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A Day Out With FORS Gold

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C.G., Welcome here. I m new as well, but unlike you I'm green too. Also have Fors gold pro pack and was curious about your observations on the consistency and accuracy of the id. function. I get a 47 with my tiny test bit. I detect some high mineralization areas and think I might be missing some small bits, I've been passing on digging some because the id's of iron and steels have all proved good. Ive found enough bullets and such to cast life-size mold of myself. lol.

Do you have any tips on the nokta for optimizing small gold detection?

Once again, welcome to Steve's forum, I personally really like the members as wells as the lack of silly rules and usless policies. Thanks for info in prior posts, re-affirmation of good practice's is helpful to us newbies as it signifies the importance the historical research aspect of this hobby.

Happy Hunting C.G.

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Hello spencer,


First off since you have the pro pack. If you are hunting a spot with really small gold. Usually you'll get a little better target identification on small gold with the little 5" coil. But traditionally small gold target id's jump around on most detectors that i've tried. Mainly cause they are either almost out of reach of detection range or they are so small that the detector is having trouble identifying them. Usually if you are scraping the coil right on it, the id will be more true. Tiny pieces of gold usually id in the 40's on fors. Bigger coils have just a little tougher time identifying tiny gold. So you might try the 5" coil. When it comes to hearing the little ones a little better. I run my id masking turned down from 10. To 4-5. But if the mineralization is hot, turning down id mask will make it even more noisy. When you can turn it down, it makes the tiny stuff more apparent on the signal.


As far as digging lead, brass, foil, tin, copper etc. This is normal. I have buckets of these targets that I bring home and throw away in my street garbage can. At least it gets consolidated in 1 dump instead of scattered throughout the goldfields.


As far as signals. If you try a erratic shaped piece of lead and a piece of gold around the same size, the target id's will be similar. After awhile you will recognize some signals. Usually because of their uniform shape. Like a 22 bullet tip that isn't mushroomed. Or a 22 empty brass. Pellet gun pellet etc. I still dig every signal that goes off over 40 on fors. Even if the signal jumps back and forth between iron and gold. There has been many that surprised me.


When you set your sensitivity, I usually run mine in boost mode and sens. 80-85. It is a little chirpy. But if you have too much ground noise and chirping going on. Just turn it down 5 sens. at a time till your comfortable.


Thats it for now. Gotta get going. Maybe Steve can mention some of his tips with the fors or vlf in general.


Good luck

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Hey Spencer..just wanted to share with u the results of advice I have received from californiagold and Steve....

This was my best day so far which coincedently came the day after I received my crash course on this forum about settings and coil size on my Nokta fors gold....this was after 2weeks of owning this machine and I too am a newbie in metal detecting...so green I feel like on some days that I can hide in the grass outside my house....lol lol

Oh and another lesson I learned is DIG EVERYTHING!!!!

Happy hunting!!!!


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  • 3 months later...

Hopefully we can get the dang hobos out of our property soon. They are making a heck of a mess.


Take a few dogs up there and hunt them out. I wouldn't mind people being on my place but when they start to trash it...party's over gang!

"Get 'em up, move 'em out!"

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