they are trying to get across. I like that it's not a democracy, this is why I am here; we are required to stick to clearly set-out ways of talking to each other. By posting we are tacitly accepting those guidelines.  

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Thank you JP.  I agree with this the most:

Coil weight, size and shape are more than enough reasons to justify the X coils because they are seriously lacking with the GPZ, in a lot of ways Minelab have brought this problem onto themselves for not addressing this HUGE need in a way that is palatable for the faithful end user. The ball is now right in Minelab’s court about how they proceed going forward


I know for a fact that Minelab knows about this forum and this thread among others.  I sent the sales department an email about this discussion as a loyal Minelab owner.  I want them to know and respond.  That was two weeks ago and there has only been more conjecture but no response from anyone at Minelab.


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